Goodbye Ling Yuling

Han Zhu looked at Ling Xiaofeng and his wife with firm eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth. He felt that he was not alone.

Even for the sake of his friends and relatives, he decided to fight to win and lead everyone along.

At the same time, he also felt that the pressure on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier. The fate of so many people was on his shoulders. If he failed, everyone would follow him to death.

However, as a cultivator, he has the courage to go against the sky, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go for a long time. At this moment, his state of mind once again improved.

The two looked at Han Zhu's temperament suddenly changed. As the old drivers of Xiuxian, they immediately understood what happened.

Ling Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Congratulations to Nephew Han! My mood has improved."

Han Zhu felt that his state of mind had improved a lot, and smiled and said: "Although the improvement of state of mind has helped me to a certain extent, it is a pity that the help is not very great."

Ling Xiaofeng listened to Han Zhu's words, he nodded seriously and asked, "Are we going to be like the last life this time?".

Han Zhu was silent for a while and said: "Uncle Ling! Although it is different from last time, I still want to use the spirit vein of your Tianxing Palace. If you don't want to, I can choose another one."

After all, in his life, he has Xiang Zhili, the number one powerhouse in the human race, and at most he can only grab other sects. He won't be so pedantic that for some kindness, he will almost be killed by others, and he won't care about the life and death of others.

Ling Xiaofeng smiled and said, "You don't need to bother, and you don't have so much time to search for it. This spirit vein was originally used as a dowry for Ling'er."

Han Zhu understood what Uncle Ling meant in an instant, looked at Ling Xiaofeng gratefully and said, "Uncle Ling, don't tell Linger about me just yet! In case I fail in the future."

Ling Xiaofeng stretched out his hand to interrupt him and said: "Nephew Han Xian, you don't need to say anything. If my daughter Ling Xiaofeng can't bear this storm, how can I be worthy of you? If I haven't experienced hardships with you, how can I have any feelings? I believe my own daughter will do well."

Han Zhu fell silent when he heard this, he glanced at Ling Xiaofeng opposite him, and had to sigh, he is indeed an old Jianghu, if he hadn't lived for hundreds of years, he would have been really deceived by this person.

What Uncle Ling said on the surface is awe-inspiring, but in fact the meaning is very obvious. If Ling Yuling was really getting along with Han Zhu after they got through that difficult time, then her status must not be on the same line as those who went through the difficult time with Han Zhu together.

Han Zhu smiled and didn't try to expose this one. After all, this is the selfishness of a father, and he can understand it completely.

In the following time, Tianxing Palace suddenly announced that their young princess was engaged to a mysterious person. This incident caused a sensation in an instant, and the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars no matter how big or small the forces were.

At this time, Han Zhu is with a beautiful girl, you look at me, I look at you. Ling Yuling suddenly said: "That kid on the other side, you are the Taoist partner my father chose for me."

Han Zhu looked at the look of disdain in the girl's eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and stretched out a hand to pinch her little face without hesitation.

Ling Yuling froze in an instant, and it took her a while to react, her little face flushed suddenly, and the mana on her body fluctuated rapidly.

She floated back in an instant, slammed the storage ring on her hand, and a flying sword appeared in her hand.

She clenched her silver teeth and said fiercely: "Shameless little thief, I think you are looking for death."

Then the flying sword was thrown into the air and tapped lightly at Han Zhu. Feijian instantly turned into a size of three feet, and slashed at Han Zhu.

Ling Yuling had already been dazzled by anger at this time, but it didn't matter whether he was her fiancé or not. Now she just wanted to slash this young man who underestimated her with a single sword.

Han Zhu still looked indifferent, looking at the little girl who was blushing from his anger, he suddenly felt amused.

After all, although they were together in the previous life, Ling Yuling at that time, because he knew that he was the master of the formation, was conquered by his own personality charm, and he was obedient to himself. So I have never seen her look like a young princess.

The three-foot-long flying sword slashed at Han Zhu's body, but unfortunately, a star flashed and the flying sword was bounced away.

Looking at the girl's flushed face opposite, Han Zhu couldn't help but chuckle. Ling Yuling immediately felt that she had been insulted, and the law fluctuated even more violently under her.

The angry Ling Yuling wiped the storage ring directly, and a golden talisman appeared in her hand. Han Zhu just glanced at it, and the smile on his mouth was even stronger, so what if it was a talisman?

Do you really think that his "Star Body Refining Art" was practiced for nothing! Although his star body training formula has only gathered two star points now. Even so, even an ordinary Jindan stage couldn't break through his defense.

Ling Yuling's small face turned red, and she said angrily: "For my father's sake, you apologize to me now, and I will let you go."

Han Zhu has never been so relaxed since he came back again. He shrugged helplessly and made an indifferent expression.

Ling Yuling was immediately annoyed by him, and poured his mana into the talisman without hesitation. As mana was continuously injected into the talisman, it turned into a huge hammer and appeared in midair.

Han Zhu felt its power for a while, probably around the late Golden Core stage. This time he didn't procrastinate, running the power of the stars in his body.

On the surface of his body, a battle suit condensed by starlight appeared in an instant. Ling Yuling looked at the guy on the opposite side wearing a mighty starlight battle suit, and immediately showed envy.

Han Zhu smiled and said, "Would you like it, or I'll get you one too."

Ling Yuling immediately withdrew her envious gaze, snorted fiercely, and pointed at the warhammer in the air.

There was still a coquettish scolding in his mouth: "Shameless thief, watch the hammer".

The huge hammer slammed on Han Zhu's starlight suit, and what happened next completely overturned Ling Yuling's cognition. I saw that oil, a huge warhammer composed of countless auras, just touched the starlight suit, it was wrapped by a burst of starlight, and then directly assimilated.

Soon, it turned into a talisman again, and Han Zhu held it in his hand as soon as he stretched out his hand. He also shook the talisman in his hand to Ling Yuling on the opposite side. The meaning of provocation is already very obvious.

Ling Yuling was also completely pissed off this time, so she wiped the storage ring again without hesitation. Immediately, a jade talisman emitting red light appeared in her hand.

When Han Zhu saw this jade talisman emitting red light, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. As an old driver, he could tell at a glance that this was a real treasure, which contained a blow from the Nascent Soul Stage.

Han Zhu suddenly felt that he had played too much, and smiled awkwardly and said, "Sister Ling'er! I was just joking with you just now, don't take it to heart."

Ling Yuling said with cold eyes: "Really? Who is your sister Ling'er, I didn't feel that you were joking with me."

Han Zhu looked at the real treasure in her hand, and it began to shine brightly. I knew that the little girl was completely pissed off and activated it directly.

Just as he was about to use the space formation to escape directly, there was a scolding voice from the side: "Yu Ling! Don't be rude to your brother Han."

Han Zhu watched Ling Xiaofeng approaching from the opposite side, and smiled awkwardly. After all, he knew that he had lived hundreds of years.

Ling Xiaofeng could only look at him helplessly, then smiled at his daughter and said, "Yu Ling! Your big brother Han was just joking with you."

When Ling Yuling saw her father, she pouted her mouth and said, "Father! Why did you marry me to him? I don't want to be engaged to him!".

Ling Xiaofeng patted his daughter's little head lovingly and said, "Don't underestimate Brother Han, he is a remarkable person."

Ling Yuling looked down at Han Zhu again, couldn't help poking her lips and said: "Father! I don't see what's so great about him, he's not handsome, and his cultivation base is lower than mine. If he didn't have a magic weapon, he might have been defeated by me long ago."

Ling Xiaofeng explained with a smile: "Little girl, the star suit worn by Brother Han just now is not a magic weapon, but a very powerful body training method he practiced."

A look of surprise and disbelief suddenly appeared in Ling Yuling's eyes. Ling Xiaofeng briefly explained the "Star Body Refining Art" to her.

Ling Yuling opened his mouth wide open, and looked at Han Zhu in disbelief. She couldn't help asking her father: "Father! My talent is so good, can I really not practice the "Star Body Refining Art"?".

Ling Xiaofeng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No one with better talent than you can practice, let alone yours."

His meaning is also very obvious, now you know how awesome your Big Brother Han is! Since ancient times, few people have been able to practice this kind of exercise successfully, especially if they have cultivated it to such a high level.

Ling Yuling looked Yifan Han Zhu up and down again, and immediately felt that this guy was not so annoying. After all, no matter what girl she is, she has a dream of being a hero, and she hopes that her other Taoist partner will be an invincible hero.

Ling Xiaofeng then smiled and said: "Actually, this is not what your big brother Han is best at. Your big brother Han is best at formations. His current attainments in formations have reached the level of a master of formations."

Ling Yu stared at the boss with fierce eyes, and looked at his father in disbelief. Ling Xiaofeng nodded affirmatively at her.

Ling Yuling. Only then did she accept this fact. After all, it was impossible for her father to lie to herself. Han Zhu kept smiling, looking at Ling Yuling and his daughter who were talking about themselves.

Seeing the little girl looking him up and down, he smiled at her. Ling Yuling didn't feel anything just now, but when she suddenly saw the smile of the young man across from her, she felt her face turn red, and she lowered her head abruptly.

She bowed to Ling Xiaofeng and Han Zhu and said, "Father! Brother Han, I'm going back first."

As soon as this sentence was finished, she swiped and ran away. Seeing the little girl's sudden change of attitude, Han Zhu could only smile helplessly.

Ling Xiaofeng also knew that the boy Han on the opposite side knew his daughter, and he didn't explain anything to his daughter, he just smiled helplessly.

Han Zhu also shook his head with a smile and said, "Sure enough, it's still the same as before."