Alliance of Hundred Clans

With the withdrawal of Han Li and the other elites, the entire human race was soon occupied by the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Originally, the entire human race was in despair. After all, the visible demon clan that occupied the entire human race, although the two races were an alliance before, had just fought a battle before, and they were already considered enemies of life and death.

Many human monks above the stage of transforming gods have left the human race, and the only ones left are those who are reluctant to part with their property or cannot be dragged down. Originally, they had already embraced the mortal heart, and soon they were surprised to find that the monster race Didn't hurt a human race.

They just sent monsters to guard the various human cities. Even with their protection, the low-level monsters that harassed the human race disappeared, and the human race became peaceful.

Soon those human races discovered that the monster race was not as terrifying as the legends said, they never ate people, and they never failed to pay their bills, and even treated them similarly to those monster races.

As time slowly passed, the entire human race gradually accepted the rule of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and even many monks of the Human Race joined the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

After all, as long as one joins the Heaven and Earth Alliance, no matter whether it is resources or skills, spells and supernatural powers, one can basically learn and use them inexhaustibly.

In less than five hundred years, the entire human race was assimilated. Now, whether it is the monster race or the human race, there is no longer any power, they only have one power, and that is the alliance of heaven and earth.

At the same time, on the barren land, Han Li continued to lobby the Yasha, Mu, and Shadow tribes, these large, medium and small races, and soon formed an alliance of hundreds of wild tribes.

The strength of this wild alliance is very strong, there are no fewer than 50 masters in the Mahayana stage alone, and thousands of masters in the fusion stage.

As the general leader of this alliance, Han Li quietly sat on the most important seat at this time, and glanced at the thirty or so Mahayana stage powerhouses below.

I calculated in my heart that with their current strength, they should be able to fight against the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Han Li coughed solemnly and said: "You should all know that the Heaven and Earth Alliance is rapidly corrupting the entire spirit world. And our human race is the first to be devoured. Their strength is extremely powerful. If we all don't unite , certainly cannot be dealt with."

Among them, an elder of the Mu clan stood up and said: "Is the Mahayana stage of the Tiandi Alliance really so strong? Are you sure that she easily killed three of the five Mahayana stages and seriously injured two of them."

Han Li didn't talk nonsense with him, and waved directly into the air, and a picture appeared there, which was the place where Feng Xian'er and the five human races fought in the Mahayana period.

Soon the whole picture was over. Everyone looked at the miserable two people, and couldn't help but say that there were two of them who were injured at the time. With a look of fear, only by facing it in person can one know how powerful the flame is.

Even their talismans could be burned in an instant, but fortunately, as late stage powerhouses, they could finally recover their lives.

Han Li glanced again, and everyone present said coldly: "You have all seen it too. It's not that we exaggerate, but that she is really strong. Even I can only fight her to a tie."

Han Li was silent for a while, and finally revealed an even more unacceptable fact: "And this is just the apprentice of the Heaven and Earth Alliance."

"What?" Except for those who knew the situation, everyone else showed a look of surprise. A Mahayana of the Shadow Clan asked: "Leader, you are not joking! Such a powerful person is only the apprentice of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, so how strong should he be?"

The same look appeared in the eyes of the others, and Han Li was silent for a while and said: "I don't know how strong he is, after all, I have never seen him make a move, but he should have the strength of a real fairy."

Everyone's eyes shrank when they heard this, and some even showed a look of retreat and fear in their eyes. Han Li glanced at the crowd, screamed in his heart that he was not good, and quickly said: "But you can rest assured on this point, the leader will definitely not make a move, unless there is also the power of a true fairy."

Everyone looked at Han Li with puzzled eyes, and they didn't quite believe what he said. If there is such a strong player in their group, they will definitely not act arrogantly and directly kill all the opponent's masters.

Han Li. Looking into everyone's eyes, he was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "You may not know! He is my second brother."

As Han Li's words were imprinted, everyone showed a look of surprise, even in the Mahayana period of those human races, they had never seen this leader talk about this matter.

Han Li was silent for a while, with cruelty and resentment in his eyes, he said: "Although his body is my second brother, his soul is no longer. My second brother was taken away by him when he was very young. up".

There was a look of understanding in everyone's eyes, and at the same time they looked at Han Li with sympathy, and they could feel the deep sadness and hatred from him.

Han Li raised his head abruptly and said: "I must kill him, for my second brother, even if it takes my life, he will never die."

Everyone fell silent when they heard this. They could understand how painful it is for a relative to be taken away, and what the world of cultivating immortals hates most is taking away the home.

Han Li quickly calmed down his excitement. He glanced at everyone indifferently and continued, "It was only my personal matter, and I wouldn't bother everyone, but he actually created the Heaven and Earth Alliance and wanted to rule the entire spiritual world." World, now it's not my personal business, but everyone's business, I don't think everyone wants to be swallowed by him!".

Everyone nodded silently when they heard this. They didn't believe it at first, but they sent someone to see the human race in person, and it was indeed controlled by the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

You must know that these races in the spirit world are very proud, how could they obey the management of an alliance, so they had to resist.

Among them, a strong man in the Mahayana stage stood up and asked, "Leader, how are you sure that the leader of the Heaven and Earth League will not make a move?"

Han Li glanced into the distance, and said calmly: "Although he is not my second brother, we grew up together, cultivated together, and entered the world of cultivating immortals together. I know his character very well. He Absolutely won't make a move."

Han Li recalled the scenes with the second brother in his mind. The second brother did not do anything to apologize to him. Just when his heart was shaken a little, the black power in the depths of his soul began to flow continuously. Flickering, Han Li's eyes quickly became indifferent, hatred once again lost his eyes.