The Arrogant Han Li

Sitting in this huge carriage again, Han Zhu had to sigh, how time flies. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and it has returned to the original point again.

Looking at the familiar figures sitting in the car, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he led Han Li to sit in the middle.

This time, he wanted to experience the feeling of being slapped in the face. In his previous life, he had endured it all his life in order to keep a low profile and avoid causing trouble. He didn't plan to endure it any longer in this life.

Han Li looked at the people in the carriage. Everyone was sitting on the side of the car. Only he and his second brother sat in the comfortable position in the middle of the car. He couldn't help but tugged at his second brother's clothes and whispered: Brother! How about we sit on the side too!"

Han Zhu smiled at him, and stretched out his arms, the meaning was very obvious, who else could be afraid of with his strength?

Thinking of the strength of the second brother, Han Li immediately felt relieved and sat here with peace of mind. The other people in the car looked at these two poorly dressed people with puzzled eyes, and dared to sit in the car. middle teenager.

Han Zhu felt that the people in the car were looking at him with amazement, and he glanced over unceremoniously. He has reached the first level of Qi training stage, and he is also a top expert with a radius of thousands of miles.

Wherever his eyes swept, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, even Guardian Wang, who was sitting outside, couldn't help shivering.

He opened the curtain suspiciously and took a look inside the car. Unfortunately, Han Zhu had already lowered his head and started to doze off, so he didn't have much to say.

He also saw Han Zhu and Han Li sitting in the middle, and he didn't say anything. In the world of warriors, the strong are the most respected. If the two of them had this strength, he wouldn't bother.

Han Li sensed Protector Wang's gaze, and couldn't help shrinking his body beside Han Zhu. Han Zhu glanced at Han Li who was leaning against him, smiled and said nothing.

If he guessed correctly, the one named Wu Yan should be coming up later! It seems that his sister is married to the deputy head of Qixuanmen, that kid must be a dick, he seemed to want to beat himself up last time.

Let him do what he wants for the rest of his life! By the way, give Han Li an education class and brainwash him well in advance. As a strong man, he should have the dignity and self-confidence of a strong man. After all, he will become the God of War in the future.

Time passed so slowly, the carriage stopped and went, and people kept coming up. As there are more and more people, there are also a few children who look like rich people in their clothes.

All the children who came up showed doubts when they saw Han Zhu and Han Li sitting in the middle. After all, seeing that those two people were country bumpkins, they dared to sit in the middle of the carriage. Isn't that courting death?

Han Li's body got closer and closer, and even his body trembled a little. If he hadn't thought of the brute force of the second brother, maybe he would have run to the side to sit.

Suddenly the carriage stopped, and the voice of Protector Wang came from outside, as if he was more friendly to those people. There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he was a cultivator after all, and he heard Wu Yan's name.

Sure enough, the curtain of the carriage was lifted again soon, and a young man about his age came up, but he was dressed in silk, and his body was very strong, so he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

He scanned the entire carriage, and finally set his sights on Han Zhu. He couldn't help frowning. After all, there were many people on the carriage, so the smell was not good, and only the middle seat was the best.

He walked towards Han Zhu step by step, looking at Han Zhu who was sitting there with calm eyes. The meaning is already very obvious, you are just a country bumpkin standing in such a good position, do you think you deserve it? Get out of here quickly.

Looking at the tall Wuyan, Han Li couldn't help shrinking his body, and quickly stretched out his hand to tug on the second brother. The meaning was obvious, let's get out of the way quickly! Wait to be beaten.

Only then did Han Zhu lazily opened his eyes, and looked at Wu Yan, who was fat and strong because he ate well.

He licked his mouth to the empty seat next to him, and the meaning was very obvious, just sit there!

Wu Yan's expression turned ugly in an instant, and a few well-dressed children who were originally at the edge of the carriage also slowly walked up.

They first smiled at Wu Yan respectfully, then stood behind him and looked at Han Zhu with angrily eyes.

Han Zhu looked at the group of children who were about ten years old, and couldn't help laughing. After all, it is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years, so it is impossible to really beat these children up.

Han Zhu just slightly circulated the spiritual power in his body, coupled with his aura of living for hundreds of years, he firmly pressed on these children, but his strength was very well controlled and did not spread Go out, so Protector Wang sitting outside didn't feel anything.

Standing in front of them, Wu Yan and those rich kids trembled all over their bodies. Some even left water on their legs and collapsed immediately. They all looked at Han Zhu with fear in their eyes.

Han Zhu glanced around with cold eyes, and everyone said lightly: "If you don't want to die, get out."

Several people quickly retreated to the side of the carriage, looking at Han Zhu with horrified eyes. Wu Yan, who had learned martial arts for a few days, was even more surprised, after all, he had seen a real martial artist.

For the rest of the journey, the entire carriage was quiet, and even Protector Wang, who was sitting in front, felt puzzled. He came in to have a look, but went out when he saw that everyone was sitting there obediently.

Han Li looked at his second brother with a look of admiration. He didn't expect his second brother to be so awesome. One look scared people out of the urine.

Han Zhu just smiled at him and said: "In the future, our Han family will only bully others, no one will bully us, remember not."

Han Li excitedly nodded his head, even raised his head high, and glanced at the people in the car window. I couldn't help avoiding all the eyes that looked at him, especially the devil next to him.

In the next few days on the road, the whole workshop was quiet. Just like last time, there was no sneak attack from the Wild Wolf Gang.

They came so smoothly and arrived at the foot of Qixuanmen. As soon as the group of children got off the car, they quickly separated from Han Zhu and Han Li. The farther away from these two demons, the better.

Han Zhu shrugged indifferently, he didn't care if it would frighten these children. Although he didn't kill like hemp in his previous life, he also killed many people.

When he was fighting the underground world with the Black Phoenix Clan, even the so-called God Transformation boss did a few things. Although he dare not say that he is cruel, but if someone stands in his way, even if it is a child, he will do it without hesitation. He hesitated and slapped it up.

The next thing was exactly the same as before. After resting on the mountain for one night, the trial began the next day.

But this time, Han Zhu did not separate from Han Li. He was going to take Zhang Tie's place and join old man Mo together.

Time passed by like this, Han Zhu and Han Li slowly climbed up the mountain, and soon they came to the bone forging cliff. Han Zhu looked at the sun in the sky and felt that it was about the same, so he took Han Li to climb up slowly.

On a small hillside in the distance, an old man bent over and kept coughing, stared at Han Zhu and Han Li with dead eyes. Especially after staying on Han Zhu for a long time, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he had a certain decision in his heart, and he chose these two.

There was also a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth. After all, he had already reached the first level of Qi Refining Stage. He had sensed it as early as the moment Old Man Mo noticed them, and made a show in front of him.

Although he was almost killed by this old man in his previous life, after careful calculation, they don't have much hatred. After all, they have lived for hundreds of years. If it was too much, I decided to let him go and even treat his injuries.

After all, no matter what, this old man was also Han Li's father-in-law in his previous life! As for this life, he might not plan to go to the Mo family anymore.

After all, he has too many things to do, and it is impossible to delay so much time because of a mortal woman. The most important thing is that Han Li and her don't know each other yet, and there is no emotional entanglement.

Time passed bit by bit. Han Zhu led Han Li to the top of the mountain stepping on that point. Han Zhu pretended to be struggling, but Han Li next to him was really struggling, panting heavily. thick.

Hall Master Yue looked at the sun in the sky, and shook his head regretfully at the two of them. Looking at his expression, Han Zhu just shook his head pretending to be disappointed.

Han Li's face was full of remorse and resignation, Hall Master Yue suddenly said: "Although you two did not arrive on time, it is almost the same, I plan to give you another chance, first train with us for half a year, and try again after half a year , if successful, you can join our Qixuanmen."

As soon as Han Li heard the hall master's words, his face was filled with excitement, he kept nodding his head, and grabbed the second brother's hand, looking at him with excited eyes.

Han Zhu also showed a very happy look. He glanced at the person who climbed up, and actually saw Zhang Tie inside. That boy really climbed up without the halo of Han Li's protagonist.

Han Zhu suddenly felt that two eyes were on him, and Han Zhu looked at those two eyes, and sure enough, that boy Wuyan and another old man in Chinese clothes were watching him.

Han Zhu nodded to the two with a smile, the old man stood there expressionless, and Wu Yan couldn't help shrinking his neck.

The following plot is also the same as in the previous life, that kid Wuyan successfully entered Qijue Hall relying on his connections.

Han Li looked at Wu Yan enviously, Han Zhu smiled at him and said: "Okay! Xiao Li has nothing to envy, after all, he is just a mortal, and the road we have to go will be much longer than him ".

Han Li nodded blankly, and followed everyone to the so-called outer courtyard.