The little loli who shocked the audience

As soon as he heard that there were enough resources, Han Zhu's eyes lit up, and suddenly he slapped the table and shouted, "Okay! Let's do them."

Everyone was taken aback by his move. Feng Youqian was the first to react, and said with a golden light in his eyes: "Mr. Han! Then I will go to prepare. It just so happens that our Feng family has an army in their hands." .

Han Zhu looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Is it necessary to mobilize the army to destroy a black wind bandit? Don't worry! I can handle it by myself."

Everyone looked at Han Zhu in surprise again, Feng Tiannan said weakly beside him: "Senior Han! The Black Wind Pirates claim to have 100,000 people. Although it is a bit exaggerated, there are definitely 70,000 to 80,000." .

Han Zhu was stunned when he heard this result, and couldn't help but swear: "This can still be called a bandit, shouldn't it be called a rebel?".

After all, I have been in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time, and I still can't turn the corner for a while. He quickly realized that, after all, this is no longer the realm of cultivating immortals. This is the mundane world, and it is normal for a mafia gang to have tens of thousands of people.

You must know that in the world of cultivating immortals, even if a big sect fights with a big sect, there are at most tens of thousands of monks, which is already considered a big scene, basically hundreds or thousands.

Han Zhu suddenly felt his old face turn red. Although tens of thousands of people were for him, as long as he wanted to kill them, he could kill them all. But that was too troublesome, he didn't have the mood to crush those ants to death.

The old and cunning Feng Youqian hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Han, it's normal that you don't understand the situation here. When do you think we will leave, we can prepare in advance."

Although Han Zhu didn't know much about the military, he had watched a lot of TV in his previous life. Casually said: "You guys arrange this matter! But hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Feng Youqian hurriedly nodded excitedly at the side, and when he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Feng Tiannan who was next to him and asked, "Senior Han! That Black Whirlwind is a late-stage physical cultivator with extremely strong strength. , even a peak innate martial artist can hardly defeat him."

This has been said very euphemistically, and the meaning is very obvious. It's just to ask if you can fight well, don't take your own life when the time comes.

Feng Youqian, who was looking excited, immediately calmed down when he heard what his second brother said. "I was too excited just now, and I didn't think about it at all. Whether this Mr. Han can beat that Black Whirlwind is still a question."

Feng Youqian glanced at Han Zhu with a calm expression on his face, and said hesitantly: "How about we spend money to hire some innate masters to help out, although the price is a bit more expensive, our Feng family can still afford it."

Han Zhu glanced at the two of them, and said lightly: "No need! That's too much trouble, I can solve them by myself, and I will leave those little Luoluo to you."

Then Han Zhu glanced at Feng Xian'er next to him and said: "Xian'er, you are also going with me this time, don't you want to be a hero? This is a good opportunity, and I will hone you by the way, so as not to go out in the future disgrace me".

Everyone once again showed a surprised look, wondering if they heard it wrong. Actually want to take an eight-year-old girl to the battlefield, it must be something that people can say.

Han Zhu didn't care about other people's expressions, he just looked at little Lolita with smiling eyes. Feng Xian'er had an excited look on her face, she kept nodding her head there, she couldn't help but was gearing up, as if she was about to fight.

Feng Youqian next to him hurriedly said: "Mr. Han, is this too reckless? Xian'er is only eight years old this year, and she is just a child. Why don't you let him and her practice for another two years?"

Han Zhu waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's okay, I'll take good care of her if I'm here, she's also an acquired martial artist, she should hone her skills."

Feng Youqian, who was about to order some more words, was interrupted again by the second brother next to him. Feng Tiannan asked in an inconceivable tone: "Senior Han! You mean that Xian'er is already an acquired martial artist?".

Feng Youqian, who was originally unhappy, was stunned when he heard what his second brother said. The others also had the same expressions as him, looking at Han Zhu with incredulous eyes.

Han Zhu shrugged indifferently, and pointed to the little loli next to him. Everyone followed his movements to look at Feng Xian'er, Feng Tiannan asked a little excitedly: "Xian'er, have you really become an acquired martial artist?".

Feng Xian'er's face was full of pride now, she first glanced at the master, and saw Han Zhu nodding to her. Only then did Feng Xian'er walk to the middle of the crowd with a proud expression on her face, and ordered her servants to bring a table.

Everyone looked at her operation with doubts, only Feng Tiannan, who is an acquired master, could see what she wanted to do.

He looked at the little niece with excited eyes, "Acquired martial artist! At the beginning, he spent countless resources and took three years to achieve it."

"How long has Xian'er been with Mr. Han! It's not even a month yet! He has reached the acquired stage, so how high should Mr. Han's cultivation be? Could it be that he has surpassed the innate."

The more Feng Tiannan thought about it, the more frightening he felt. After all, he was the only master in the Feng family who was a master of the ninth floor of Houtian, and the others were all of the third, fourth, and fifth floors of Houtian.

So he is not as good as him in terms of vision, Feng Xian'er is already familiar with the internal force in her body. She gently stretched out a small palm, and slammed it down.

Feng Youqian hastily exclaimed, "I don't want Xian'er", and quickly ran towards her daughter. But after running two steps, he stopped and stared dumbfounded at the torn table, which was even burnt black.

Feng Xian'er turned around gracefully, using Luo Yanbu, which she had just mastered a little, and landed steadily in front of her father. Pretend to be puzzled and ask: "Dad" what's wrong? Did you want to say something just now? ".

Feng Youqian just stared at his daughter in a daze, he doubted that this was not his fairy.

There was a strong golden light in Feng Tiannan's eyes. Apart from Han Zhu, he was the only one who could clearly see the red light flashing across Feng Xian'er's hand the moment Feng Xian'er made a move.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong, it is definitely internal strength. Looking at the small figure of his niece, he felt very painful in his heart. Could it be that his little niece is really a genius in martial arts?"

"He quickly denied this idea. After all, he also checked when he was a child, and his niece's bones can only be regarded as average. Then there is only one possibility, Mr. Han is a peerless master."

Feng Tiannan looked at Han Zhu with fiery eyes, "I don't know if Mr. Han is willing to help him break through to the innate stage." Just when everyone has not recovered from the surprise.

Feng Tiannan knelt down in front of Han Zhu with a bang, kowtowing his head constantly. Everyone looked at this scene with doubts, and Han Zhu himself showed doubts.

As a treacherous and cunning Feng Youqian, he instantly understood what the second brother meant. He quickly said to everyone: "Okay! You go out first! We still have something to talk to Mr. Han."

Those juniors all retreated obediently, but the clan elders still stood there stubbornly, after all, they were not fools.

Feng Youqian's face suddenly darkened, "Don't the clan elders take me seriously as the Patriarch? I told you to go out more and didn't listen to the sermon."

Looking at Feng Youqian's gloomy face, several clan elders looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to back out.

Feng Xian'er hurried over to support Feng Tiannan and asked, "Second Uncle, why are you kneeling on the ground?".

Feng Tiannan gently pushed his niece away, and began to kowtow again and again. Looking at his firm eyes, Han Zhu knew what he meant.

He thought for a while and said: "Okay! Don't kowtow anymore, I won't help you if you don't have enough benefits. If you can help me collect half of the resources, I can guarantee you to enter the innate stage."

Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan's eyes showed a strong light, Feng Tiannan once again kowtowed three times and said: "Thank you, Senior Han, for your fulfillment, we will definitely do our best."

Feng Youqian next to him kept nodding his head there, Han Zhu glanced at Feng Youqian and said, "When will you leave, please let me know."

Then he strode out, Han Zhu walked among the crowd of Feng's family, and everyone automatically moved out of the way when they saw him. Look at Mr. Han with eyes of awe.

Han Zhu's figure quickly disappeared in front of everyone, Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan walked out with Feng Xian'er, he swept around with cold eyes, and everyone slowly said: " Anyone who dares to speak out about Mr. Han will be expelled from Feng's house."

Feng Tiannan, who was beside him, exploded with aura all over his body. An extremely powerful aura firmly weighed on everyone's hearts. Everyone couldn't help but made a smart move.

Duo hurriedly nodded "Yes", and even the clan elders lowered their heads. After all, their huge Feng family is supported by their two brothers.

Feng Youqian then said: "I now announce that Xian'er will become the next generation head of the Feng family."

He glanced at everyone, "No one has any objections!". Everyone was silent. If it was before, someone would definitely jump out, especially those clan elders.

Now everyone can see that Mr. Han is a great master. As for how tall he is, no one knows, but at least he is above the innate stage.

Han Zhu doesn't care about what happened before, he is now walking leisurely to his small courtyard. He still has a lot of troubles of his own, and the most important thing now is to solve the problem of resources.

After all, there is no material, and in such a place where the aura is thin, plus his own mana can't be used, even he, the master of the formation, can't do anything.

Now if he wants to arrange formations, he can only rely on materials with weak aura. Of course, there is no problem with ordinary phantom formations, after all, there is still a little aura in the air.

"Even if you are a strong golden fairy, if you are thrown into a world without any spiritual energy, you are just an ordinary person. At most, you are physically strong. It really is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. It seems that I have to continue to work hard."