
The lives of the humans are small, short and even irrelevant as far as the divines and demons were concerned. Many lives had been lost because of the divine beings lack of respect for life, and many souls have been lead to ruin in other to satisfy the demons boredom. But now, it seems like things might be different, though it might seem like it will be different in terms of the better but fate always has something else planned, yes even after kadara's death fate ain't gonna mind it's business, it will only get worse. More lives will be lost and more souls will be ruined all just so, Thia, Gor and Kin will leave past the days they were supposed to die. Their life has created a ripple effect on how things would turn out, and now not only humans will die, not only humans will fall into ruin, divines will drop like flies, demons will go mad after suffering the greatest torture of them all.... In this coming war, no one will be spared.


"We can't hold on any longer" a vioce said as he held on to a flaming blade, even with all this boosts, there are too many and your brother has got his hand full with those other guys"

"Shut up human" Kokou said as he looked tired, injured and disoriented. He hated to admit, but the damned mortal was right, they were both out numbered and out matched, even though they had him and Ra on their side it was not enough as Ra was busy fighting a whole host of demons and with the demon king there with them, Kokou could only hope for the best form of the worst. He looked around him and saw that their allies had almost been wiped out leaving only him, the mortal who summoned his curse, a primodial whore who seemed to be having a good time slaughtering the gods even though she was covered in wounds all over and some others who clung on desperately to their lives, although they were tired and losing, their opponent were not faring to well as almost 3/4 of their forces has been wiped out and the worse was yet to be released. Behind Kokou and his friends the gate of hell it self could be seen. The house of all souls and its guardian that had been sentence to twenty years in solitude, seems to be the prize the divine were aiming at. They knew if they failed to Capture their prize before the time of her sentence ran out they were all doomed and nothing could save them from the childish monster that guarded those souls. The Divine and demons fought on while Kokou and his allies protected and stalled for time, a battle that claimed it's worth in both lives lost and damage done, the twisted atmosphere and countless bodies were testament of these.

"How did we even get here" Gor thought as he held on to the aktel ready to fight for his life again, as he has been doing since that day....


"My lady" a vioce rang in Gor's head a he struggled to open his eyes. He tried to stand up but he was greeted by an insane pain that plagued his whole body. The nine year old's body ached all over. He finally open his eyes and he could register some familiar face like Mira whose face was filled with tears and his mother beside her who seemed to be saying something he couldn't hear. "Kor..." He managed to call out but his mother's mouth seems to have stopped moving and Mira's tears became even more evident, his memories suddenly came back and he remembered everything that had happened and how it happened.He stood up from the bed ignoring all the pain and moving lips telling him to do otherwise, he looked at his mom still finding it difficult to register what she was saying before asking For his father, although his words didn't come out clearly, she understood and looked down not wanting to answer, Gor sensed this and held her hand before asking again this time with a clearer voice,

"Where is he?" he asked with a ice cold tone.

"He's in the Annex hosting a meeting with the military chief's and the King... You have to rest" his mother said but even though he could now hear her more clearly he chose to ignore her and he left the room.


An Annex in the Kindel's mansion was occupied by various military leaders and the King himself was in attendance. Bale Kindel was also among those seated as he held the post of commander of the operation and mission force, as one of the three generals incharge of the whole army. Although sharing his rank with two others, his rank was just below that of the general commander of the army whose rank was in turn below that of the King himself.

The room seemed to be in heavy mood not just because of the gathering of the powerful figures of Omi in one room but it seems like their discussion was getting no where.

"So you mean we will enter a treaty with a new ruler that ascended the throne by Killing the former King? Has our Kingdom become so soft as to just enter into any treaty with just anyone". General Harvey one of the three commander along side Bale spoke.

"This is not a military issue but a diplomatic one", Malock a man dressed in Nobel robe said, he was the only one along side the King not dressed in military uniform,

"The reason we are here is not to declare war, but on how to make sure that no matter the results of the unrest in the desert our Kingdom will be ready to reap the spoils".

"And do you think Eru will sit back while we take over the desert"? Zira the third commander in charge of internal affairs and security asked with a smoke in hand, of all the people present not only was she the only woman, but she was the only one smoking which only infuriated Harvey Laxe more.

"If they make any move we can always take them down too". Harvey said with a disgusted face.

"Does she not know that she's in the presence of the king" he thought in his mind

"It's not that simple General Harvey, while we may be able to easily reap the spoils of Wize easily, we can't possibly fight Eru at the same time without coming out unharmed." Malock said

"That is not a diplomatic issue" Harvey said with a snarl

"It is a diplomatic issue, although you and your men pay the price of war in blood and flesh, we pay in resources. And what else is more diplomatic than resources. Without that it will be impossible to negotiate. Negotiating with an empty hand is just stupid and impossible". Malock said emphasising the word stupid.

"Are you calling me stupid" Laxe roared as he faced Malock

"Calm down you two, don't forget whose presence you are a vioce" called out as they all calmed down.

"There is no reason for insult and fighting, we are all trying to look for a way to reap the benefits of the ongoing conflict in Wize, if we sit back, we can't expect Eru or even Ina to do the same, and if we choose to take the spoils of wize we should expect to face Eru too. We don't even Know how easy it will be to Capture wize on it's own so let's evaluate that first before we put into consideration the potential threat of other kingdoms and let's not forget that we need to defend our Kingdom too, so the best course of action is to enter a peace treaty with Jai and Wize first, then we can hope to reap the fruit of the kingdom from under him more easily than outright attacking them". Boise the Army commander said

"Hump cowards" Harvey said under his breath.

Boise the commander in chief could only sigh, he understood Laxe's feelings but he couldn't bring himself to think solely based on how he felt, he knew the military was there to fight and defend the kingdom even till the point of death, if it came to either their lives or the kingdom, a soldier should be ready to forfeit his life without any thought, but if he could help it he didn't want to put his soldiers life in any form of danger. He was ready to choose the cowardly route if it would save more lives.

"So the military is to prepare a plan for a tactical takeover of the Wize kingdom, Malock said, once we sign the treaty we will begin to take over by crippling their military one step at a time a we will..." bang!!

A loud noise was heard outside their meeting place, at first they were all surprised as to who would dare attack when all of them were gathered but no matter who came to their mind it still seemed impossible to pull of even for any of the great kingdoms, they would find it difficult to even get close let alone succeed, but here they where, a loud noise just outside the door of their meeting place, after few more bangs they all felt a sudden chill that caused everyone present to bring out their weapons instinctively, they all felt a menacing dark presence as the door finally fell victim of an assult as it came down, all the men and women stood ready in anticipation, to see the enemy that dared to attack them.