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Han Zhu and Han Li walked at the back of the group. Han Zhu who was walking suddenly had a smile on his mouth. Sure enough, as his smile fell, an old man limped and coughed from the little boy next to him. The woods couldn't get out.

Seeing the old man, the disciples of the two Qixuan sects in front quickly bowed respectfully and shouted: "I have seen Doctor Mo, why do you have time to come out for a stroll today, old man?".

Old Man Mo coughed violently again, and then said hoarsely with a pale face, "Hmm! Is this a new student who just came up the mountain?"

One of them quickly and respectfully replied: "Yes! Among these people are seven official disciples and two registered disciples."

Old Man Mo pretended to glance at the crowd, and finally pointed to Han Zhu and Han Li with his fingers and said, "I am short of manpower now, and I still need a boy who refines medicine and a disciple who collects medicine. Come with me. !".

One of them hastily said respectfully: "Of order, these two are named disciples, it's their good fortune to be favored by Dr. Mo, if you come here to greet Mr. Mo, if you can learn a thing or two about his old man's medical skills , is the fate of the two of you!".

There was no excitement on Han Zhu's face, but a calm look. Han Li's face was full of excitement. Hearing this, they immediately joined the Qixuanmen, and they didn't need to take part in the assessment.

Old man Mo glanced at the two of them, especially staying on Han Zhu for a while. Looking at the boy's calm face, he thought to himself: "It should be the reason for prematurity!".

As for why he had to choose Han Zhu, it was because he liked Han Li's natural power. After all, he's stuck with them all along the way.

Unexpectedly, among this group of children, I could see a gifted child. At this time, he was still very happy in his heart. People like this should be able to practice that exercise.

Old Man Mo was walking back to God's Hand Valley so slowly. Han Li's face was still full of excitement until now. He glanced at the second brother next to him, saw his calm face, and quickly comforted himself in his mind. Calm down, learn more from your second brother.

Although old man Mo seemed to be shaking, in fact, his speed was no slower than that of a strong adult man. Han Zhu was able to follow up easily, but Han Li gradually became out of breath. After all, most of the roads were mountain roads.

Although he also grew up in the countryside, he was only eight years old after all. In addition, I had climbed a few more mountains just now, and I was already exhausted.

Han Zhu took a look at his little brother, and without hesitation, grabbed him like a little chicken, tucked it under his arm, and quickly followed old man Mo.

Old Mo, who was swaying in front of him, also noticed this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stepped up a little faster.

It's a pity that no matter how much he speeded up, Han Zhu still followed him leisurely, and old man Mo's frown slowly became tighter.

Soon, the three of them came to a valley. Looking at this familiar place, Han Zhu couldn't help but sighed with emotion and said, "Unexpectedly, after going around for hundreds of years, I returned to the original point."

He said this in a low voice, only Han Li heard it under his arm. He glanced at his second brother suspiciously, but was soon interrupted by what Old Man Mo said in front of him.

Old Man Mo glanced at the two of them, and said calmly, "This is the Valley of God's Hands. Except for the disciples in the valley, outsiders generally don't come here unless they are sick or injured. The two of you will live here from now on. Go and rest for a while. Come meet me in the lobby again, I have something to tell you."

After saying these words, he walked slowly into the valley. Han Li looked at his second brother nervously, but Han Zhu still looked indifferent, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's go! Let's go in and have a look, and we will live here for another year or two!".

Han Li thought that his second brother was here, and immediately felt relieved, and boldly followed his second brother into the valley.

As soon as the two entered the valley, Han Li showed a look of surprise. After all, he came from the countryside and had never seen such a beautiful scenery.

On the left side of the valley is a large farmyard exuding a strong medicinal fragrance. There are many medicinal herbs that Han Li can't name, and on the right side there are more than a dozen large and small houses connected together. Looking around, it seems that there is no other exit to the outside except the entrance.

Han Li exclaimed with some joy: "Second brother, this house is so big! Will we live here in the future? Your house is even bigger, this should be affordable for rich people!".

Han Zhu just smiled lightly, after all, he has been here for many years in his previous life, and he is very familiar with it.

He is now considering whether to directly have a showdown with old man Mo tonight. After all, he doesn't have so much time to intrigue with him there.

Han Zhu made up his mind, smiled at Han Li beside him and said, "Don't go with me after a while, the second brother can go alone."

Han Li looked at his second brother with big black eyes, thought for a while and nodded. Han Zhu stretched out his hand and rubbed his little head and said, "Just walk around in this yard! I'll go in."

Han Li glanced at the room where old man Mo entered, then at his second brother, and finally nodded. Han Zhu smiled confidently at him, and strode towards old man Mo's room.

Although Han Li was relatively precocious, he was only eight years old after all. He was quickly attracted by the beauty of the valley, and started running across the medicine fields.

Han Zhu went straight to old man Mo's room without stopping at all. When he came to the front of the room, he pushed hard and it didn't lock, so he walked in with big strides.

Just sitting down, old man Mo, who hadn't finished a sip of tea, couldn't help but frown. He looked at Han Zhu who suddenly opened his door and stood quietly in the middle of the room.

His face became gloomy, and he was about to get angry. A sudden, extremely strong force directly pressed him to the ground, and even the chair he was sitting on was directly torn apart.

He looked at the child standing there with a surprised look on his face. With a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he said in a light tone: "Mo Juren! The hero of Lanzhou is proficient in medical skills. Shocked, from then on I wanted to embark on the path of cultivating immortals and immortality, but unfortunately because I didn't know the right way, I went into a lunatic. So I lived in seclusion in Qixuanmen, looking for solutions to my body's problems, and changed my name to Doctor Mo."

At this moment, old man Mo's face was full of shock, and he looked at the boy in disbelief. He couldn't help swallowing hard and said, "Who are you? Why do you know everything about me?"

Han Zhu stretched out a hand slowly, and a fireball began to condense in his hand, and it became bigger and bigger until it reached the size of a basketball before stopping.

Old man Mo looked at the fireball, which was about the size of a basketball, exuding intense heat. He couldn't help swallowing and said, "You are a cultivator of immortality."

Han Zhu smiled and nodded, then waved his hand, the fireball disappeared immediately, and the force that was originally pressing on Old Man Mo also disappeared instantly.

Old man Mo got up from the ground with some difficulty, and knelt down in front of Han Zhu. After all, he has seen immortals fight before, and knows their strength. With his own strength, he is like an ant in front of them.

Until now, old man Mo couldn't believe that this young man was actually a cultivator of immortals, and he was also very powerful. You must know that he had reached the peak of innate talent, and he had no power to fight back in front of him.

There was a hint of death in his eyes, he knew that his fate was completely in the hands of this young man.

Han Zhu glanced at old man Mo who was kneeling there with a loveless expression on his face. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth and he said: "If you want to become a cultivator, you must have a spiritual root. If you don't have a spiritual root, you want to forcibly cultivate an immortal, that's impossible."

Old Mo's head lowered even lower. He knew about this a long time ago, and because he was unwilling to do so, he forced himself to practice the exercises, which caused him to become obsessed and almost to play.

Han Zhu smiled helplessly and said, "I can heal your injuries and let you go."

When old man Mo heard the words of the young man in front of him, his face was full of disbelief. He said in a somewhat excited voice: "You can really heal the wounds on my body, and you are willing to let me go."

You must know that his medical skills are very good, but there is no way to deal with his own injuries, but he suddenly thought that the young man opposite him was a cultivator, and his eyes were filled with hope.

Han Zhu smiled and said: "These are minor problems, so they can be regarded as compensation for your family!".

There was a hint of bewilderment in Old Man Mo's eyes, he couldn't understand the meaning of the young man's words at all. Han Zhu didn't explain anything to him. He went to the side, picked up a pen and wrote some materials and threw them to old man Mo, saying, "Go and find all these materials. With your current status, it should be easy to find."

Old Man Mo took the paper and looked at it. It was indeed something that was more precious to ordinary people, and it was just that to him.

There was a flash of struggle in Old Man Mo's eyes, and finally he mustered up his courage and kowtowed three times and said, "Master Immortal, can't you really cultivate immortals without spiritual roots?".

Han Zhu looked at Old Man Mo, who was staring at him with red eyes and a resolute face. He remembered that the girl in his previous life looked at him with the same eyes and asked the same question.

Han Zhu's eyes were a little lost, and he fell into deep memories. He is a time traveler, has golden fingers and has never worried about spiritual roots, but he can feel the yearning of mortals for immortals.

Looking at the hopeful eyes of the old man, he shook his head without hesitation and said: "These are all predestined."

Although it is true that he can arrange formations and give ordinary people the hope of cultivating immortals with his attainments in formations, but this old man Mo has nothing to do with him, and he will not spend so much time on him.

The divine light in old man Mo's eyes began to slowly disappear, and his head drooped. Han Zhu finally shook his head helplessly, and once again remembered the gaze of the young and determined girl,

He said slowly: "Although you can't become real cultivators, there is still a way, which is to enter the Tao through martial arts."