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It was just dawn the next day, probably around five o'clock in the morning. Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan, wearing a fiery red armor, walked towards Han Zhu's courtyard.

Just when they stopped, the courtyard door creaked open. Han Zhu wore that white Xingyue Taoist robe and strode away from inside.

The two brothers were stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted. Feng Youqian hurriedly trotted a few steps and said, "Mr. Han has prepared the carriage outside, and he can leave at any time."

Han Zhu just nodded plainly, and the three of them quickly walked through the courtyards. Finally came to the gate of Feng's house, which was also the first time Han Zhu left the gate of Feng's house when he came to this world.

However, as he possesses spiritual consciousness, he has already scanned all the five miles of Feng's house, and he is very familiar with this place.

At this time, a group of soldiers and a carriage were parked in front of the gate of Feng's house, beside the carriage, Feng Xian'er was saying goodbye to her mother.

Both of Liu Jinfeng's eyes were red. There are also two big dark circles under my eyes. I must have not slept well last night.

At this moment, she was hugging Feng Xian'er and explaining something, when she saw Han Zhu coming out from inside, she quickly saluted, Han Zhu just nodded to her indifferently.

Liu Jinfeng told Feng Xian'er to be careful again, and returned to Master Feng's side. Han Zhu glanced at the hundreds of soldiers who stood behind the carriage tightly together.

They are all full of energy and blood, and have reached the point of quasi-warrior. Those generals in front have even reached the seventh or eighth level of the day after tomorrow.

Han Zhu took Feng Xian'er's little hand beside him, stepped lightly on the floor, and brought Feng Xian'er to the carriage, and sat in without hesitation.

The moment they entered, the original ground began to crack slowly. If he hadn't controlled the intensity, a small earthquake might have happened directly.

The crack extended forty to fifty meters before it stopped. Everyone couldn't help swallowing, just when everyone was stunned.

A plain sentence came from the carriage: "Master Feng, remember your promise to me. If there is any problem with those supplies, you should know the consequences better than me."

This was Han Zhu's deliberate warning to them. At the same time, he was telling them that if they offended him, the consequences would be dire.

Feng Youqian and Feng Tiannan couldn't help swallowing, Feng Tiannan quickly bowed forward and said, "Please rest assured, Senior Han, we will definitely protect those materials. If there is any mistake, I will come to see you ".

Seeing that there was no movement in the carriage, Feng Youqian couldn't help swallowing, and quickly said to Feng Tiannan: "Second Brother, this trip is all up to you, we must handle Mr. Han's affairs well, we Feng Whether the family can go further depends on this time."

Feng Tiannan glanced at the crack under his feet, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. No one understands that violent power better than him, how terrifying it is. "Don't worry! Brother, I know the seriousness of the matter better than you."

Feng Tiannan took Fang Tian's painted halberd from the servant next to him, and rode on a black ten thousand mile BMW. He said to the soldiers who were still in a daze: "Let's go."

Everyone looked at the carriage in awe. After all, in this world of warriors, the strong are respected, let alone the soldiers in the army.

The carriage walked slowly on this avenue, and there were only a few vegetable vendors on the side of the road who were about to set up their stalls. But when they looked at those sergeants, Duo quickly bowed his head respectfully.

Han Zhu glanced at Feng Xian'er who was sitting next to him with a serious face. I couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Why is Xian'er so serious? This is just an ordinary outing, and you have to slowly adapt to this situation in the future."

"Ah..." He looked at the master with a dumbfounded face, and it took him a while to react and said, "Don't the master's novels always say that you should keep calm when you go out to kill people?".

Han Zhu pinched his little face with a smile and said: "That's because they are not strong enough, so they are nervous and can only keep silent, which can relieve the pressure."

"You don't have to do this, keep a normal mind. As my disciple, this kind of thing will be normal in the future."

When Feng Xian'er heard what the master said, she immediately let go. The serious expression on his face was also put away, and he hurriedly asked excitedly: "Isn't it fun for Master to be a chivalrous man?"

Han Zhu was taken aback by the little lolita's question, after all, he had never done such a thing before. He thought for a while and said: "It should be satisfied psychologically, after all, you have done a good deed."

Feng Xian'er glanced at Han Zhu suspiciously, "Master! Haven't you done anything chivalrous?".

Han Zhu recalled it carefully again, it seems that he had never done it. The only thing he has done is to beg Han Li, I don't know if it counts.

After all, he spends most of his time hanging around, and the only few times he made a move, he was beaten half to death every time, so I relied on formations.

Han Zhu pretended to cough lightly and said: "As a teacher, if you don't make a move, you don't make a move. If you make a move, you will die."

Then he closed his eyes, ignoring Feng Xian'er's suspicious expression. Looking at Han Zhu's appearance, the little loli couldn't help pouting.

I thought to myself: "The master has never done anything chivalrous when he saw it, otherwise how could he not say it?".

Just before Han Zhu and his carriage passed by a big inn, Han Zhu, who had super five senses, suddenly had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In a luxurious room on the third floor of the inn, a young man in luxurious clothes stood quietly outside the window, looking at the slow-moving carriage and the Feng family army following behind.

In particular, Feng Tiannan stopped for a while on the black horse, and a gloomy voice came out of his mouth: "Has the news spread? Give me the money that should be paid!".

A servant at the back quickly knelt down, saluted and said, "Master! The news has already spread, this time I guarantee that the Feng family's army will never return."

There was also a sneer on the young man's mouth, "Recently, the Feng family has become more and more rampant. I heard that a powerful master came to their house, and even accepted that little girl as a disciple."

The servant in the back quickly said: "I have also inquired about this news, and there is indeed such a thing. And there are many rumors, the most outrageous one is that the little girl from the Feng family fell from the sky when the Moon God made a wish. , said that the moon god gave her a master, but the view of the subordinates is that the Feng family hired them with money, and at most they were innate."

The young man showed a sneering smile, "The Feng family is also inflated. It is a mere congenital age, and it dares to trouble the Black Wind Pirates. It really is asking for death. This time, all the Feng Family soldiers were buried in the Black Wind Bandits. In the hands, the strength of the Feng family will definitely be greatly reduced."

The subordinate quickly praised: "Young master is wise in all of this. I believe that under the leadership of young master, we will definitely defeat the Feng family and become the number one business family."

Han Zhu, who was sitting in the carriage, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. He suddenly asked Feng Xian'er next to him: "Does your family have a grudge against the Hou family?".

Feng Xian'er was excitedly thinking about killing the enemy on the battlefield, when suddenly asked by her master, she froze for a while.

Then he showed a look of disgust and said: "Master, how do you know, those people in the Hou family are the most annoying, and they always make trouble for our family."

Han Zhu just smiled and nodded and said: "I just heard the negotiation between the two mice, it's nothing, you can continue to rest!".

After two hours of exercising, he finally came to the north gate of Shenwumen. There was already a group of soldiers waiting here, Feng Tiannan drove the horse to the door quickly.

The gatekeeper hurriedly cupped his fists at Feng Tiannan and said, "I have seen General Tiannan Youwei".

Feng Tiannan also smiled and cupped his fists at him and said, "General Situ never expected that you would be on duty today."

The middle-aged general smiled and said: "I heard that General Zuowei led the army to destroy the Black Wind Pirates this time. I wonder if it is true?".

Feng Tiannan hurriedly cupped his fists towards the center of Shenwu City and said, "All of this is due to the wiseness of the Holy Master. I believe that under the wise guidance of the Holy Master, we will definitely wipe out the Black Wind Pirates this time."

Situ Fei couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and persuaded his long-time friend: "What on earth is your Feng family thinking in Tiannan? You should know better than me what the Black Wind Pirates are like. Do you want to touch this nail?"

Then he glanced at the carriage tens of meters away, "Could it be because of the one inside?".

Feng Tiannan just smiled faintly and said: "I don't want to explain too clearly what Situ has, so I'll treat you to a drink when I come back!".

Situ Fei opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at his friend's firm eyes, he finally could only say: "Then I'm here to wish General Youwei a victory and a great victory."

Feng Tiannan smiled and nodded at him, his face full of confidence. He believed that when he came back again, their Feng family would definitely be different.

The carriage slowly passed through the passage of several hundred meters of the city wall, and there was a wide grass field outside the Shenwu Gate. Thirty thousand Feng family troops stood neatly here.

This is also the strongest arrogance of the Feng family, and it is also the basis for their Feng family to gain a foothold in this Shenwu Empire. Feng Tiannan dismounted himself, led the carriage, and walked slowly to the very center of the team.

All the people stared at the carriage suspiciously, knowing that their right guard general, but a very proud man, actually became a groom today.

Then what is the status of the people in this carriage? Just as everyone was wondering, the carriage stopped slowly.

First, a small head drilled out of it, and then a little loli came out of it. Those senior military officers all knew this young lady, she was the only young lady of the Feng family and the future head of the family.

Feng Xian'er's face was serious at this time, she lifted the door curtain respectfully and said: "Master has arrived".