Heifeng Mountain and Heifeng Village

Han Zhu stretched his waist long. Although this carriage is very spacious, it still feels uncomfortable to sit in it.

After all, they used to be Han Li's Shenfengzhou, or they were flying swords by themselves, which is not at the same level at all. Han Zhu got off the carriage and said, "Get me a horse later! It's too stuffy inside."

Feng Tiannan quickly said: "Okay! Senior Han, you can ride my horse after a while."

Han Zhu looked at his handsome black horse and said, "No need! Choose a white one for me."

Feng Tiannan was stunned at first, but saw Han Zhu's white Xingyue Taoist robe. He understood the meaning in an instant, and said quickly: "Okay! Senior Han".

Han Zhu glanced at the 30,000 Feng family troops in front of him. Not to mention, all of them were fat and strong, full of energy and blood, and their hands were covered with calluses. It seemed that they had not slackened in their usual training. Coupled with that fiery red battle armor, it does look very majestic and imposing.

Feng Tiannan hurriedly asked from the side: "Senior Han! What do you think of our Feng family army?".

Han Zhu nodded flatly and said: "It's okay in terms of momentum, the murderous aura on his body is not very heavy, he probably hasn't fought any tough battles!".

Feng Tiannan smiled awkwardly and said: "Senior Han really has sharp eyes! He can see the weakness of our Feng family army at a glance."

Feng Tiannan glanced at the 30,000 Feng family in front of him, it was built by their Feng family after spending countless money. It is also the foundation of their Feng family in Shenwu City. In this world, as long as it is a larger family, it will have its own army.

Han Zhu looked at the soldiers and asked, "The Shenwu Empire is so huge, it's impossible that no one rebelled! Could it be that there is no chance to go to the battlefield?"

Feng Tiannan smiled wryly and said: "Although the empire has become more and more chaotic over the past few decades, the royal family is still very powerful, and those larger rebellions can be wiped out."

"Usually what is left to us are those small fish and small shrimps. After all, if we make contributions, we will have to be promoted, and the army will have to expand. The royal family is also afraid that our mercenaries will be self-respecting."

Han Zhu suddenly asked another question: "Does your Shenwu Empire have an existence beyond innateness? Is there any more mysterious power?"

Feng Tiannan glanced at Han Zhu, lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "There should be no one beyond innate, but there is indeed a mysterious power. I heard that there are immortals behind the royal family to support, I don't know if it is true."

Han Zhu just nodded plainly, "When are you leaving?".

Feng Tiannan was stunned for a while, completely unable to keep up with Han Zhu's thinking. But he quickly reacted and said quickly: "Senior Han, please wait a moment, I will start after a few words of training."

Feng Tiannan turned to face the 30,000 soldiers, circulated the internal force in his body, and shouted loudly: "Today is a very important day for our Feng family army, because you are going to face a group of vicious bandits. My sons and daughters, are you afraid?"

"Kill, kill, kill..." The majestic voice kept coming from the mouths of these 30,000 people. The sound was transmitted for more than ten miles, even the residents in Shenwu City could hear it.

Situ Fei, who was standing on the city wall and watching this scene, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled helplessly. He felt that these people would never come back, even his friends.

After thirty breaths, Feng Tiannan raised his hand. The voice stopped instantly, and Feng Tiannan glanced at all the soldiers with sharp eyes.

Everyone also looked at their right guard general with admiration. Looking at this scene, Han Zhu knew that Feng Tiannan had a high reputation in the army.

Feng Tiannan continued to use his internal strength and said loudly: "This time, I promise everyone that if we can successfully wipe out the Black Wind Pirates, our Feng family will provide resources to train all of you to become acquired warriors."

Even the rigorous army was agitated when they heard the news, but soon calmed down again, but the eyes of those soldiers were full of burning heat.

Seeing that everyone has calmed down, Feng Tiannan continued: "Even if any of you die in this battle, our Feng family can guarantee that your son or brother can continue to join our Feng family army, and we can also guarantee that he will become a member of the Feng family army." Acquired martial artist, this is our Feng family's promise to everyone."

The eyes of the soldiers below became even hotter, but this time there was no commotion. Feng Tiannan glanced at everyone and continued: "However, there are requirements. The purpose of this battle is not to kill the enemy."

Everyone showed doubts. They didn't want them to kill many enemies. Could there be something more important than killing enemies?

Feng Tiannan looked at everyone's puzzled eyes, and didn't procrastinate, he said directly: "This time our main purpose is to protect the resources of Heifengzhai, killing the enemy is secondary."

Everyone was even more puzzled, but as soldiers, they didn't ask any questions. He just replied loudly: "Yes! General Right Guard".

Feng Tiannan hesitated for a moment and pointed to Han Zhu and said, "This is Mr. Han, if he has any orders, you must do it, just like you obey me, even if it means death."

"Yes" Feng Tiannan glanced at Han Zhu, seeing that there was nothing unusual on his face, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he ordered loudly: "Let's go."

Following Feng Tiannan's words, the entire army began to move. Feng Tiannan personally led a white BMW to Han Zhu.

Respectfully said: "Senior Han, do you think this horse is okay? Because I didn't prepare in advance, I can only choose this better horse."

Han Zhu nodded and said: "It doesn't matter what kind of horse, as long as you have it."

Then he asked the little loli next to him, "Xian'er, are you going to continue riding in a carriage or riding a horse?".

Feng Xian'er's eyes sparkled with excitement and said: "Master, can I ride a horse with you?".

Han Zhu just nodded, and the little Lolita smiled happily. Han Zhu rode on the horse with little Lolita, looking at the mighty army, he felt something different.

When he was in the mortal world, he directly entered the cultivation of immortals. Even during the period of time in Qixuanmen, they basically stayed in the door. This time, you can experience life in the mundane world.

It was also the first time for Feng Xian'er to leave Shenwu City, and she was full of curiosity about the outside world. I saw her little head constantly turning left and right, looking at those primeval forests.

At the edge of those primeval forests, small animals were constantly shuttling through them, and some even squatted there curiously, looking at this huge army.

At the same time, on Heifeng Mountain thousands of miles away, on the top of the mountain is an extremely wide flat land, on which various houses are built.

Heifeng Mountain is about 3,000 meters high, and there are checkpoints everywhere at the foot of the mountain. On his left is a commercial road, and on his right is a large river hundreds of meters wide.

Whether it is on the commercial road or the river, there are checkpoints. Those merchant ships and carriages coming and going must pay tolls before they can pass. Some precious items were directly detained.

Those precious resources were transported to Heifeng Mountain continuously. At this time, the largest living room on the top of Heifeng Mountain was full of vicious bandits.

Sitting at the front was a giant man who was nearly 2.5 meters high. He was naked to the waist, and there were countless scars on his body.

The other people in the living room were similar, they were all eating meat and drinking heavily, and some were holding some women in their arms. There was constant loud laughter and screams coming from within.

Sitting next to the big man was a middle-aged scribe with a three-wisp beard. Looking at the noise in the hall, he inadvertently frowned and said, "The things from the Hou family, the head of the house, have been delivered, and I have already counted them. question".

The strong man just nodded vaguely, and continued to gnaw on his big pig's feet. The middle-aged scribe couldn't help but reminded again: "The army of the Feng family, the head of the family, has already set off, and it will arrive at our place in at most three days, should we make preparations?"

The big man suddenly smashed the pork leg on the table, and the original noisy voice stopped immediately. Everyone looked at this big black man with a trace of fear and awe in their eyes.

The big man frowned and said harshly: "Is that the Feng family that the third brother led people to rob last time? Their courage is really getting bigger and bigger. Didn't they just rob them of hundreds of thousands of goods? Who gave it to them?" Their confidence dares to challenge our Black Wind Village."

Hei Xuanfeng's face was full of evil spirits, and suddenly a powerful aura emanated from him. Everyone in the living room shivered, and those ordinary women were trembling all over.

"By the way! What's the situation of the Hou family you mentioned just now?" The middle-aged scribe hurriedly said that, and Hei Xuanfeng suddenly burst out laughing.

"A mere 30,000 troops dared to attack our Black Wind Village. Thinking back then, the Shenwu Empire sent 300,000 troops but failed to capture it. Did their Feng family eat the bear's heart and leopard's courage?".

"I think the Feng family doesn't want to exist in this world anymore. If that's the case, after the Feng family's army is destroyed this time, go directly to pacify the Feng family!".

The people below also showed mocking smiles when they heard that only 30,000 people dared to attack their Black Wind Stronghold, and kept saying mocking words there.

One of them, about two meters tall, stepped out quickly and said loudly: "Your Majesty! Just hand over these 30,000 people to me! I can kill them with just 10,000 people."

Hei Xuanfeng glanced at Hei Niu, the most capable subordinate, waved his hands and said: "Since the Feng family dares to send troops to destroy us, there must be some innate masters among them. You have just broken through to innate talent, so leave this matter to others !".

Hei Niu saw that the masters had said this, so he could only sit down helplessly. He had just broken through to the innate stage and wanted to show it.