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A month passed in the blink of an eye, and the five members of Han Zhu's family were ready to leave. They had arranged everything here, and even his eldest sister gave her a sum of money.

It can be said that they have left here without any worries, and it can also be said that it is impossible for them to come back for a lifetime.

It was the same carriage, parked quietly outside the small village. The five members of Han Zhu's family stood here quietly, looking at the quiet mountain village.

Han Li and the little girl didn't feel much. After all, they were still young, so they didn't have much feeling about the sad parting.

Han Zhu looked at this peaceful small village, which might be the last time he saw it in his life. Without the concern of his parents in the future, he will not come back here again.

He glanced at Father Han next to him! Han Mu! There was a look of reluctance in the eyes of both of them. Han Zhu smiled and comforted: "Father! Mother! I will take you back to have a look when I have time."

Father Han withdrew his gaze from looking at the village, and said to Mother Han next to him, "Zhu'er! You're right, we'll come back and have a look when we have time, after all, we're going to enjoy the blessings with them."

Mother Han heard the comfort from Han's father and Han Zhu, and her sorrow was much less. She took the little girl and Han Li into the carriage together.

Han Zhu originally wanted his father to go in with him, but it was a pity that Han's father was not at ease. Although thirteen years old is considered an adult in this world, as the head of the family, he felt that he should take the carriage.

Han Zhu just smiled and did not fight with his father, and handed over the rope of the carriage to Father Han.

Walking the carriage slowly on the official road, Han Zhu leaned against the edge of the carriage and chatted with his father about their future plans, and also told him where they were going.

Following Han Zhu's calm narration, the whole carriage bumped suddenly, and soon stabilized again, and soon the carriage stopped at the side of the road.

Father Han looked at Han Zhu with disbelief, and it took him a while to react. Looking at his son's face with a gentle smile, he asked in disbelief, "Are you sure what you said is true? Aren't immortals people from legends?".

Han Zhu knew that explaining would be useless at best, so he stretched out a finger directly, and a huge fireball appeared in his hand, and flew to the open space beside him.

With a "bang", a huge explosion sounded, and a small mushroom cloud appeared. Even the carriage, which was more than ten meters away, shook a few times, and the horses were even more frightened. Just as they were about to run away, Han Zhu held him down with one hand, and soon calmed down.

Mother Han, younger sister, and Han Li who were in the carriage came out together. Han Li saw that the smoke had cleared, and his eyes were full of envy for the huge pit that was tens of meters away.

The two are also at the third level of the Qi training period, but the power of the second brother's fireball technique is countless times stronger than his. He also asked his second brother the reason, and Han Zhu told him very plainly that as long as he cultivated the fireball technique to the level of Dacheng, he could also achieve his power.

In fact, he added silently in his heart, "If you have a system, you can also be so awesome."

Father Han! Han Mu! And the little girl looked at the huge hole more than ten meters away with a surprised face. Father Han! Han Mu! It's a look of horror and fear, while the little girl's face is full of excitement, but the second brother told him that she can also become that immortal cultivator.

Now she is learning to read from the fourth brother, and when she finishes all the learning, the second brother will teach him how to practice. Looking at the huge void and the blazing fire just now, her face was full of excitement, and she would become such a person in the future.

The carriage continued to drive forward again, but now it was indeed Han Zhu who was driving the carriage. What happened just now had a great impact on him. He had already entered the carriage, and he wanted to be quiet.

Han Zhu looked indifferent. After all, they entered the world of cultivating immortals, and his parents would see this scene sooner or later. They might as well tell them earlier and make them mentally prepared.

Han Zhu drove the carriage and kept walking forward, listening to Han Li in the carriage constantly talking about how powerful and good the cultivator is, as if he was an old driver.

For the next half a year, Han Zhu and the others spent their time on the road, and when they encountered a big city, they had to go in and rest for a while.

Han's father and Han's mother's knowledge also began to gradually increase, and they also accepted the fact that all three of their children had become immortal cultivators.

They also often asked Han Zhu to tell them about cultivating immortals. As they got to know the cultivators, the worry in their eyes became more and more intense.

Mother Han even persuaded them several times, or they should go back to that small village, live a normal life, and stop cultivating those immortals.

Every time Han Zhu heard Han Mu's advice, he remained silent, knowing that it was impossible. As Han Li and Han Xingyue's cultivation continued to grow, they felt such a powerful force, and it was impossible for them to give up.

Father Han didn't say anything, because he could see the firm look in the eyes of his three children, especially the look of his second son. It was impossible for him to give up.

As time goes by, Father Han! Han Mu! They also accepted the fact that they originally wanted Han Zhu to send them back, for fear of becoming a drag on them.

Han Zhu always said with a gentle smile: "Father and mother, don't worry, you will follow us. In this life, we will provide for your retirement and spend the last days with you."

Han Zhu also asked the two elders if he would like to become an immortal cultivator. If they wanted to, he still had a way, but it was a pity that Father Han and Mother Han still rejected him directly.

They also said it very bluntly, they just want to live an ordinary life. After all, they have been farmers all their lives, and they never thought of changing their destiny. Now I just want to stay with the three of them well and live through the remaining decades.

Han Li and Han Xingyue's faces were full of disappointment, and only Han Zhu had already guessed such a result. He also respects his parents' opinions, and he will spend the rest of the time by their side.

After traveling for more than half a year, they finally arrived at the territory of Huangfeng Valley. Han Zhu looked at the square city in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. After all, his road to immortality actually started here.

Although he and the little girl have only lived here for more than a year, they still have a very deep impression on this place. This time they came more than ten years earlier than last time, but they didn't plan to attend any Ascension Conference, and he didn't have so much time to waste on it.

He still decided to follow the old path of his previous life and make his reputation as a formation master. He believed that Huang Fenggu would come to find him soon.

Han Zhu's family had already given up on the carriage, and as they got closer to Fangshi in Huangfeng Valley, more and more immortal cultivators appeared on the road.

Han Zhu had a calm expression on his face. It was the first time Han Li and Han Xingyue saw so many immortal cultivators, and they were dressed in strange clothes, and their faces were filled with curiosity.

As for Father Han and Mother Han, although their faces were calm, their hearts were filled with fear. After all, anyone here could easily crush them to death.

Soon, they came to the entrance of Fangshi, and the Fangfengbone disciples guarding the gate lost five people's eyes. After feeling the fluctuation of their spiritual power, they said lightly, "This is the first time for you to come to Fangshi in Huangfenggu. !".

If you want to enter Fangshi in this world of cultivating immortals, you must have a minimum cultivation level of the first level of the Qi Refining Stage to enter. It is impossible for ordinary people to enter.

Han Zhu had already arranged formations on Father Han and Mother Han, so the cultivation they sensed was probably around the second or third floor of the Qi Refining Stage.

As for the little girl, in the past half a year, besides studying, she has also started to practice. Although she has only reached the first level of the Qi training period, she is barely qualified to enter.

Han Zhu came out from the middle suddenly and said, "Don't bother, we plan to live here permanently and plan to rent a shop here."

The Huang Fenggu disciple glanced at Han Zhu in surprise. As a team leader on the eighth floor of the Qi training period, he sensed Han Zhu's cultivation with his spiritual sense, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't see through him at all.

The arrogance on his face quickly faded away. An existence like this was at least in the Foundation Establishment period, or else it would be obvious from his cultivation.

Seeing that Han Zhu didn't reveal his cultivation, he didn't dare to call him senior, so he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then come over and register!".

Han Zhu and the others simply registered, but they didn't even have an entry fee. You must know that ordinary monks have to pay at least one spirit stone to enter, unless he is a disciple of Huang Fenggu.

Han Zhu found the house rental office with ease, and also chose the unoccupied house.

It was a very coincidence that the old man was still guarding there. Han Zhu gave him a big smile and said, "Friend Daoist, just come to that room for me! The cheapest one."

Han Zhu pointed to the far corner, where there was a very inconspicuous green dot. On the way, they also passed one or two small markets, where they sold a few hundred-year-old elixirs, so they also had thousands of spirit stones.

Of course, there were also a few sneaky immortal cultivators who were eyeing them, but unfortunately, in front of a powerful formation master, everything was a paper tiger.

Before they even appeared in front of Father Han and Mother Han, they were already dealt with by Han Zhu. Han Zhu only paid the rent for one year this time, after all, he didn't plan to live here for a long time.

Although the aura here is a little higher than outside, it is still far behind Huangfeng Valley, which seriously affects their cultivation speed.

After all, he has been racing against each other all his life, and he has no extra time to waste. The old man handed him a formation jade plate, which is the main formation hub that controls the shop.

Han Zhu smiled at him, and walked outside with his family. Han Zhu led the four of them to walk on the busy street again, looking at the monks who were dressed in strange clothes or with spirit beasts and pets.

Father Han and Mother Han still had a look of fear in their eyes, but also curiosity. Han Li and the other two had opposite expressions, mostly full of surprise and excitement.

Looking at the monks coming and going, although their current cultivation level is still low, they can't help but imagine it.

Han Zhu took Father Han and Mother Han to the last shop on the corner of the street, and opened the formation restriction with the array disk, and a shop with about fifty or sixty square meters appeared in front of him.

Han Zhu looked at the shop with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, and Han's father and mother looked at the shop with a look of reassurance in their eyes. After running around for more than half a year, they finally found a place to stay.

The little girl asked Han Zhu, "Second brother! Will we live here from now on?".

Han Zhu nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go! Let's go to the house behind to have a look."

The little girl excitedly took Han Mu's hand, and said excitedly: "Mother! Let's go and have a look!".

She and Han Zhu have been on the road for more than half a year, and now they finally have a stable place. That's why I'm so excited and happy, and this is where the immortals live.

Han Zhu looked at the happy family and did not bother them. He would not go up and say that we will live here for a year at most and have to move again.

There are a total of five rooms at the back. The previous generation Han Zhu used two as their rest room and training room, and another room was converted into a magic practice room and a room that he used exclusively for alchemy, formations, talismans, and weapon refining. As for the last one, it is used as a warehouse.

Because of the large number of people in this life, he doesn't do so much. There are five rooms, one for the parents, one for the younger sister, one for him and Han Li, and only one left for them to use as their spell practice room.

He even planned to open up a small medicine field in the small courtyard, specially for Han Li to cultivate elixir. Soon, he planned everything in the house and used the front as a shop.

Han Zhu quickly arranged the room! The next step is to buy things and decorate, but these are small problems for monks, so don't hire people at all, and there is no such person in the world of cultivating immortals.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by spells, and if there are, then there are two more. As long as you have a lot of spirit stones, these are not problems.

In the next two days, Han Zhu and the others have been purchasing materials, decorating the house, and arranging various formations. For a master like him, arranging these small formations is easy.

Because this is an alchemist, and they are not bad for spirit stones, the materials he bought are all relatively high-end, and the formations he arranges are much more powerful than ordinary formations.

Soon, the Han family settled down. Han Zhu had set up a spirit-gathering array in the room where the three of them practiced. Unfortunately, his current cultivation base is too low to be able to set up a super compound. Gathering array.

So in the place where they practice, the aura is about three times that of the outside. Even so, it is much better than many second-generation Xius, after all, the two of them can still take drugs.

Han Li's cultivation base has successfully broken through to the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he can make alchemy. After all, he is quite talented in alchemy, plus he can consume countless materials, and he can become a master by smashing it. In his previous life, he remembered that Han Li went to the Chaos Star Sea, and he became a master of alchemy.

He didn't have so much time to waste in his life. He would supervise Han Li well, and of course he couldn't lag behind in combat. He had to train with Han Li every day.

After all, he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Although he fought less in his previous life, he is still much stronger than a rookie like Han Li.

He didn't even let the little girl go. In his previous life, he was free-range. He also intends to train and train in his life, but he dare not say that he will be invincible at the same level as a female war god!