Ling Xiaofeng's Decision

Han Zhu and the others returned to their hometown and buried their parents in the ancestral land where the Han family had been buried for generations. By the way, a rural wedding was held for Han Li.

Nangong Wan also slowly accepted this fact. The most important thing was that she got along with Han Li during this time, and she felt that this little guy was not bad.

The most important problem is that the number one human race man is extremely respectful to his second brother, which is her current second brother. Judging from his appearance, he is calling himself a housekeeper or something.

The first two things were just the reasons why she was willing to follow Han Li, and the last thing was the reason why she decided to hug Han Li's thigh.

On the night when they got married, Han Li excitedly told her that their second brother would take them to the spirit world in at most fifty years.

Nangong Wan was stunned when she heard that, but after Han Li explained to her, Nangong Wan was stunned for a long time before she could react.

His second brother is actually a formation master, and he is the top one. What she couldn't accept the most was that Han Zhu was not over eighty years old.

It wasn't until that moment that she understood why the number one human race had to be a housekeeper. If he was the so-called number one powerhouse and had a formation master, he might make the same choice.

Only in this way can she go further, and at the same time she was secretly happy in her heart. She didn't expect her luck to be so good. Others have to practice hard, and they may not be able to go to the spirit world for a hundred or a thousand years. I didn't expect that I could achieve it so easily.

Originally thought that she was talented, but even so, she would break through to the Nascent Soul stage at most. Nangong Wan looked at Han Li in front of her, and immediately felt that Han Li was more handsome and pleasing to the eye.

Han Zhu didn't care what his younger brother and sister thought, after he finished all the things here, he brought everyone to the front of the ancient teleportation formation.

After all, this is a teleportation that spans millions of miles, even if he is the largest now, he can only span hundreds of thousands of miles. So if you want to go to Chaotic Star Sea, you still have to use the ancient teleportation array.

Of course, he can also set up a teleportation array himself, but that would be too time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Xiang Zhili and the others just watched quietly, Han Zhu, who was constantly repairing the ancient formation in the formation. I have to sigh in my heart, I am worthy of being a formation master.

As a gift of the highest level of cultivation, he could even feel that Han Zhu had completely merged with that piece of heaven and earth, and he felt that that piece of heaven and earth was repairing the ancient teleportation formation.

It seems that Boy Han didn't lie to him, as long as he breaks through to the golden core stage, he will become the so-called grand master of the formation. Such an existence has never been recorded in the mortal world anyway.

According to Han Xiaozi's explanation, even in the spirit world, there is no grand master of formations now. Xiang Zhili looked at Han Zhu who was constantly playing arrays of spells, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. Maybe they could really go to the so-called fairyland to see, or even a higher realm.

The only thing that worries him now is how strong is that powerful avatar? According to Han Xiaozi's guess, he will definitely be many times stronger than his previous life. As for how many times stronger, he himself does not know, after all, he has never fought against each other.

However, according to Han Zhu's guess, last time his strength was around the level of a true immortal, this time he will definitely be raised to a level, reaching around the level of a golden immortal. As for Taiyi, it should not be possible.

During the time he was thinking about, Han Zhu had already repaired the entire ancient teleportation array. Han Zhu patted his hands, stretched his waist and said, "Okay! Let's go!".

Both Xiang Zhili and Fairy Hongfu looked calm, Nangong Wan was numb now, even if someone told her now that the young man was a fairy, she would not find it strange.

As she got in touch with that second brother for longer, she felt less and less able to see through Han Zhu, and also felt that he was becoming more and more mysterious.

Several nights, she watched the boy alone, standing quietly on the roof, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and the first battle was a big night.

Nangong Wan could clearly feel his enormous pressure. Although she didn't know what it was, she could feel that he must be under a lot of pressure.

She also asked Han Li what was going on, but unfortunately, even Han Li, his own younger brother, didn't know what was going on. Han Li just told her to practice hard so that he could help his second brother in the future.

Soon a group of people stood in the ancient teleportation formation, Han Zhu played a few spells, and suddenly a yellow light enveloped them, and soon they disappeared in the formation.

When they appeared again, they had arrived on a small island in the Chaotic Star Sea. Han Zhu looked at this familiar place with a hint of nostalgia.

The few people looked at Han Zhu once again as if they were lost in memories, and they didn't speak, but just stood there quietly with him. After all, Han Zhu often showed such a look, and they were all used to it.

Han Zhu reacted quickly, smiled embarrassedly at everyone and said: "Xiang Lao, Xiangu, then I will take a step first, and you will arrive later."

Xiang Zhili nodded with a smile. They had already agreed that Han Zhu would go to Tianxing Palace to establish a relationship first, and they would come later.

Dong Xuan'er's eyes showed a hint of worry, after all, Han Zhu was going to meet the biggest force in the world of cultivating immortals. Han Zhu smiled and patted her little head and said, "Don't worry! I will do everything, and you will have an extra sister when you get there."

Dong Xuan'er didn't resist much when she heard the word "sister". After all, her Taoist companion is a very capable person, and it is normal to have more Taoist companions.

Han Zhu smiled at the few people and stopped hesitating. He stepped out, and a crack in space appeared in front of him, and he stepped in without hesitation.

When Han Zhu appeared again, he had already reached the sky above Skystar City. His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the Tianxing Palace, and there was no hiding in the violently fluctuating space.

Ling Xiaofeng and his wife, who were practicing, opened their eyes at the same time, with a look of disbelief in their eyes. They glanced at the sky, swiped and disappeared into the training room.

When they appeared again, they had already come across from Han Zhu. The two of them looked at the young man in front of him with puzzled eyes, and it turned out that he was just a little guy in the middle of the foundation establishment period.

Han Zhu looked at the two familiar figures in front of him, with a smile on his lips. He also called out without any concealment: "Uncle Ling! I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still the same as before."

Ling Xiaofeng was immediately stunned by Han Zhu, who called Uncle Ling. There was a hint of doubt in his eyes and he said with certainty: "I don't seem to know you, little guy! Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Han Zhu looked at the two seniors who were very kind to him, who were also his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and said, "Of course you don't know me in this life. After all, I haven't come to you yet, but in the last life!".

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of both of them, and Ling Xiaofeng said in an uncertain tone: "Little guy! Are you sure?"

Han Zhu just smiled and said, "Uncle Ling, let me take you to another dimension! Don't struggle, you will know all this soon, after all, I don't have so much time to spend here."

Ling Xiaofeng's eyes showed solemnity and suspicion, but he hesitated again when he saw the formation that was flowing rapidly under Han Zhu's feet.

The two looked at each other, but in the end they didn't make any drastic moves, but both of them had already summoned their talismans.

After all, they had to guard against a stranger who suddenly called them Uncle Ling and seemed to tell them something very important. As for why they didn't move, it was because of their confidence in their own strength. Can't do anything to them.

Soon the entire formation wrapped the three of them in, and disappeared in the main world in an instant. Just when the two looked puzzled and were about to ask something.

Han Zhu just smiled, and waved towards the air, and suddenly one picture after another appeared in the air. The scene ended very quickly, and the eyes of the two were still showing horror. In their eyes, there was only that huge time wheel left.

Han Zhu didn't bother the two of them to digest the huge information, but just stood there quietly. After several cups of tea, Ling Xiaofeng was the first to react. He patted the Taoist companion next to him.

Ling Xiaofeng just looked at Han Zhu like this, and after a while, he finally said: "Is everything true just now?".

Han Zhuchang sighed and said, "Uncle Ling, what's the use of lying to you!".

Then there was a hint of guilt on his face and he said: "I'm sorry! I didn't fulfill my promise in my last life. In this life, I will take you to the spirit world, and it will be very soon, no more than fifty years."

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of both of them, and they gradually believed this fact. Ling Xiaofeng was silent for a long time and said, "What price do we have to pay?"

Han Zhu smiled and said: "Uncle Ling, you don't need to pay any price, after all, you and he have helped me so much in your previous life."

After Han Zhu said this, he was silent for a while before asking: "Is Yu Ling okay?".

Looking at the guilty expression on Han Zhu's face, the two recognized the son-in-law in their hearts. Ling Xiaofeng smiled and said: "I don't know what happened in her previous life, at least she is living a good life in this life now."

Han Zhu thought for a while and asked, "Uncle Ling! I'm still willing to fight with me again in my life. If I lose again this time, maybe you will also be implicated."

Ling Xiaofeng and his wife looked at each other, and suddenly laughed loudly: "We dared to fight once in our previous life, so why not dare in this life. We also thought that there was no hope to go on, since you gave us this opportunity. As a cultivator, how can you not be sure? Even if it is the disappearance of life and death."