Evil God

The middle-aged man looked at the terrifying figure and walked into the inner room before he let out a long sigh. The first thought in his mind was to leave Heifeng Mountain immediately.

As a smart person, he reacted quickly. After all, it was only due to the instinct of his body. He glanced at the dead Hei Xuanfeng beside him, and saw that his eyes were full of fear and unwillingness.

The middle-aged scribe shuddered again, only he knew how powerful this Black Whirlwind was, and he couldn't even sustain half a move in this hand.

"Is this the power of the mystic? It really is powerful." He thought about it, and finally walked out with big strides. He decided to fight for his future. If he could succeed, maybe he would become a different person.

Han Zhu doesn't care what the middle-aged man outside thinks, in the memory of that black whirlwind, he saw that the middle-aged scribe didn't do any evil, and was also captured by them, so he let it go he.

Han Zhu had already arrived at the door of the secret room, and the fluctuations in the consciousness here became more violent, and the smell of blood became stronger.

Han Zhu looked at the gate made entirely of metal, walked over without hesitation, and knocked it flying with one punch.

An extremely strong bloody air rushed towards his face, and even he who had been prepared for a long time showed a look of surprise.

The entire secret room was as big as a basketball court, and inside was a huge pool of blood. Han Zhu swept away with his spiritual sense, even in the state of mind of Jin Danqi, he couldn't help but twitch, the blood pool was ten meters deep.

"How many people's blood will it take to fill it up"! Then his consciousness locked on the heaviest center of the blood pool, where there was a stone statue.

The smell of blood is the strongest there, and the wave of spirit and soul is also transmitted from that position. The moment Han Zhu strode into the secret room, a spiritual voice directly rang in his mind.

"Immortal cultivators! With such a low aura environment, you are still not extinct." That heart sound actually carried a trace of fear and excitement.

Han Zhu showed a look of interest, and also used his spiritual sense to transmit the voice: "You are the evil god cultivated by the Holy Blood Sect."

The voice was even more surprised, "You actually know the evil god, even the group of immortal cultivators thousands of years ago don't know who I am. Could it be that you are the descendant of a certain sect?"

Han Zhu chuckled and said, "These are small questions. Can I ask why the aura in this world is so thin? As an ancient evil god, I believe you should know something."

The evil god's avatar suddenly fell silent, and Han Zhu couldn't help but frowned and said, "I believe you are also a smart person, so you don't need me to do it! After all, you are just a mental body. I am like an ocean." Divine consciousness, you should have sensed it! If you want to kill you, it's easy."

The evil god's avatar finally said, "Your spiritual consciousness is indeed powerful. I never imagined that in this era, there would be someone like you. Why did your cultivation only reach the first level of the Qi refining stage?".

"Oh! Do you want to find out my identity? No problem, I can tell you very clearly that I come from another world of cultivating immortals. I used to be a big brother of the Jindan stage, but because of a little injury, this In addition, the spiritual energy at this point is too thin, so the cultivation base is a little lower, please don't take it seriously."

The spirit of the evil god began to fluctuate violently, and it seemed that he had suffered quite a shock. It took him quite a while before he opened his mouth and said, "It turns out that the real person was face to face, and the little god is right."

"He is a very polite guy. If you hadn't killed so many people, maybe I could let you go. After all, in this world, you are also qualified to survive."

The voice fell silent immediately, and after a while he said, "Can the real person let me go for once? After all, I'm just a clone."

Han Zhu chuckled and said, "Do you think it's possible? After all, your avatar's spiritual consciousness has reached the Foundation Establishment stage, so your main body must be at least above the Golden Core stage! I'm really a fool, or you I'm too smart."

Han Zhu had already locked this space with his spiritual sense, otherwise he would not have dared to reveal his identity so arrogantly.

Although he wasn't afraid that others would know his identity, but that would still be too troublesome. He was a person who didn't like trouble.

The evil god avatar also showed a wry smile, he could feel the powerful consciousness. As long as that real person uses a little force, he will be wiped out instantly.

He also didn't do anything to resist, after all, it didn't make any sense. In the face of powerful forces, ants will always be ants, and it is impossible to turn over. Especially with a clone like him, there is no chance.

After all, he created it just as a converter to transmit power to the main body. Han Zhu also became a little impatient, and his spiritual consciousness instantly increased.

The evil god's avatar suddenly wailed, "Why don't you plan to tell me what you know? My request is not very high! As long as you tell me, I will give you a happy, if you want Otherwise, I can torture you for a hundred years."

The soul of the entire evil god trembled, and said with a trace of weakness: "I don't know why the spiritual energy in this world is so thin. After all, I am just a clone, and maybe only the main body knows."

Han Zhu shook his head helplessly and said, "I still don't believe it, so let me see for myself!".

Suddenly, a terrified shout came over, "No!" Han Zhu showed no mercy to these evil gods, and his powerful spiritual sense directly invaded his entire spirit.

Then there were invisible roars, this evil god is not like the master outside, his consciousness is strong, and he will not be killed instantly. You can only experience the soul pain like a knife.

It took quite a while before Han Zhu pulled back his consciousness. "It really doesn't exist. It seems that this evil god's avatar was wrongly blamed. Unexpectedly, this evil god has existed in tens of thousands, and the power of the main body has only reached the peak of the golden core stage."

"It seems that it has something to do with the thinness of spiritual energy in this world. Although they can use blood to pay homage. But after all, there is only so much blood spiritual power in the human body. The most important thing is that he suffered a serious injury four thousand years ago. hurt".

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth. He was actually just an evil god in the Jindan period, so he wasn't afraid. After all, his consciousness didn't suffer any loss. After all, if you fight with something like an evil god, as long as your consciousness is strong, you can't be afraid. No need to use spells, a strong spiritual sense can directly crush to death.

Han Zhu looked at the demented clone of the evil god, and used his consciousness without hesitation. Wipe out his soul completely, not even a trace left.

The moment Han Zhu wiped out the soul of this evil god avatar, a mysterious force appeared in the heaven and earth, and it was loaded into Han Zhu's body with just a swipe.

Han Zhu was startled and quickly checked his body. Then he gave a strange look.

Han Zhu's mana at the first level of refining Qi began to increase crazily. It didn't stop until he reached the ninth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, and Han Zhu's face became even weirder.

That mysterious power entered his body, exploded directly, and turned into countless very pure mana. Most of it was used to repair his physical wounds, and only a small part became his reserve mana.

Han Zhu sensed the power carefully, and it turned out to be the original power. It's similar to the original power of the afterimage, except that his was the source of time, and this one should be the source of heaven and earth.

Han Zhu looked at the mid-air and said secretly: "Could it be because I got rid of this evil god's avatar, the heaven and the earth rewarded me."

A smile of excitement suddenly appeared on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, it seemed that he had found the way to upgrade. "You don't necessarily need to set up formations, you have to practice hard to recover slowly! As long as you kill that evil god, wouldn't he recover to the golden core in minutes?".

Han Zhu quickly shook his head in disappointment. After all, that evil god hid it very deeply, and he couldn't even find where his main body was in the clone's memory.

"Are you as stupid as yourself?" As a cultivator with the word "dog" at the forefront, he knows that this kind of evil god may be more doggy than him. Finding his real body is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Han Zhu felt the changes in his body, and unexpectedly, the essence of heaven and earth directly restored his body to two-tenths. He can use more power now, Han Zhu shook hands gently, feeling the power coming from his body.

"With the current strength, I should be able to kill the late stage of the Foundation Establishment period!" Han Zhu soon stopped thinking about these messy things, glanced at the blood pool under his feet, and couldn't help frowning.

Han Zhu couldn't help sighing: "What a crime! There must be at least a hundred thousand people's blood!".

Han Zhu slowly stretched out a palm, and a small fireball technique slowly grew larger in his palm. As his mana recovered to the ninth level of the Qi refining period, now he uses these low-level spells without worrying about his mana. consumption.

The fireball in his hand became bigger and bigger, and soon reached a size of ten meters. Han Zhu supported it with his spiritual sense, floating quietly above the blood pool.

With the intense heat emitted by the fireball technique, the blood pool also began to slowly evaporate. In less than a cup of tea, the blood in the entire blood pool was evaporated.

Han Zhu walked towards the secret room with such big strides, and as he walked out of the secret room door, the fireball exploded in the entire space instantly.

The whole Heifeng Mountain began to shake slightly, and Feng Tiannan, who was rushing towards the top of Heifeng Mountain with his people, froze for a moment. The shaking stopped soon, and then he said without hesitation: "Young men of the Feng family army, rush up with me, and must protect Mr. Han's supplies."

Feng Tiannan also felt very strange that he didn't meet much resistance this way. He originally thought that he would meet a congenital chicken or something, but unfortunately he had seen the most powerful one, and it was only the eighth floor of Houtian.

"He thought of Han Zhu who disappeared in an instant, it must be that Senior Han did it!".