The Emperor's Decision

Han Zhu was standing on Heifeng Mountain, the tallest building on the top of the mountain. His spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire Heifeng Mountain, and countless pictures flashed in his mind.

Soon he locked a trace of his spiritual consciousness on a small figure, Feng Xian'er was fighting with two black wind bandits on the first and second floors of Houtian. Now she has overcome the fear in her heart and is completing the test that Han Zhu gave her.

Han Zhu looked at the small figure that was not moving around, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, worthy of the awakened Phoenix bloodline, this fighting instinct is indeed very strong.

Han Zhu left a sliver of his spiritual power on this little apprentice, and his spiritual consciousness came to the other side of the mountain, where the entire mountain was hollowed out, and countless resources were piled inside.

The middle-aged scribe was guarding the entrance with hundreds of faithful hands. As long as there are other black wind bandits approaching here, they will be killed without mercy.

Han Zhu's spiritual sense quickly entered the cave, glanced at all the supplies, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, as Feng Youqian said, most of the supplies he wanted are here.

It's enough for him to arrange several formations, but the spiritual power of those spiritual materials is very weak, which is enough for him as a formation master.

Han Zhu only had time now, and looked up at the sky above Heifeng Mountain. The cloud layer that was originally wrapped in a stream of blood has begun to dissipate slowly, and even those grievances have begun to be wiped away by heaven and earth.

It should take a few more days for these grievances to disappear completely. After all, the aura in this world is too weak to form a ghost realm.

Han Zhu scanned the entire Heifeng Mountain and its surroundings carefully with his spiritual sense. It's actually a good place to arrange formations, and you can even get bonuses if you arrange formations in this place.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, "This black wind bandit really knows how to choose a place! From today onwards, this place is mine."

Han Zhu has already decided to take this place as his own. As for whether the Shenwu Empire agrees or not, that is not up to them. He also believed that through this battle, the Shenwu Empire also knew his strength.

If they dare to come over to provoke them recklessly, then don't blame him, Mr. Han, for being ruthless. You must know that as an immortal cultivator, he can do anything for his own cultivation, as long as it doesn't hurt the world.

Feng Tiannan finally led his troops to the top of the mountain, and saw Han Zhu standing on the highest point at a glance. He quickly ran over and saluted and said, "What will Mr. Han do next?".

"First send people to take over all the supplies behind, there is already a person waiting there. In addition, kill all the bandits on this mountain and take over all the sites in Heifengzhai."

Feng Tiannan showed a hint of doubt, he could still understand killing all the bandits. But what the hell is taking over the territory here? .

Han Zhu also saw his doubts, and said in a flat tone: "I feel that the scenery here is beautiful, and I want to settle here. Go back and tell your emperor that I want it here. If he doesn't agree, you can Tell him to come to me, by any means."

Feng Tiannan was shocked all over, and quickly said respectfully: "Mr. Han, please rest assured, I will definitely settle this matter."

Han Zhu nodded flatly and said: "Those so-called masters and that black whirlwind are all in the house below. Cut off their heads and take them away! It should be enough for your so-called title!".

Feng Tiannan showed a look of surprise on his face, he quickly saluted Han Zhuxing, and rushed to the hall quickly.

Feng Tiannan looked at the dozen or so innate masters lying down in the hall, and couldn't help shrinking his eyes. Finally, he set his sights on the two-meter-high body.

Hei Xuanfeng, who had dominated this area for hundreds of years, lay there quietly, with fear and unwillingness on his face. Feng Tiannan thought of Han Zhu's plain appearance, and had a crazy guess in his heart, this Mr. Han would not really have surpassed innateness and reached the so-called realm of martial arts.

Feng Tiannan quickly ordered people to chop off their heads and pack them, and then hurriedly led them to the warehouse. After all, Mr. Han attached great importance to it. If something unexpected happened, he couldn't imagine the consequences.

Soon, the 20,000 Feng family troops behind also caught up. The entire Heifengzhai was besieged and the waterways were impassable, and even the merchant ships and merchants that had been shuttling back and forth stopped.

Within a hundred miles of Heifeng Mountain, everything was taken over by the Feng family army. At the same time, there are still the same people and the same place in the Imperial Palace of Shenwu City, but now the entire hall is very quiet.

Wu Longji, the ruler of the Shenwu Empire, held a piece of paper in his hand, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Several other people also had the same note in their hands, and they all remained silent. Even the hottest eldest prince, Wu Wudi, was full of disbelief.

He felt that everything written on it was false, but he could easily kill more than a dozen geniuses in Heifengzhai by himself. Especially Black Whirlwind, who is known as the invincible invincible hand in the late stage.

Not to mention the Seventh Prince Wu Wudao, his expression was even more exaggerated than that of the First Prince. The only fourth prince, Wu Zhiwen, who looked calm on the surface, was also violently tumbling in his heart at this time.

When he put forward that hypothesis at the beginning, he really just mentioned it casually, and he himself didn't believe it would happen. Now he has a strong premonition in his heart, immediately find this strong man and get his support, then there is still a need to fight for the so-called throne.

At this moment, Wu Longji felt both happy and terrified. I am happy that the Black Wind Pirates and the Holy Blood Cult were eradicated so easily.

What was frightening was that such a master completely broke the peace of Shenwu Continent. According to the news sent back by the dark guard, this Mr. Han is definitely a master beyond his innate ability.

As for the martial god realm, or those mysterious people, no one knows. He now believes it is the latter even more, because according to the news from the dark guard, when the master killed those innate warriors, he didn't make a move, but a huge throwing knife, which directly chopped everyone down.

As the only person who has seen the mysterious power behind the Shenwu Empire, he can be 100% sure that this Mr. Han is definitely a fairy.

The three elders looked at each other, and it was the oldest one who strode out and said, "Your Majesty! We feel that the Feng family has made great achievements this time, so they should at least be granted a Marquis and a piece of land."

The old man paused for a moment, then continued: "In addition, we feel that Feng Xian'er, the lady of the Feng family, is gentle, virtuous, intelligent, and you are very close to the Emperor, please accept her as a goddaughter, and give her the title of "Princess Fengming" to reward you with gold. One hundred thousand taels, 100,000 acres of fertile land, one princess mansion, ten thousand royal guards, and if possible, another piece can be sealed."

The three princes often looked at the elder Ge Yuan with foolish eyes, and they all wondered if the Feng family had given them any favors for the three elders, otherwise why would they make such a request? .

You must know that even they, who are princes, are not treated so well. They believed that their picky father would definitely not agree.

But what happened next completely overturned their cognition. Wu Longji nodded decisively and said: "I like that little girl Xian'er very much, so let's do what the elders said! In addition, I will give her a set of Shenwu armor and a Shenwu sword."

This time, even the three elders showed expressions of surprise. You must know that these two things represent the highest power of the Shenwu Empire.

Those who wear the Shenwu Armor can mobilize one-third of the Shenwu Empire's army, and those who hold the Shenwu Sword can kill all civil and military officials, including the emperor's relatives.

You must know that these two things have never been given to a single person. In the entire history of the Shenwu Empire for tens of thousands of years, there are only two people who have received this kind of honor, and at that time they would take it back after death. Because if you want to give these two things, you must get the consent of the mysterious person behind.

But judging from the meaning of His Royal Highness, the mysterious person behind should have agreed. An elder asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty! Do those people agree?".

Wu Longji nodded very flatly, and the several elders were shocked in their hearts. As old foxes, they could guess that Mr. Han in an instant, and he must be so powerful that even those mysterious people are afraid.

At this moment, an eunuch rushed over, knelt down and saluted, and said, "Report to Your Majesty! General Feng Tiannan of the Right Guard hastened to send back the memorial from eight hundred miles away."

Wu Longji didn't wait for anyone to hand over the memorial at all, and came to the eunuch in a flash, and grabbed the memorial.

After reading all the content in an instant, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. He hurriedly said to the three elders: "The three elders, the decree will be delivered immediately, and we will do as we said just now."

Then he glanced at the other sons, and finally settled on the fourth prince Wu Zhiwen, "Father Zhiwen has something very important to entrust to you, are you willing to go?".

Although I don't know what it is, but looking at the surprise on my father's face, I know it must be a good thing.

The fourth prince Wu Zhiwen nodded without hesitation and said: "Father, as long as you order something, I will definitely do it well, even if it means sacrificing my life."

Wu Longji nodded with a smile, and then personally went to the table to write an imperial decree, which could be printed on the imperial seal.

He handed the written imperial decree to the fourth prince Wu Zhiwen with a smile, and the eldest prince, seventh prince, and three elders next to him showed curious eyes.

The fourth prince Wu Zhiwen had no choice but to open the imperial decree and look at it, and then his face also showed ecstasy. Several other people quickly snatched the imperial decree from him, ignoring that the emperor was still around.

Wu Longji just looked at all this with a smile. After all, this matter is definitely a good thing for the empire. With this big man in charge of the empire, no matter how big the chaos is, it will not be a problem.

Several other people also showed surprised expressions after reading the contents of the imperial decree. Seeing that everyone understood, Wu Longji said calmly, "Fourth brother, you set off now with 30,000 royal troops, and you must arrive at Heifeng Mountain within two days."

The fourth prince, Wu Zhiwen, quickly smiled and agreed: "Don't worry! Even if my father risked his life, I will send this imperial decree."

Only then did Wu Longji nod in satisfaction, and then he glanced at the crowd and said: "This imperial decree must be spread throughout the world, including the entire Shenwu Continent."