Elder Treatment

Han Zhu was kicked out of the formation in an instant, and returned to the real world again. Just when he was about to fall to the ground, an invisible force dragged him up.

Then two small figures ran over quickly, each holding an arm. Before they could react, a huge force pulled them out.

The moment they pulled it out, there was another wave of fluctuation in the space, and then a huge dead body fell down.

Looking at the tens of thousands of meters of corpses in front of them, the two little girls let out a long sigh of relief. They were almost crushed to death by this corpse just now.

Only then did the two little girls have the heart to look down at Han Zhu, only to see that our Han has passed out now. Even so, his face was tense. Fortunately, his body was constantly absorbing spiritual energy automatically.

As the spiritual energy slowly replenished, his face also began to become more relaxed. The IQ old man came over to look at Han Zhu, smiled at the two little girls and said, "Don't worry! Your master is fine, it's just that the spiritual power is exhausted and you will wake up soon."

The two little girls heaved a long sigh of relief when Grandpa Zhi said that the master was fine. Fortunately, Han Zhu has reached the Nascent Soul stage now, and the Nascent Soul can absorb spiritual energy instinctively, so the boss didn't find anything.

Suddenly a slender black figure appeared beside them, and the IQ old man quickly saluted respectfully. Xiao Guan just nodded lightly, then turned his gaze to Han Zhu.

Seeing that he just consumed too much mana, he was relieved for a long time. If this little guy hadn't been there to fight, he would have been run away by the insect king.

Xiao Guan waved his hand, and the corpse of the Earth Insect King disappeared immediately. You must know that this corpse is also a top-notch treasure.

After doing all this, her figure disappeared in an instant, but she left behind a faint sentence.

"Tell this kid when he wakes up, and I will help him get the top part, and I will leave the rest to you."

The IQ old man bowed respectfully again, and the three elders who just came over also quickly bowed respectfully.

The IQ old man glanced at the three of them, smiled and said: "This time our Heifeng clan has obtained such a good resource point, and the clan can develop vigorously for a period of time."

"Shangqiu and Gao De led 200,000 black phoenix troops to guard here. Now that there is a teleportation array, there is no need to worry about those transportations. I will send other races here after I go back to dig out the spirit stone veins. and various mines."

The strong man and another middle-aged man quickly and respectfully replied: "Yes! Great Elder".

The IQ old man glanced at the young woman at the end and said: "Take the rest of the team back to the clan, don't be seen by other races. After all, we have obtained such a large resource point, but many people are greedy."

The eyes of the three of them showed excitement. You must know that the quality of these veins is very good. If all of their tribes are digested, at least hundreds of thousands of tribesmen can be added, and their cultivation base can even be raised.

After the IQ old man gave all these instructions, he took the unconscious Han Zhu and the two little girls back in the teleportation array.

Two days later, Han Zhu slowly opened his eyes. Appearing in front of him were two happy little faces. Feng Xian'er, who has a lively personality, hurriedly shouted in surprise: "Master! You finally woke up."

Looking at the happy expressions of the two apprentices, Han Zhu showed a faint smile and said: "What can I do as a teacher, it's just that my mana has been consumed too much and I have entered self-sleep."

Just when he was about to say something more, the old man with IQ suddenly appeared beside his bed. He said with a smile all over his face: "Elder Han, you are awake, how do you feel?".

Han Zhu showed a wry smile and said, "Senior Zhi, stop making fun of me, and call me Boy Han as before."

"Hehe... that's fine, even Kid Han thinks it's easy for me." Han Zhu stood up from the bed, moved his feet, and felt the mana in his body, and it was all recovered.

"It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably. The worm king should have been dealt with by the patriarch! It's stabilized there."

When the IQ old man heard this, both eyes narrowed with a smile. He glanced at Han Zhu with grateful eyes and said, "Boy Han, our family is really lucky to have met you."

"Now with your teleportation array, the speed is countless times faster than before. The most important thing is that other races have not been able to discover it. In this way, we can develop in a low-key manner and not be hostile by other races."

"After all, even our demon clan is not very peaceful. Now the strength of our six clans is about the same. If any race starts to grow, it will definitely be suppressed by other races."

Han Zhu nodded understandingly, he was pretty good in this monster race, but it would be even more exaggerated if he went to the human race.

Han Zhu couldn't help asking: "Your monster race and the human race here belong to an alliance, so what do you think of the human race?".

The IQ old man glanced at Han Zhu, and said directly: "Your human race is too cunning, but there are also many honest and trustworthy people."

"And your human race's internal fighting is more intense than our monster race. To be honest, I am very envious of your human race's talent. Your human race is called the innate Taoist body, which is the easiest physique to cultivate immortals."

"We, the monster race, can only transform gods into innate dao bodies when we reach the Nascent Soul stage, and you have been born, which is why those geniuses of your human race may only reach the stage of transforming gods or even combining bodies in a few decades or hundreds of years. There are also ".

The IQ old man finally commented in such words: "Fortunately, your human race is not united, and you will do anything for the benefit, even the geniuses of your own race, otherwise your human race may become a spirit world. One of the top ten races in the world".

Han Zhu fell silent when he heard this. Although he had already guessed the result, he still felt a little sad when he heard it.

After all, as a member of the human race, he didn't want the human race to live too badly, at least he had to be one of the top ten races.

Whether in the previous life or the human race in the mortal world, they all have the same character. They seem to be born to like infighting, which may be a nature engraved in their bones.

Han Zhu soon stopped thinking about these issues. After all, he is not a saint and worried about the future of the human race. At most, wait for him to become stronger and take care of the human race a little more.

In order to ease the atmosphere here, the IQ old man quickly said happily: "The team leader Han wants me to tell you that he will help you get the top parts, so that the magic weapon you refine will be even more powerful. It's a pity. Even if you refine it, you can't use it now."

When Han Zhu heard this, he suddenly revealed a light of excitement. Isn't this what he worked so hard for? If the black phoenix demon king casually tore off a few branches from the five-element tree, he would have nowhere to cry.

The only pity is that it will take ten years to get it, but I have waited for more than a hundred years, and this ten years is not bad. For cultivators, ten years is just a blink of an eye.

Han Zhu looked up and down, where he was lying now. It turned out to be a huge piece of food, and even the bed he was lying on was at least five meters long.

The most important thing is that the aura here is also very rich. Han Zhu glanced at the double speed of the hang-up, and it was about four times faster.

The IQ old man also seemed to see his doubts and smiled, and explained: "This is for the elders to live in, so the aura is more abundant. My cave is next to you, so come and visit me when you have time."

Looking at the old man's smiling expression, Han Zhu suddenly thought of his eyes. I could only smile helplessly and said, "Don't worry! I will visit you often."

The IQ old man glanced at Han Zhu again, smiled and said: "Since you are awake, then I am relieved, you can make arrangements for yourself! There will be a clan meeting in three days. As the black The elders of the Keqing of the Feng clan must participate."

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, looking at the disappearing figure of the IQ old man, a hint of thought appeared on his face. He quickly abandoned those messy thoughts, and he must stay in the Black Phoenix Clan honestly for the past hundred years, which is also his promise to the Black Phoenix Clan."

Han Zhu glanced at the two apprentices on the opposite side, smiled at them and said: "Now we have finally stabilized, and you all have to practice hard in the next time. My requirements are not high. In a hundred years break through to the Nascent Soul Stage".

Feng Xian'er looked relaxed, Wu Qingshui bit her lip hard, and finally nodded.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Han Zhu smiled and said, "Don't worry! I will arrange formations and continue to improve the aura here. It shouldn't be difficult in the Nascent Soul Stage, and you can think about it when the Spirit Transformation Stage comes."

The two little girls also know now that the master's formation is very powerful. Both of them were nodding their heads excitedly, and Han Zhu started to take the two apprentices around his elder cave.

The Yaozu's cave is huge, and any living room is dozens of times bigger than their previous living room. The things they used were also much larger than those used by Ren Zhuo.

Han Zhu actually found ten acres of spiritual fields in the cave. One must know that the Yaozu seldom have spiritual rice and elixir, and they usually grow wildly.

After walking around the entire cave, there are various measures. There is actually an alchemy room and a qi refining room, which may only be given to elders.

Han Zhu then went out to look at the terrain outside and the formations arranged. It was indeed very rough. As long as he slightly changes the concentration of aura, he can at least double it.

If another super compound formation is arranged, it is not a problem to increase it by five to six times. After Han Zhu thought about it, there was no need to be so troublesome, and he didn't want to be too dazzling.

If the concentration of aura in his cave had really increased by five or six times, then it would really belong to the blessed land of the cave. An increase of two or three times is completely enough for these two little girls to quickly break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

It's better to wait until these hundred years have passed and you have your own territory, and then arrange it carefully. He believed that at that time, he might have reached the stage of transforming gods, and he should have become a grand master of formations!.