
Gor had began to make his way to the annex he knew his father would be having his meeting, despite the fact that he knew it was going to be an important meeting giving the post Bale Kindel held in the Kingdom, he had not allowed himself to feel fear, infact even if he wanted to feel fear his body was only listening to the sound of anger inside him, he knew deep inside him that his father was there when Kor was killed by that beast. He could have come down to save them but he didn't, he watched as the beast cut down Kor and he barely escaped with his life, Gor had another thing in his mind but he kept on shoving it at the back of his mind, he will worry about that after he deals with Bale.

"Bale!" He screamed in his head as the sound of the name further fueled his anger. Bale approached the annex where the meeting was being held and he saw some guards in the royal uniform standing outside the door, he counted ten guards in total not counting those stationed out side the castle. A meeting consisting of the King and the high hierarchy of the army was nothing short of well guarded. As he approached, he was immediately stopped by the first two guards.

"Turn around the guard" said to Gor with no kindness in his voice.

"You must be the son of Arietta another guard" said as he noticed young Gor, you look just like your mother he said as he approached them.

"Please, don't mind them they are only doing their Jobs" the man said as he signaled for them to stand down.

"I'm Vince captain of the royal guards he said, my condolences on your brother's death, I know you wish to speak to your father, but you have to wait until he is done with his meeting, please go back".

"I believe you just woke up from your coma". Vince said pointing to the shirtless boy in front of him. Gor had not even bothered to put on any clothes before coming here, he was just thinking of how he would make Bale pay for sending them to their deaths.

"Move" Gor said as he looked at Vince straight in the eyes. The captain of the Royal guards looked at the young lad as various things began to run in his head, he knew just by looking at the child that this wasn't going to end well for anyone, including himself, after few seconds of silence,the other members of the royal guards bursted into laughter upon hearing what the boy said. How can this child speak to a Royal knight like that.

"Ok, another guard said as he began to approach Gor, you'd better leave this place kid, or else..."

Bang! before anyone knew what was going on Gor was in front of the guard and had knocked a Royal knight out with just one blow. The others were surprised at first but they immediately came back to their senses, it seems this child is nothing like he looks. Gor stood in front of the passed out guard and was immediately surrounded by other guards who had their weapons drawn ready to stop the child. Vince who had just witnessed Gor take down a guard was short of words, although the captain of the royal guard had not drawn his weapon he was still weary Gor.

Another guard attacked Gor but he was able to dodge his attacks as the came, the frustrated guard used all means to get the child but it was not working, although he was not going to get real serious on a child still the techniques he was adopting was enough to apprehend a group of bandits, but Gor was not even fazed by his attacks, not only was the brat fast, after a while he had began to counter some of his attacks, and unlike him Gor was not pulling any punches.

"Screw this..." the guard said and got into a stance.

"First sword" he said as he performed a slice his blade in Gors direction. Immediately an energy was created with the slice and it approached the child. Vince had tried to stop the guard but it was already too late. The attack hit Gor pushing him to the wall and destroying the wall.

"What are you doing"? Vince raged at the knight who attacked Gor, he's just a child you didn't have to do that".

"Relax the guard said, I held back as much as I could, he's probably not dead".

"Probably? You cunt, will you be the one to explain to his father how we killed his son".

"Will you relax and lets check if he's still a-" his word died in his mouth as a dark and menacing aura cover the room dropping the temperature into death degrees, immediately they all drew their weapons instinctively, even they captain of the royal guards could not deny that his life would be forfeit if he doesn't take things seriously.

From the direction Gor was blasted to a presence walked out holding a dark blade. If they had not been fighting Gor a while ago, they would have not believe it was still the same kid fighting them a while ago.

"You--" Vince manged to say be fore He saw Gor take the same stance Percy, the royal guard who fought Gor a while ago had taken before he attaked.

"Hex formation" Vince barked a final order before a large assault swept him and his men away along with the door.

Bale who was with the other Generals and the King had felt the ominous presence before and it felt familiar to what he felt weeks ago when Gor summoned a curse.

"It seems he's awake and here for me" he thought as he looked towards the door and as the dust settled he saw Gor holding a dark blade scanning the room for a while before setting his eyes on his prey.

"I found you Bale" he said as he approached his father.

The others were surprised when they saw their attacker.

"Is that not Kindel's brat"? most of them thought as they saw Gor.

Gor who was now staring at his father attacked without warning, his speed surprised the lot of them but Bale had seen what he could do when his curse was active and he easily dodged Gors attacks, the other Generals who had lost sight of Gor wondered how come Bale's son was giving off such an ominous aura, unless.....

And alas their guess was correct, the son of a prominent family like the Kindels carries a curse, some of them had already began to think of a way they could use this against the powerful Kindel family, but they had to wait until the fight between father and son was over.

Immediately Gor came into the room, Boise had taken the king away safely to a corner where the king was now safely and observing the fight in surprise, he wasn't expecting this and he didn't know what to do but wait, he wasn't planning on letting anyone help Bale either and he signaled for everyone to stand down as Bale battled it out with his son. Gor had tried everything he knew and even adopted the technique he used to blow the guards away but nothing seems to be working, and compared to the Royal knights Bale was like a Colossal titan in front of rats, he was not a general in the army for naught. He countered all of Kor's attacks and hit the young lad in his stomach, Gor crashed on the furniture and once again stood up to attack but he felt his body become heavier. It seems he could only use his curse for while, he wasn't even using as much as he had used in the jut forest but he knew that he was at his limit. Not only was Bale far stronger than the beast he had faced in the forest, his body had not undergone enough to allow him hold such power, if he was not careful, his body would break and he would die.

"Are you done"?Bale said as he looked down at his son, "you're weak... Just like your brother" he said as he turned his back disappointed.

Gor heard what his father said and immediately stood up for one last push, he gripped his sword tighter and he felt more power sipping into his body as he looked at Bale.

Bale turned back and saw his son with a newly found energy and this time he summoned his own sword. A golden sword appeared in his hands and everyone was shock to see Bale use his blessed sword against his child.