
Feng Xian'er let out a low sigh: "He slapped the small tree in front of him fiercely, and the red light in his hand flashed. A fiery red force instantly smashed the small tree into pieces. Several sections."

Feng Xian'er withdrew her little hand in surprise, and looked at the red light that had disappeared. Although my body felt a little weak, I couldn't control my excitement.

He ran up to Han Zhu excitedly and said, "Master, have you seen it? I really broke that tree. Am I considered a little master now?"

Han Zhu also just smiled and patted her head and said, "Not bad! Keep working hard in the future, and I will leave it to you to maintain world peace."

Feng Xian'er nodded her head excitedly there, her dream was to be a hero and travel the rivers and lakes, when her martial arts is perfect, she can go to be a hero, and she has to bring her master with her when the time comes.

Early the next morning, Han Zhu changed into a brand new Xingyue white Taoist robe, which he specially requested. By the way, I also ordered two Xingyue white Taoist robes for Xiao Luoli, which will also be the uniform uniform of their sect in the future.

"He also told Feng Xian'er very domineeringly that their sect is called "Tiandizong" and it was passed down from ancient times. When Feng Xian'er first heard this domineering name, she was very excited for a long time."

"You must know that even in the entire Martial God Continent, no one dares to choose such a domineering name. You must know that in such a world, the word "heaven and earth" cannot be used indiscriminately. Their sect dared to use the word "heaven and earth". How awesome!"

Han Zhu was walking towards the main hall of the Feng family with little Lolita. The star-moon white Taoist robes on both of them seemed to be emitting a faint light.

Everyone looked at the two with doubts, envy, and jealousy. There are some members of the Feng family on both sides. Han Zhu took a quick glance and found that there were more than a hundred of them, but most of them were boys. There are only one or two girls, no wonder the little girl has such a high status in the family.

Han Zhu sensed it slightly, and they all exuded a faint phoenix breath, but it was already very weak. If it wasn't for his strong spiritual sense, he could hardly sense it.

Only the little loli next to him had extremely strong phoenix aura, no wonder he could awaken the phoenix blood. It should be anti-ancestor, this kind of situation may not happen once in tens of thousands of years, it can only be said that Feng Xian'er has profound luck.

If you don't meet him, even if your luck is deep, it's useless. But being able to meet him can also show that Feng Xian'er is indeed very lucky.

Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan stood at the door and waited for them to pass by. Liu Jinfeng also stood beside her smilingly looking at her daughter. There is a group of old men behind them, they should be the clan elders that Little Lolita mentioned.

Han Zhu just nodded at them indifferently, and strode to the most important seat in the hall. He sat up without hesitation.

Those clan elders couldn't help frowning, but the Patriarch had already told them. They could only look at each other helplessly, after all, Feng Youqian is unique in the family.

Han Zhu sat in the middle so calmly, Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan, who were always serious, could only stand respectfully by the side.

Liu Jinfeng took a cup of tea from the maid next to her and handed it to her daughter. Feng Xian'er's face was full of excitement, and she handed the tea to Han Zhu respectfully, then kowtowed hard on the ground three times.

"Master, please accept three respects from my disciples." Han Zhu took the tea with a smile and drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

He said to Feng Xian'er who had just kowtowed: "Xian'er, from today onwards, you are the founding disciple of our "Heaven and Earth Sect". .

Taking a look, Feng Xian'er kept nodding her head. Han Zhu went on to say: "There is nothing else, as for what kind of person you want to be in the future, it depends on yourself."

"Whether you do the right way or the evil way in the future, I will not stop you, nor will I control you. It all depends on you."

Everyone in the hall was stunned when they heard this. Even Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan next to him were surprised.

Han Zhu didn't care about other people's expressions, and continued with a faint smile: "Master still hopes that you will be a good person, after all, you will live longer like this."

Feng Xian'er only felt that what the master said was too profound, so she could only nod her head blankly. In the end, I couldn't help asking: "Master, can I be a chivalrous man and fight against evil and evil?".

Han Zhu smiled and waved his hands and said: "These are your own affairs, I will not take care of them. What I want to take care of is, if you are bullied outside, you can come to me. No one can bully my disciples." .

When everyone heard Han Zhu's domineering words, they curled their lips in silence, thinking that they were the king of heaven.

Soon the apprenticeship ceremony was over, and Han Zhu had a meal with several main members of the Feng family. Others eat big fish and meat, but what he eats is century-old ginseng.

Every time he took a bite, there were many pairs of eyes in the hall, staring at the century-old ginseng in his hand. You must know that it is a must-have medicine for practicing martial arts. Han Zhu ate four hundred-year-old ginseng before he stopped.

He wiped his mouth with his hand and said, "It tastes good, remember to give me two sticks every day."

The corner of Feng Youqian's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he still nodded with a smile. Finally, a clan elder couldn't stand it any longer, and slapped his palm on the table.

"Are you going too far? Could it be that the wind blows our Feng family's money? Do you know that every century-old ginseng you eat is made by our Feng family's blood and sweat."

Feng Youqian quickly stood up and said loudly: "Seventh Uncle hurry up and apologize to Mr. Han. I have promised Mr. Han a long time ago. As long as I am the head of the Feng family, this condition will not change."

Then he hurriedly smiled at Han Zhu and said, "Mr. Han made you laugh, it's because I'm not strict in discipline."

Han Zhu waved his hands indifferently and said, "These are trivial matters."

Then he took out a large amount of paper from his pocket, threw it on the table and said, "These are the resources I want to purchase. If possible, I hope that all the materials in the top three sheets will be purchased in three days." ".

Feng Youqian looked at the thick stack of papers, and couldn't help swallowing. He took it with trembling hands, his eyes moved to the top piece of paper, and suddenly his eyes shrank.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead in an instant, Feng Tiannan also quickly moved his head to look at the first piece of paper, and the same situation happened immediately.

Feng Youqian hastily read the second and third one more times, and now her whole body was trembling slightly. He raised his head to look at Han Zhu with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Han may not be able to collect such a precious thing in three days."

Han Zhu couldn't help frowning, and soon he thought of the reason. After all, the aura in this world is too thin, and things like this may be called peerless treasures.

After all, the materials he wrote are the most basic materials for mortal writing, and this kind of material will grow only when it absorbs aura.

So he wasn't worried that there was no aura on those materials. The only problem now was that the aura of those materials must be very weak, but it was barely enough for arranging formations.

Glancing at Feng Youqian who looked embarrassed, Han Zhu thought for a while and asked, "Then how long will it take you to collect them all? I don't want to wait too long."

Feng Youqian originally wanted to talk about three months, but seeing that Han Zhu's face was not very good-looking, she had to stick out a finger and said, "Mr. Ship it here, and you're asking for a lot."

Han Zhu looked helplessly at the faint aura in the air. He could only sigh helplessly, after all, the concentration of spiritual energy was too low.

He thought of Han Li's "Heaven Palm Bottle". After all, that thing can absorb anything into energy, so there is no need to worry about the material.

Han Zhu was silent for a while, then nodded slowly and said: "Since Patriarch Feng has said so, let's do it for a month!".

Taking a look at Feng Youqian, who had a heartbroken look on his face, he also felt a little embarrassed. Finally, I added a sentence at the end: "If there is any problem that cannot be solved, you can come to me."

Feng Youcai, who was looking heartbroken, was shocked when he heard these words. He said with some hesitation: "Mr. Han! I had a batch of goods that were robbed by the black wind last month, worth hundreds of thousands of taels. If Mr. Han can help me get them back, with the turnover of hundreds of thousands, I can go Half a month in advance."

Han Zhu suddenly showed interest, and asked in a flat tone: "Is the Black Wind Bandit very strong?".

Feng Youqian glanced at the second brother next to him, Feng Tiannan hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and said, "Senior Han Han! That Black Wind Bandit is not very strong, but their leader is a late-stage martial artist, who has practiced kung fu all over his body." He is even more invulnerable, even the empire has little to do with him, so they have been occupying an important commercial road and collecting countless tolls every year."

Hearing that he was just an innate late-stage martial artist practicing kung fu, he immediately lost interest. He Han Daxian is not a person who loves to move, and he will never go out for a while.

Even in this world, he is already invincible. He also doesn't want to go out to make troubles, after all, he has developed this habit for more than a hundred years, and the most important thing is to be the first in his heart.

As an old fox in the mall, Feng Youqian could tell at a glance that Mr. Han was not interested. Hastily said next to him: "I heard that the black wind bandit has robbed countless resources, which cannot be piled up with a mountain."

Han Zhu couldn't help frowning, and asked very directly: "Are there any resources on my list?"

Feng Youqian hurriedly patted his chest to assure him: "Mr. Han, I can't guarantee anything else, but you probably have the resources of the three orders in front of you."

A golden light flashed in Han Zhu's eyes, one must know that he was completely fed up with the slow absorption of spiritual energy. You must know that the place where he stayed before was absorbed by ten times and ten times, but now this speed is not much faster than that of a snail, he feels uncomfortable all over, and his body is also very hungry.