
Han Zhu and the two bought a lot of things in the big cities they passed by, and they also changed their clothes into silk. After all, the two have only been out for more than a year. If you go back in tattered clothes and say that you have developed yourself, no one will believe it.

Han Li looked at his moon-white Taoist robe, his face was full of joy and affection. The second elder brother said that only immortal cultivators can wear it, and if others dare to wear it indiscriminately, they will be beaten to death if they are found.

After all, these Taoist robes are not allowed to be worn indiscriminately in this world. If an immortal cultivator sees you wearing a Taoist robe without cultivation, this is an insult to the immortal cultivator.

Han Zhu himself also put on a moon-white Taoist robe. He had no choice but to like white. Originally, he wanted to add two formations to it, but unfortunately, these materials are too low-level to bear even one formation.

Along the way, Han Li also subdued the "Heaven Palm Vase" like in his previous life, and even cultivated two elixir plants that were more than a century old.

The two brothers, dressed like dogs, got into the carriage again and drove to Qingniu Town. After all, the two of them are returning home in good clothes, and they must go to the third uncle's place. After all, he is the one who brought them in, and he is still close to the third uncle.

When this rather luxurious carriage entered Qingniu Town, those ordinary people looked back frequently. After all, in such a small county, it is rare to have such a carriage.

Han Zhu drove the carriage to the front of the inn, and soon there were people watching. As more and more people gathered around, a middle-aged strong man came out of the inn, and he strode towards and said loudly: "Friend! This is the inn opened by Qixuanmen. If you are staying in the inn and If you want to eat, we welcome you."

The middle-aged man looked suspiciously at a young man in a white Taoist robe sitting in front of the carriage. After all, he had been in the arena for a while, and when he saw the Taoist robe on the young man, his eyes couldn't help but tremble.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and he said lightly, "Third Uncle! It's been more than a year since I saw you, why don't you know my nephew!".

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then he saw the young man raised his head. He was stunned for a long time before he realized and shouted in surprise: "Xiaozhu".

A sunny smile appeared on Han Zhu's face, and he just looked at his third uncle with a smile. Han Li couldn't help getting out of the carriage in surprise, and shouted, "Third Uncle."

The middle-aged man looked at Han Li who had grown a lot taller and was also wearing a white Taoist robe. He also showed a surprised expression, and exclaimed in surprise: "Xiao Li".

The two brothers got down from the carriage together, and the middle-aged man also walked over, just about to hug the two, but stopped when he looked at the white Taoist robes on the two.

Han Zhu looked at the third uncle's performance and smiled, walked over and gave him a big hug. After all, he is already thirteen years old, and his height is about the same as that of the third uncle. After all, he is a cultivator, so his body grows very fast.

Han Li also made the same action as him. Seeing this scene, the third uncle smiled even more intensely.

Third Uncle quickly ordered Xiao Er to lead their carriage to the backyard, and then welcomed them into the inn. Han Zhu was not in a hurry to go back this time, so he had a meal here before leaving.

The main thing is to ask the third uncle's opinion, if he wants to go out with them.

The third uncle brought the two of them to a private room, and quickly ordered a table of good dishes, chicken, duck, fish, all of them.

The next three people just ate and drank. The third uncle wanted to ask something several times, but the words stopped when they reached the mouth.

Han Zhu took a big chicken leg for Lord Han, smiled and said, "Uncle San! Do you want to ask why we came back so early?"

The third uncle smiled embarrassedly. He could feel that Han Zhu and Han Li had undergone great changes, especially his second nephew, Han Zhu, who made him feel as if he was superior.

Han Zhu smiled lightly and said: "Han Li and I were lucky. We both joined the Qixuanmen, and we also worshiped a very powerful master. He taught us all the skills. After more than a year of study, We've been successful."

Three places looked at Han Zhu with a natural expression, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. After all, he still knows about warriors. Generally, it takes at least five or six years of study to see some results.

Han Zhu also saw Uncle San's doubts, smiled and said: "Uncle San, maybe you misunderstood something, we didn't learn martial arts, we still took another, more powerful path."

The third uncle looked at Han Zhu and Han Li with a puzzled look on his face. Could it be that there is a way stronger than a warrior in this world.

Han Zhu just looked at the third uncle with a smile in his eyes, and the third uncle also had a thoughtful look on his face, and suddenly he threw the Taoist robes on the two of them, and he thought of a legend.

The third uncle showed a look of surprise all over his face, and asked tremblingly, "Little Zhu! Don't tell third uncle that you have become immortals."

Han Li stopped eating the chicken leg when he heard the word "immortal". He looked at the second brother with his eyes, the meaning was already obvious, do you want to tell the third uncle?

Han Zhu just smiled lightly and nodded. Han Li quickly showed his excitement. After all, the child is a nine-year-old child, and he still prefers to express himself, especially since he has a lot of strength.

Han Li said excitedly: "Third uncle, you guessed right, we have indeed become immortal cultivators."

Then, under the stunned gaze of the third uncle, he stretched out a hand, and after he pinched a few formulas, muttering something, a fireball suddenly appeared on his hand.

The third uncle couldn't help swallowing, feeling the heat of the fireball in Han Li's hand, couldn't help but backed away, with a look of fear in his eyes.

When Han Li was about to perform another water polo technique with excitement on his face, a slap was slapped on the back of his head. Han Li looked at his second brother with an aggrieved face, Han Zhu ignored him, and just smiled and explained to his third uncle: "Third uncle! Actually, this is all a trick."

The third uncle was stunned for a long time, and then slowly regained his strength, and stretched out his hands to hold down his trembling feet. He asked in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Zhu! Are there really immortals in this world?".

Just as Han Li was about to perform excitedly, he was stared back by his second brother. Didn't you see that the third uncle's legs were shaking with fright? You want to pretend again.

Han Zhu smiled and said: "There are indeed immortal cultivators, but immortals are a bit exaggerated. At most, they are extraordinary people who have mastered powerful power."

The third uncle couldn't help swallowing and asked: "I heard that immortals can destroy the world, and it is easy to slaughter a city."

Han Zhu roughly popularized the common sense of the world of cultivating immortals to the third uncle, even so, the third uncle was terrified.

After all, Han Zhu also said very bluntly, those high-level immortal cultivators cast down any spell, and a small town like Qingniu Town would basically be wiped out.

Even as long as he and Han Li were given time, they could easily kill the thousands of people in Qingniu Town. He also just wanted to tell third uncle the fact that if he followed them into the world of cultivating immortals in the future, there would definitely be danger.

Han Zhu quickly stated the purpose of coming back this time, and the third uncle fell silent when he heard that he invited him to go to the so-called world of cultivating immortals together.

After a while, the third uncle showed a wry smile and said, "Xiao Zhu! Our family won't go with you. The third uncle just wants to live an ordinary life. It's good to stay in Qingniu Town." .

Han Zhu had already guessed this result, after all, the third uncle also made the same choice in his previous life. As for my parents, there is no problem. After all, these two are their own sons. They will live a good life, and they will not refuse.

Han Zhu still cured his physical illness for the third uncle just like he was in the previous life. But this time he left a lot of money for third uncle, which was left by old man Mo.

After all, the third uncle is also an old man, and he also knows the truth that wealth should not be revealed, so he is not worried about this issue.

The third uncle originally wanted to send the two of them back to the village, but he refused. He also told the third uncle very bluntly that they would leave here soon after their parents returned home, so there was no need to send them off.

After several hours of rushing, Han Zhu and Han Li came to a quiet small village together.

Han Zhu stood at the entrance of the village and looked at the stream in front of him. He vaguely remembered the time in his previous life when he and Han Li were fishing in the stream. Uncle San is here! He brought us a lot of delicious food.

Along the loess road, I finally saw a very familiar house from a distance. The low mud walls, the rows of straw piles, and the potholed path all made Han Zhu so familiar.

Han Li also stood there excitedly, looking in the direction of home. After all, he has only been out for more than a year. Although he misses him very much, it has not reached the level of Han Zhu's hundreds of years.

Han Zhu once again felt the feeling hundreds of years ago, but in this life he decided to accompany his parents through the rest of their life.

The carriage slowly drove into this peaceful small village. As the carriage continued to drive, many villagers slowly surrounded it.

You must know that there has never been a horse-drawn carriage in their village except for their third uncle who occasionally came to deliver something to them.

The carriage slowly arrived in front of the Han family's yard. Before the carriage stopped, Han Li jumped down excitedly, and shouted as he jumped, "Father! Mother! Little sister! My second brother and I are back. ".

After all, the sun was shining brightly at noon, and most people would not go to work in the fields, so the Han family soon heard news.

The door creaked open a crack, and a small head emerged from it. When Han Li saw this familiar little face, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Little sister! It's the fourth brother."

The little girl looked at the fourth brother who had grown a lot taller, and was stunned for a while, but when she looked at the dark face, she finally came to her senses, opened the door excitedly, ran out and hugged him Han Li shouted: "Fourth Brother".

Han Zhu stood behind and watched this scene with a gentle smile, Father Han! Han Mu! He also hurriedly ran out of the house excitedly. Mother Han ran in the front, shouting as she ran, "Zhu'er! Li'er! My son! You are finally back."

Han Li threw himself into his mother's arms, and Han Zhu also walked over to hug the other side. The little girl also hugged her with tears all over her face. Mother Han showed a gratified smile and touched a head with one hand. Father Han stood behind, his eyes turned red, and he just looked at the four of them with a smile.

At this time, Han Li was like a proud rooster, handing an item to the little girl. The little girl also took one thing with a happy face. Father Han and Mother Han stood by and watched all this with a smile.

The smile on the little girl's face never stopped, Han Li's face suddenly became serious, he took out a moon-white fairy dress from a box below, solemnly handed it to the little girl and said: "Little sister! This is a gift from the second and fourth brothers."

The little girl took over the moon-white fairy dress with a look of excitement. She had been looking at the clothes on the two elder brothers, they were very gorgeous and beautiful. She also longed for a dress like this, but she didn't expect it to exist.

The little girl hurriedly ran to her room excitedly, she wanted to change into this beautiful new dress right away.

Han Li just wanted to stop her and tell her the meaning of the clothes, but he was stopped by the second brother next to him, and Han Li's eyes showed a puzzled look.

Han Zhu smiled at him and said, "Don't worry! Little sister will soon become like us."

Han Li suddenly revealed a look of surprise and asked: "Second brother! You mean that the younger sister also has spiritual roots."

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, and Han Li immediately revealed an excited expression. If this is the case, wouldn't it be that there are three immortal cultivators in the Han family, and they will not be so lonely on the road to pursue the Dao in the future.

The little girl came out of her room very quickly. Although her skin was a bit sallow, she was still very beautiful in this fairy dress.

Time soon arrived in the middle of the night, and the family of five were all sitting at the table eating. Han Zhu looked at Father Han who was sitting there silently and said with a smile, "Father! Mother! This time Xiaoli and I come back to pick you up and live in a big city with us."

Father Han! Han Mu! They looked at each other, and finally it was Father Han who said, "Your elder brother just sent a message two days ago that he wants to marry the daughter of the blacksmith shop. Let's go after he gets married!".

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, and Han Li suddenly asked from the side: "Then elder brother, will you go with us?".

Han Zhu glanced at him, he knew what the result would be, so he silently lowered his head to eat. When Father Han heard this question, he immediately sat there and stopped talking.

Mother Han couldn't help but sighed and said, "Your eldest brother is the door-to-door son-in-law, so they will go to Fucheng after they get married."

Han Li fell silent when he heard this. After all, he grew up in this society, and he also knew what the son-in-law meant.

In the following period of time, the Han family attended the eldest brother's wedding. Although the Han family had these two immortal cultivators, they didn't make a big deal of it, and they just attended the wedding of the boss of the Han family so plainly.