The Powerful Fengxian'er

Han Zhu, who was millions of miles away, suddenly felt a chill all over his body. Han Zhu was surprised for a while, could it be that some old man was plotting against him again, Han Zhu switched to the ancient god battle body, and quickly sensed the human race along this induction.

In an instant, he caught a familiar breath, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. I didn't expect that this kid's resentment towards me would be so deep. Although he was also influenced by demon energy, it can be seen from this point how much he resents himself when he knows the truth.

After all, he did take away his second brother's body. This is an undeniable fact, and he can't change it.

Han Zhu couldn't help but sighed, looked into the distance and said calmly: "Let's leave it to fate to decide! If we really want to turn against each other, then don't blame me, the second brother, who is cruel and merciless. Changsheng, I, Han, can do anything."

At the same time, Brahma Demon Lord and Feng Xian'er also came to the dividing line between the human race and the demon race. Brahma Demon Lord cupped his hands at Feng Xian'er next to him and said, "Zuo Fufa, wait for me here, I'm going to complete the task assigned to me by the leader, first go to persuade the human race, if they are willing to join our Heaven and Earth Alliance , and less killings, after all, it was an alliance before, if you can not die, it is better not to die."

Feng Xian'er just nodded calmly, in her eyes, other than what the master said, nothing else was important.

The Brahma Demon Lord came to the sky in a flash, and his body began to grow instantly, reaching tens of thousands of feet in an instant. Using the demon power in his body, he called to the human territory: "Everyone who is strong in the human race, I, as the vanguard of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Now I urge you to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance and guarantee that you will be treated the same as us in it. After all, we were also an alliance before. If you can avoid fighting, you should not fight."

A burst of laughter suddenly came from the position of the human race: "Hahaha... The Brahma Demon Lord did not expect that you would be willing to be someone else's watchdog after a mahayana period. What qualifications do you have to persuade us? Do you just accompany your subordinates? One hundred thousand shrimp soldiers and crab generals. You better go back to the place of your monster race, and lie there honestly! Maybe this way you, an old bone, can live longer."

The demon lord Brahma had originally tried to persuade him to surrender with good intentions, but was suddenly ridiculed by the human race, and his anger was instantly overwhelming. Without hesitation, he opened the big mouth of the blood bottle, and a huge fireball instantly hit the position of the human race.

I saw that the light was constantly flashing in front of me, and the huge fireball was actually blocked. The Demon Lord Brahma looked at this scene with a look of surprise.

At this moment, five powerful auras suddenly shot up from the position of the human race. Then the five magic weapons instantly turned into thousands of feet in size and hit the Brahma Demon Lord fiercely.

The Brahma Demon Lord, who was originally full of confidence, felt the five powers beyond the Mahayana period, and his eyes showed surprise.

He quickly reacted and roared into the sky. Using his natal supernatural powers, he blocked the attacks of the four magic weapons in an instant. The last flying sword pierced his arm fiercely, and his armor was shattered immediately, and blood spurted out.

The Brahma demon lord couldn't help roaring, then he opened his huge mouth and spat out a huge mace, hitting the flying sword hard.

Soon there were huge Weng Ming sounds in the sky, it was the sound of the collision of magic weapons and magic weapons, the aura of the whole world was disturbed, and the space became unstable.

With the passage of time, the Brahma Demon Lord has obviously lost the wind. If he hadn't been a monster with an extremely hard body, he might have been cut into half by others.

The Brahma demon lord slammed into the five magic weapons again, and his whole body was sent flying hundreds of miles away.

With a pair of blood-red eyes, he stared at the five figures quietly floating in the air. There was a sneer in the eyes of the five people, and the Brahma demon lord showed surprise after only a little sensing. Three of them had reached the late stage of Mahayana, and the other two were also in the middle stage of Mahayana.

The only thing that puzzles him is that although these people are all Mahayana, they don't have a deep understanding of the law, which is why he can fight them for so long.

He soon identified a possibility. They must have been promoted recently, and they were promoted by force, and they were not even as stable as the promotion of formations in the alliance.

He remembered the entrustment given to him by the leader when he came, and the human race should not underestimate him, especially with his fourth brother around.

Suddenly he remembered Feng Xian'er, the left protector sent to him by the lord of the alliance, and he hurriedly came to the camp of the demon clan, facing Feng Xian'er who was wearing a red war robe and a red veil, only showing a pair of phoenix eyes.

He bowed respectfully and said: "Lord Zuo Dharma, I didn't expect the human group to hide so deeply, there are actually five Mahayana stage powerhouses. Judging from this situation, the human race must still have Mahayana stage hidden in the dark. We are Retreat first, and report this matter to the leader."

Feng Xian'er just glanced at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "Leave these people to me to deal with! Remember what the master told you, you must take down the human race within ten years."

Then only the stunned Brahma demon lord was left, and he came to the mid-air with a dodge. The five human Mahayanas on the opposite side looked at this slender figure wrapped in a red shirt with doubts.

Feng Xian'er glanced at the five of them with icy eyes, but said calmly: "Those who block Master's way, either surrender or die."

Among the five people, one of them with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes smiled and said: "Little girl, I didn't hear what you were talking about, why don't you speak louder. But the voice is very nice, it should be a beautiful fairy!" .

There was a trace of disgust in Feng Xian'er's eyes, and two balls of fire flashed out of her eyes instantly, and then she opened her arms under the puzzled eyes of the five people.

At the same time, not far away, Han Li was standing there quietly. Looking at this figure in a red shirt with doubts on his face, he always felt a slight glint in his eyes.

The moment Feng Xian'er opened her arms, Han Li instantly felt a sense of death, and hurriedly shouted to the five people in front: "Get out of the way."

At the same time, he also thought of who this figure was, but unfortunately his voice was still a little slow. The moment Feng Xian'er opened her hands, a golden divine phoenix with a length of tens of thousands of feet suddenly appeared behind her.

That powerful aura swept across the entire battlefield in an instant, and without giving the five people on the opposite side any chance to react, at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, it hit them instantly.

Until this moment, there was another huge phoenix cry. In an instant, the space in front of him was enveloped in flames, and even if he was hundreds of miles away from Brahma Demon Lord, he still felt the stinging pain of being roasted.

He looked at the red figure standing quietly in mid-air with disbelief. After a long while, he couldn't help swallowing, and looked at the place where the five of them were standing just now, with a look of horror in his eyes.