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At the place where the five people were originally standing, there were only two figures left, and they were still very embarrassed. One of them was missing an arm and the other was missing a leg.

The two looked at the fiery red figure with terrified eyes, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

The Brahma Demon Lord looked at the red figure standing there quietly, and couldn't help being clever all over his body. Unexpectedly, the little girl who usually looks soft and weak, who has been standing by the leader's side, can be so strong.

Feng Xian'er, who stood quietly in mid-air, Feng Mei couldn't help but wrinkled her eyes and looked straight at the back of the human race. Soon they met a pair of eyes.

Han Li also had a serious face at this time, he quietly looked at the red figure standing there quietly. I can't believe that this figure can overlap with the little girl back then.

One must know that when Han Zhu brought those two little girls up, they were only in a small period of refining Qi, which was only a thousand years old.

One of them is already in the same realm as him, and he even suspects that even if he fights with her, it will be a tie at most.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from his ear: "Uncle Han! Although I don't know what happened between you and Master, I still want to advise you that Master's strength is not something you can match, so don't stop Master from doing it." Step, or I will personally dispose of you."

The light in Han Li's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly and said, "I never imagined that the second brother would bring back a little girl casually, and she would grow to such a level in less than a thousand years. I have to admire his ability to train disciples. You think I don't want to know what kind of person your master is?".

Feng Xian'er revealed a look of disdain and said: "No matter what kind of person Master is, even if he is the biggest demon in the world, he will always be my master."

As soon as Han Li heard her words, he knew that he would not be able to convince this little girl. He even suspected that his second brother had completely brainwashed this little girl and trained her to become a puppet who only knew how to obey his orders.

Han Li also lost the intention to continue talking with her in an instant, and said calmly, "Since this is the case, then we can only fight once."

The flames in Feng Xian'er's eyes flashed, and she slowly spat out: "I wish for it".

Han Li waved his hand towards the air, and the thirty-six flying swords instantly formed a sword formation. Then, without hesitation, he went to kill Feng Xian'er.

Feeling the power of the sword formation, Feng Xian'er couldn't help frowning, remembering what her master said. Not daring to underestimate the enemy in the slightest, she began to pick up magic spells one by one, and soon two fiery red phoenixes appeared beside her.

I saw them screaming towards the sky, and then they flew around Feng Xian'er continuously. Feng Xian'er waved her hand towards the sky again, and in an instant a fiery red flying sword appeared in front of her, and as she played out the formula, it instantly rose to thousands of feet in size.

Then, with an unceremonious sword strike, it slashed fiercely on the sword array arranged by Han Li, and in an instant, two powerful forces confronted each other in the sky.

Feng Xian'er couldn't help frowning her phoenix eyebrows, the flames in her eyes burned more intensely, this was an expression of excitement, except for her master, she had never met such a formidable opponent before.

Han Li felt the increasing pressure from the sword array, and his frown became deeper and deeper. As expected, even if he fought with her, it would be 50-50 at most, unless he used that piece of cards.

In the end, he gave up on this idea. Although the point he used could instantly kill Feng Xian'er, it also completely angered Han Zhu, and he was not yet fully sure that he could deal with Han Zhu.

In the ensuing fight, the two kept coming and going. The human race and the monster race who were watching the battle below also saw that the strength of the two was similar, and they were both very powerful.

After fighting for thousands of rounds, Feng Xian'er wanted to use her natal supernatural power several times, but finally gave up. After all, the one opposite is the master's fourth brother. If she really killed him, would the master blame her? ?

Because both of them had concerns, they quickly accepted it. The two looked at each other without saying anything. They quickly retreated two thousand miles and set up a military camp there.

Han Li also returned to the human camp and looked at the two Mahayanas who were seriously injured. He waved in the air expressionlessly, and suddenly a few thousand-year healing elixir appeared in front of their eyes, and said lightly, "Trust me now, get it!".

The two silently accepted the ten-thousand-year elixir, and lowered their heads in shame. Han Li glanced at them and said, "Get ready! Pull out all the elite power of the human race. I have already contacted the flying spirit race. They will join us in fighting the demon race."

The two didn't object this time, they just nodded silently, and went back to heal their wounds first. After all, they lost three fellow Daoists in the Mahayana period today, which is also a heavy loss for the human race.

They themselves also had a lot of responsibility. After all, they were full of self-confidence at the beginning, so they refused to listen to Han Li's dissuasion and insisted on going to war with the Yaozu.

Feng Xian'er and Brahma Demon Lord returned to the largest tent, and Brahma Demon Lord invited Feng Xian'er to the top with a respectful face. After all, in this world of cultivating immortals, the strong are respected, and it has long been rooted in everyone's heart.

The Brahma demon master glanced at the red figure sitting quietly in the upper hand, and asked cautiously: "Master Zuo Dharma Guardian! What should we do next? Are we directly attacking the position of the human race, or...".

Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was already obvious. Feng Xian'er raised her phoenix eyes, glanced at him lightly, and said calmly: "Don't bother, just wait! I think they will retreat soon."

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of Brahma Demon Lord, and he asked suspiciously: "Lord Zuo Dharma Protector! What do you mean by this? What are we waiting for? With your power, it should not be difficult to destroy their high-level power."

Although Feng Xian'er seldom thinks about problems, she could tell from Han Li's battle today that he intends to retreat.

Feng Xian'er is also straightforward, so she said directly: "The higher-ups of the human race will soon lead those elites to retreat. My master is also a human race, so after you occupy the human race, you should know what to do."

Hearing the affirmative words of the Zuo Guardian, the Brahma demon master immediately showed a look of joy, she nodded quickly and said: "Don't worry, Zuo Guardian, I still have this bit of propriety, I will tell the people below, no Go and disturb those human races."