The Collision of Time and Space

Xu Ying finally spoke again: "You are indeed the biggest variable. I have clearly seen the previous timeline, and you will be easily killed by me. The variable must be erased."

"Hahaha... If you want to erase Lao Tzu, you have to have that ability. Although you have mastered the law of time, what I am using now is space. Although it is not as powerful as the law of reaching, it can barely trap you and wear you down. origin of time".

"After all, you are just an afterimage left by Han Li's previous life, as long as you can erase half of your time origin. You can't travel through time so recklessly."

The afterimage's face finally became gloomy, and he began to manipulate the power of time to continuously attack the space. Unfortunately, it didn't do much.

Han Zhu glanced at the afterimage indifferently, and just wanted to operate the formation, open a space channel, go to a world of cultivating immortals that is similar to the mortal world, and it is not very difficult to ascend to the spirit world from there.

The afterimage suddenly gave birth to a long arm, and said indifferently: "You are indeed the biggest variable, in order to obliterate you, even if it is worth losing half of your origin."

Han Zhu suddenly felt a huge sense of threat, he no longer had any reservations, and directly activated all the countermeasures.

The power of space increased three times in an instant, and the sense of crisis of death faded a lot. It's a pity that it was still lingering in his heart, Han Zhu showed a wry smile, he knew that such a big guy must have a backup.

Han Zhu raised his eyes and couldn't help shrinking his eyes. Three words were slowly spit out from the mouth: "Heaven Palm Vase", and I saw a green jade bottle in Xuying's hand, which was completely formed by the condensed time essence.

The two stopped talking nonsense, and directly used their strongest means. The power of time and space was at such a stalemate, as time continued to pass.

Only Han Zhu, who was in the Jindan period, had a bitterness on the corner of his mouth. In terms of realm, he was suppressed by several levels. In terms of mana, he now has the aura stored in the formation, which can barely resist.

If this continues, at most half an hour, he will be exhausted to death due to exhaustion of spiritual power.

The afterimage on the other side is not very good either. You must know that Han Zhu has completely isolated this space, and every ounce of power he uses now is consuming his origin.

The power of the source is his foundation, and if he wants to recover it, it will take countless years. Now he also regrets it very much in his heart. If he had known that the power to protect him disappeared, he would have killed him directly.

Although he knew that the formation mage was very powerful, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful formation mage. You must know that although he was an afterimage left by Han Li's previous life. But his current strength is comparable to that of a true immortal, and he will be trapped by a small golden core stage.

Han Zhu's seven orifices have already begun to bleed. You must know how strong he is after he has condensed five star points. The mana in his body also began to be consumed, "I can't drag it on like this any longer, I have to go, or I will be consumed by him alive."

Han Zhu glanced at the phantom on the opposite side, and his figure had begun to become more blurred. "It should be almost the same! In this way, he should not be able to take care of his own affairs when traveling through time and space."

Han Zhu endured the pain in his body and stomped hard on the very center of the formation. An invisible space channel instantly appeared under his feet.

The afterimage on the opposite side also discovered this, and once again increased the output of the time source. Han Zhu's body was falling into the space, and was instantly knocked into the air by this huge force of time and space.

The original passage was disrupted in an instant, and Han Zhu almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. He quickly cast several space fortresses on himself.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a more violent force of time and space rushed out of that gap.

"Damn it! It's not over yet, I really want to kill me." He hastily arranged space fortresses in front of him, and as space fortresses broke apart.

Han Zhu only felt that his eyes were dizzy, and the magic power in his body had been completely consumed. fine! The berserk force of time and space is also almost worn away.

The last ray of time and space force slammed into his body, and his whole body began to shine with intense starlight.

The last trace of space-time power was slowly worn away by the power of the stars. He was also knocked away by this powerful force, and he didn't know where he hit, completely deviated from the initial track.

He was completely lost in the space, and Han Zhu gathered his last ounce of energy. With a sharp swipe in the space in front, a crack in the space just enough for a person to pass through appeared, and he quickly controlled his body and rushed out.

Han Zhu took a look at his poor body, although he was supported by the "Star Body Refining Art". The body was still severely traumatized, and the five-color golden pill in the dantian was even less lustrous. Even if you want to release a simple spell, you can't release it.

Han Zhu's consciousness slowly fell into darkness. Shenwu Continent "Shenwu City" is the largest city in Shenwu Continent and the capital of Shenwu Empire.

In a relatively wealthy compound, there was a seven or eight-year-old girl looking at the moon in the sky and making a wish.

"Moon God! Moon God, if you hear my wish, give me a great master! I want to practice martial arts and fight for righteousness."

The moment her wish was fulfilled, a crack in space appeared 500 meters above her yard, and a naked young man fell out of it.

With a "bang", it hit five meters in front of the little girl, creating a huge human-shaped pit.

Feng Xian'er stared dumbfounded at the human-shaped pit in front of her, her cute little mouth opened into an O shape. It took a while to react, and ecstasy appeared on his face, and he hurriedly ran to the edge of the depths and looked down.

Immediately, her little face flushed with shame, and she quickly turned her face away. I couldn't help but turned back and glanced down, only to see a naked young man lying there quietly and motionless below.

Feng Xian'er looked at the bright moon in the sky, and at the young man in the deep space. "Muttered in his mouth: "Could it be that this is the master given to me by the moon god."

The golden light in her eyes is getting stronger and stronger, as the only daughter of the Feng family. Although he is only eight years old this year, his status in the family is not low.

She quickly yelled, and soon four or five servants ran past. Several people looked at the big pit in the yard, all showing expressions of surprise.

I hurriedly looked over at their young lady, fortunately, fortunately, the young lady was not harmed in any way. The few people felt relieved, knowing that this young lady is their lord's darling.

If something happened to the lady, they would have to be skinned when the master came back.

Feng Xian'er had a stern face, pointed at the young man in the deep pit and said: "Hurry up and dig my master out of it, you want to suffocate him to death."

Several male servants looked at each other, they could only helplessly agree, and began to find tools to dig. One of the male servants even took off his own clothes and covered the young man. Feng Xian'er little Lolita looked at this and nodded with satisfaction.

As the servant's movements became bigger and bigger, the entire Feng Mansion was shaken. All the maids and servants came to watch, and this incident soon alarmed the mistress of the house.

A plump young woman in her twenties walked by with two maids. She looked at the male and female servants in a circle, and couldn't help frowning. Seeing this, a little girl next to her hurriedly dispersed the servants who were watching.

The plump young woman came forward slowly, and the little Lolita quickly jumped into her mother's arms, and said in a coquettish tone: "Mother! Why are you here? .

Liu Jinfeng smiled and nodded her little head and said: "You have made such a big commotion at home, can mother come over and take a look?".

"Xian'er, what are you doing? Make the mansion restless." Little Loli rolled her eyes, and began to recount what she had just encountered.

Liu Jinfeng glanced at the big hole in surprise, "Xian'er can't be joking, when you really made a wish, he fell from the sky."

Feng Xian'er quickly nodded her head there, as if I was serious. Liu Jinfeng walked to the side of the big pit, and looked at the young people with four prongs inside.

With an inexplicable light in her eyes, she asked a servant next to her, "Is he still alive?".

The servant hurriedly bowed respectfully and said: "Returning to Madam, I have tried his snort just now, and his breathing is very stable, and there is no wound on his body."

"Oh!" Little Lolita hurriedly said from the side: "Mother, if you don't believe what I said, he is the master given to me by the moon god. He must be very powerful."

The young woman smiled and said, "Xian'er! Of course Mom believes you, but you still have to check it out! Only then will I explain to your father!".

Little Lolita exclaimed in surprise: "Mother, you agree to him being my master".

The young woman smiled and said: "Of course! After all, this is the master given to you by the moon god! How could mother refuse."

Little Lolita cheered in surprise, "Mother is so kind." Seeing her daughter's happy appearance, Liu Jinfeng could only smile helplessly.

She is not a fool, she really thought it was the master given to her daughter by the moon god. The most important thing is that this young man fell from such a high sky and smashed such a big hole. It must be a remarkable person who didn't suffer any harm.

If their Feng family saves him now, it will definitely benefit him in the future. If she could really accept her daughter as an apprentice, it would not be a one-off deal, but a bond forever.

As the daughter of a big businessman, she knows how to calculate this deal. This is also the reason why she agreed to her daughter without hesitation. She believed that the master would not blame her if he knew about it.

Soon, several male servants dug out the young man. Liu Jinfeng looked him up and down, and found that his appearance could only be regarded as average, and his face was pale, so he could tell that he was in poor health.

Now she doubts whether her actions are correct, he doesn't look like a martial arts master, let alone that legendary fairy.

Feng Xian'er circled around the young man with a look of surprise, reaching out to poke his body from time to time. In the end, Liu Jinfeng still didn't throw the young man out, but ordered someone to invite a doctor.