Innate Formation

Han Zhu has been busy working on their cave for the next few days, and today is the day when their cave formation will be completed.

The IQ old man also brought a girl in her twenties to their cave today to watch together, this time to activate the formation.

Han Zhu looked at the young girl next to the old man with IQ, and saw that she was dressed in exactly the same black clothes as the black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan, and with a black veil, only a pair of big eyes were exposed. He looked at Han Zhu with curious eyes.

When the two pairs of eyes met, she didn't show any shyness or anything like that, she still looked straight at Han Zhu with curiosity in her eyes.

Han Zhu just sensed her cultivation base a little bit, and she actually has a mid-stage cultivation base of the God Transformation. Han Zhu suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his old face. Only when he arrived in a high-level world like the spirit world did he realize that people generally cultivated in the stage of transforming gods.

This situation may be better in the human race, especially in the demon race. This kind of growth will almost reach the Nascent Soul stage. As long as the resources are sufficient and the aptitude is high-quality, he will be at the stage of transformation after a few hundred years of cultivation. He is also very helpless! .

The IQ old man looked at the expressions of the two looking at each other, showed a faint smile and introduced: "Boy Han, this is my great-great-granddaughter "Xiao Hong". She also serves in the Black Phoenix Army. She just came back from vacation this time. Bring her here and get to know her."

Looking at the smiling eyes of the IQ old man, the meaning is already very obvious, which means that he wants to make do with the two of them.

Han Zhu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Regarding feelings, even an old monster who lived almost two hundred years old, he felt that he was not good at this aspect.

Han Zhu could only smile helplessly and said, "Hello Fairy Xiaohong! My name is Han Zhu, nice to meet you."

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Hong's eyes, she never expected that someone would greet her in this way.

Just as Xiao Hong was about to perform an elder salute to Xiao Hong, the IQ old man next to him smiled and said, "Hong'er! There's no need to be so troublesome. You can just call him Big Brother Han from now on."

Han Zhu looked at the IQ old man opposite him with a speechless face, and complained frantically in his heart: "Boss! I am only 200 years old this year, so why don't you say that your granddaughter is 800 or 900 years old! Are you sure you are called that?" suitable".

But looking at the smiling eyes of the IQ old man, he could only say helplessly: "Little sister Xiaohong, you, Grandpa Xuan, are right, just call me Brother Han, that would seem too unfamiliar."

Xiao Hong also saluted Han Zhu unceremoniously, and said, "Hello, Brother Han".

Han Zhu hurriedly called two apprentices, and said to Xiao Hong: "This sister will be called Shigu from now on!".

Then he said to Xiao Hong: "Little sister Xiao Hong, these two are my apprentices."

The two little girls looked at each other, and quickly saluted Xiao Hong respectfully: "Hello, Aunt Xiao Hong."

A smile appeared on Xiao Hong's face, and she smiled at the two little girls and said, "Hello, two nephews."

Then she touched her storage ring, and two jade boxes appeared in front of her. Even without opening the jade box, a cool medicinal fragrance wafted over.

Xiao Hong smiled and said: "This is a gift from my aunt, as long as you eat one of the 'Dingyan Flower', it can be guaranteed that it will not change for a thousand years."

As soon as the two little girls heard this, their eyes immediately showed excitement, and they grabbed one of them unceremoniously, saluted Xiao Hong respectfully, and called out sweetly: "Thank you! Xiao Hong Teacher and Aunt".

Han Zhu looked at them, he was much happier than when the IQ old man gave them rings and flying swords. Sure enough, women understand women! .

Han Zhu and the IQ old man looked at each other, both showing helpless expressions, but the three girls next to each other quickly became friends, and even stopped calling them Shigu, and started calling them sisters and sisters.

Han Zhu didn't care much about these etiquettes. As for the IQ old man next to him who had lived for thousands of years, he didn't care much about them. Otherwise, he wouldn't call his great-great-granddaughter Han Zhu and Brother Han.

Han Zhu also just smiled faintly, and asked the IQ old man next to him: "Senior Zhi! I wonder if I can enter your clan's Buddhist scripture pavilion with my current status?".

The IQ old man smiled and said: "Of course you can enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion with your current status, but you can't enter the last floor. After all, those are the core exercises of our clan."

Only then did Han Zhu heave a long sigh of relief. He was afraid that the Black Phoenix Clan would not allow him to enter the Buddhist scripture pavilion. After all, such an ancient force would record major events related to this world, and he could only understand the spirit from inside. situation of the border.

After all, he is just a guest elder. The main reason is that he is a human race. The so-called non-my race must be punished. This sentence is not a joke, it is tried in every world.

Han Zhu asked again: "Senior Zhi! I wonder if your clan has collected formations and supernatural powers?".

After all, these things are what he is most concerned about, especially the formations. He needs more formations to make up for his understanding of the formation, so that he can break through to the formation master as quickly as possible.

In addition, it is about supernatural powers, after all, he still has three hang-up slots that are still vacant! He is going to hang a few more powerful magical powers, so that his combat power will be even stronger. In this dangerous world, there is another power of self-preservation.

You must know that his super cheat can be used for anything, maybe others can't cultivate the supernatural powers of the Yaozu, but he has no problem at all.

When the IQ old man heard Han Zhu's question, a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face. When Han Zhu saw the old man's expression, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that these two things can't be shown to him?

Seeing that Han Zhu's complexion began to change, the IQ old man was afraid that the boy might misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "Boy Han has some supernatural powers, whether it is human race, monster race, or other races."

When Han Zhu heard that it wasn't that he was not allowed to watch, he let out a long sigh. Then he looked at the old man with puzzled eyes, then what did your look mean just now? .

The IQ old man could only continue to explain: "As for formations, our clan really doesn't have many. Of course there are some mid-to-high-level formations, but I think you don't like them either."

Although he had guessed this situation a long time ago, there was still a hint of disappointment in his eyes. The IQ old man smiled embarrassedly and said: "You also know that our monster clan doesn't know much about the battle method. In the entire spiritual world, except for your human race, which is those races with extraordinary talents, most clans rarely have Formation Master".

Looking at Han Zhu's disappointed expression, the IQ old man could only smile and comfort him: "Although our clan doesn't have many formations, there is an innate formation in it, and it is related to space. Although you can't use it yet, But research and research should still be no problem."

When Han Zhu heard the Xiantian formation, his eyes lit up immediately. You must know that most of the current formations are acquired formations, but the Xiantian formations are very rare.

Anyway, he had never seen it in the mortal world, only heard of it. You must know that this kind of innate formation is not the kind of formation that is formed naturally.

I heard that there is an innate formation in the separation area between the spirit world and the fairy world. I heard that the formation is extremely powerful, and only those who reach the so-called Da Luo Jinxian level can pass through it.

The previous ascension passages were actually the so-called ascension passages that were created by opening gaps in the innate formations of those strong men of the Da Luo Jinxian level.

This kind of innate formation is formed when the world first opened, so it can be called innate formation. Such a formation has long since disappeared in places like the mortal world.

There should still be some high-level worlds like the spirit world, but it is unexpected that the Black Phoenix Clan actually hides an innate formation. You must know that this kind of innate formation method has the power of law, and the minimum threshold for learning is the level of a grand master.

However, there should be no resistance to a push like him. Looking at his excited eyes, the IQ old man couldn't help sighing, he deserves to be a grand master of formations, and he has such a bewitched expression when he hears the innate formations.

Han Zhu reacted quickly, and he smiled shyly at the IQ old man and asked, "Senior Zhi! Are you sure I can read and study the innate formation method?".

The IQ old man touched his beard under his chin with a smile and said: "Under normal circumstances, you can't, but this time you have made great contributions to the clan, and the patriarch will have no problem. I will be the master of the elders."

Han Zhu quickly stretched out a thumb and said, "Senior Zhi is domineering."

The IQ old man rolled his eyes at him and said: "Hurry up and open your super spirit gathering array! Let me see how effective it is, whether it is as exaggerated as you said, if the effect is really good, give me Put one over there too."

Han Zhu quickly said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry! Senior Zhi promises that he is only strong and not weak."

Looking at his flattering smile, the IQ old man felt amused in his heart, but said seriously on the surface: "Then you should start it soon."

"Yes! The Great Elder promises to complete the task." Seeing Han Zhu's funny look, the three girls next to him couldn't help showing a smile.

Han Zhu also stopped moaning, and started to use a series of formations against his super spirit-gathering formation.

Soon the array eyes and array lines lit up quickly, and soon tens of thousands of array eyes and array lines were all lit up, and instantly a beam of light shot straight into the sky.

The rest of the Heifeng clan looked at the place where the elder lived suspiciously. They felt that the light beam had no attack power, so they let go of their hearts.

Several elders who were practicing also quickly came out of the practice, after all, the fluctuation of spiritual power was too great.

Even Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king who was training in the training room, opened her eyes in an instant, and disappeared after a swipe. When she appeared again, she had already come to the old man with IQ.

The IQ old man also felt embarrassed, he didn't expect to make such a big commotion. He nodded shyly at Xiao Guan, and Xiao Guan also nodded at him, both of them looked at the figure standing in front of them.