Feng Xian'er

Han Zhu felt that he had returned to that darkness again, but he was used to it. After all, after experiencing such a thing once, you won't be so afraid anymore.

He was still walking in this dark place blankly as before. Time passed slowly like this, and he didn't know how long he had been walking.

Until a certain point, a light suddenly appeared in front of him. As an old driver, he stepped in without hesitation.

Feng Xian'er was looking at the young man lying on the bed with a puzzled expression, and kept nagging: "Master, you old man has been asleep for six days and six nights, why haven't you woken up yet!".

Feng Xian'er, who was sizing up the young man, suddenly had a gleam of excitement in her eyes. He saw that the master's eyelids were twitching slowly, and quickly swooped down on the young man's body, with a pair of big black eyes open, staring firmly at his eyes.

Han Zhu slowly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him stunned him for a long time. I saw a little loli lying on his chest, looking at him with surprised eyes.

Just when he was at a loss and wanted to ask what was going on. Little Lolita yelled in surprise: "Master, you old man finally woke up."

Han Zhu suddenly looked confused, and kept asking who am I, where am I, and what's going on in his mind? When did I have another such cute little loli apprentice.

Han Zhu finally opened his mouth and said the first sentence, "Who are you, little girl? I don't remember that I ever took an apprentice."

When he finished these words, he suddenly coughed violently. "Cough cough cough..." Little Loli quickly stretched out a hand, sweeping his chest continuously.

Still saying in his mouth: "Master, you fell from such a high sky, you must have suffered internal injuries. The doctors also said that you are fine and very healthy. You have coughed like this, how can you be healthy?" .

After coughing for a while, Han Zhu finally recovered slowly. Quickly swept around his body with his spiritual sense, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

His current body is full of holes, if not for the powerful "Star Body Refining Art" he practiced, he would have exploded and died by now.

Even so! His current body has also reached its limit. If it wasn't for hanging up the phone and the system continuously extracting spiritual energy, he might have died already.

The only thing that works for him now is that his consciousness has not been affected. It can sweep five miles away, which is why he practiced the ancient kung fu and Dayan Jue.

You must know that a normal golden core stage monk can only sweep three miles at most after breaking through the spiritual consciousness. Han Zhu. He looked at his dantian and the five-color golden pill in his dantian.

The corners of his mouth twitched even more violently. There was only a little mana in his dantian, and he could only release a few low-level fireball techniques at most, and even the five-color golden elixir did not have any luster.

Han Zhu suddenly thought of a very serious question, and quickly spread his consciousness out. Soon, he even had the mood to die.

Under the induction of his divine sense, the whole space was only filled with a faint aura. Not even one-tenth of the mortal world.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Is this afterimage kicking me into the Dharma-ending era?".

Soon he figured it out, it shouldn't be possible. Looking at the barely aura, Han Zhu. I can only sigh helplessly, my luck is too bad.

Unexpectedly, he entered a realm of cultivating immortals without dying. He quickly opened the system panel to check:

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Golden Core Stage [Elementary] [Remarks: Due to lack of mana and physical reasons, you can only use the mana of the first level of Qi Refining Stage. Except for formation, other spells and supernatural powers cannot be used]

Spiritual roots: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth ["Great Five Elements Spiritual Root Cultivation" can speed up the practice by five times]

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" "The third level of the initial stage is 0% [the upper part has five layers] "Star body training formula" the number of star points is 5 [every 1 star is added, body strengthening speed +1]" The fourth floor of "Da Yanjue" is 100% [Fourth floor of the original] "Three-turn Chongyuan Kungfu" completed

Spells: "Elementary spells are hidden" [medium-level spells: "Elementary Fire Snake Art 100%", "Elementary Stealth Art 100%", "Intermediate Sword Art 100%", "Advanced Returning Spirit Armor 100%"] [High High-level spells: "Advanced Overturning Clouds and Rain 100%", "Advanced Ten Thousand Swords 100%", "Advanced Earth Shield 100%", "Dancing Sky 100%", "Advanced God Control 100%"]

Supernatural powers: "Phantom of the Sky" 99% [Space magical powers, can seal a small piece of space] "Eye of Ten Thousand Laws" 99% [Dharma Eyes, can see through all the laws of the world]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Upside Down Five Elements Array 100%", "Falling Stone Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Walking Sky" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 100%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Life Renewal Formation 100%", "Ancient Teleportation Formation 100%", "Small Teleportation Formation 100%" low-level formations have been hidden

The first hang-up position: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Kung Fu" 0% [increased by 1% for every 100 times of practice]

The second hang-up position: 5/3% of the astrology point of "Star Body Training Art" [1% increase for each big cycle]

The third hang-up position: "Eye of Ten Thousand Laws 99% [Increase 1% every 100 times of practice]

Hang-up position: 1 [you can hang up any skills and spells all day long, without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu looked at the unusable prompt, and the corners of his mouth twitched even more. The only thing that made him a little happy was that his spiritual roots had turned into the Great Five Spiritual Roots. This should be related to the mutation of the ancient kung fu "Small Wuzang Yuan Qigong" he practiced.

The speed of cultivation is five times that of before, but he looked at the speed of hanging up now. It's only 0.05 times. If he hangs up like this, even if he is given five hundred years, he will not be able to recover his cultivation at the golden core stage.

Although he has practiced the ancient skills, his lifespan is longer than that of ordinary Jindan stage. But at most it is about 800 to 1,000 years. In fact, he is not worried about longevity.

Because in the fight with that afterimage last time, he saw through the origin of time and space. He only needs to find some materials and arrange a space-time formation on himself, and his lifespan will be extended ten times.

Of course, it can also be extended indefinitely, but in this case, he will no longer be able to absorb the spiritual energy, which has advantages and disadvantages! .

Han Zhu felt the power of his own body, but luckily his own power was not affected.

It's just that with his current broken body, he can only use 10% of his full strength at most. If he exceeds this strength, his body will explode instantly.

But 10% is also very powerful, at least it can kill the foundation building stage. It is also his only hole card in this strange world.

The most important thing now is to find some resources to set up the "Spirit Gathering Formation", otherwise it will be really difficult to recover like this. I have time to wait. .

Those little girls can't afford to wait, even if they all reach the stage of transformation, they can only live for more than two thousand years at most.

You need to know his current condition and the concentration of aura here. Two thousand years may not be able to break through to the stage of transforming gods, so he has to think of other ways. Fortunately, he is a master of formations, so there are still many ways.

Little Lolita looked curiously at Han Zhu's changing face, feeling very novel. Han Zhu also finally came back to his senses, just now when he scanned the aura with his consciousness.

It was already in the ears of those servants that they knew the whole thing. If it weren't for this little girl, maybe he would have been thrown on the street by now.

Or be killed by someone directly, after all, his current body cannot block those swords for him. Now he is like a porcelain doll, as long as he is attacked by too strong force, he will instantly shatter.

The two just stared at each other like this. Han Zhu, as a monk in the Jindan period, was in a state of mind that was not comparable to that of a little lolita.

Feng Xian'er pouted and said, "Master, you have been watching me for a long time."

"You didn't look at me, how did you know I was looking at you! And don't call me master, I haven't agreed to be your master yet."

Feng Xian'er hurriedly said anxiously: "Master, you were given to me by the moon god, and this is what I made a wish to this moon god.

Han Zhu rolled his eyes speechlessly, but this little loli did save his life. But if the first great disciple he accepted was a mortal, he would die of old age in a hundred years. He can't be so cruel.

Han Zhu covered little Lolita's whole body with his spiritual sense, and soon, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, staring at little Loli once again. It was a while before he looked back.

Feng Xian'er only felt that she couldn't move her whole body, her face was full of panic, and tears almost flowed out.

Although she is young, her mind is very mature. She secretly cheered herself up in her heart. This must be the master testing her, and it was written like this in the scriptures.

Han Zhu looked at the resolute little loli who was holding back tears. Nodding in satisfaction in his heart, he has already decided to accept this apprentice.

As for the reason, he actually saw a trace of the power of the phoenix in this little girl, and this little girl is still the so-called Tianlinggen.

But this is also very normal, after all, she has the power of the phoenix in her body, and it is also normal to have a single fire root. He didn't need to think about it, this little loli's family must have been connected with the upper world in ancient times, and it also carried the blood of the Feng clan.

Feng Xian'er finally felt that her body could move, so she moved her body a bit first. Then he looked at Han Zhu expectantly.

Han Zhu pretended to think about it and said: "It is not impossible to be my apprentice, but you must meet my basic requirements."

Feng Xian'er quickly nodded her head and said: "Master, just tell me! I am willing to eat whatever is bitter or tired."

"Okay! Then I will give you three months of assessment time. If you can satisfy me, I will accept you as my first great disciple to open a mountain."

Feng Xian'er's eyes became brighter when she heard this, and she quickly replied loudly: "Yes! Master".

Han Zhu looked at the cute little loli, and couldn't help reaching out and pinching her little face. This reminded him of his little sister when he was a child. When he just traveled here, the little sister was the same age as her.

Han Zhu's ears twitched suddenly, and without using his consciousness, he knew that someone was approaching this room, and they were three women.

Although his five senses have dropped a lot now, as long as he is within 50 meters of him, he can hear even an ant running.