
Bale looked at Gor and saw the look in his eyes

"Those eyes.....", he said as he suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared beside Gor. Gor saw the golden blade coming towards him and was barely able to block the attack.

"Damn, this old man is really strong". Gor thought as he parried the attack towards the ground. He tried to use the opening to attack, but, Bale saw through his plan and blocked his sword with his gauntlet. Bale smiled at his son before speaking, "Have you forgotten who taught you how to fight son"? Bale sent his intent towards Gor and Gor felt his head head been decapitated.

He immediately Stood back. He had always felt his olds man intent but he had never felt the Killing intent.

Gor sharpened his will and attacked again, Bale was strong but he didn't care and attacked like a mad man. He was getting used to his father's strikes and getting better and faster. As they were fighting Gor felt something amiss, he felt like uncomfortable welding just one sword, he wished he had the aktel with him, he was now looking at Bale out of breath and ready to collapse.

"I wish the flaming blade was here" he thought and suddenly, the dark blade began to emit dark flames like the aktel. "What"? Gor said surprised at what the blade had just done, but his surprised was cut short as his head began to spin again, he was finding it hard to stand. "Not yet!" he screamed as he took the stance he had stolen from the royal knight ready to unleash first slice with a mix of black flames.

"Let's see you eat this you bastard" he roared as the flames intensified. Everyone present suddenly felt the need to brace themselves as they knew the attack was going to be a big one, but their waiting was met with disappointment as the flames and the dark blade suddenly disappeared and Gor fainted.

Everyone present was surprised at the new turn of events. Curses were indeed strange and unpredictable but only few people had summoned them into the world and even fewer had survived after summoning a curse. But still, a curse as powerful as this was unheard of. If only they knew what had been summoned in other parts of the world.

Laxe immediately, approached Gor and drew his sword to kill the child but Bale stopped him immediately.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bale asked Laxe.

"Upholding the laws of this Kindom, the same law you seem to have forgotten and chose to ignore" Laxe said as he stared at Bale.

"Touch him and you loose your head" Bale said. Harvey tried to reply but was interrupted by Boise who touched his shoulders.

Bale looked at the King who stood behind the army Chief and bowed, the King saw this and said "Explain"

"I would real soon your highness but please let the boy live. His powers as you can see is something that can be useful for the kingdom and he..."

"That's not what I want to hear Bale". the king interupted.

"I want to know why you chose to send them on a mission that could potentially mean their deaths Bale".

"Or were you planning all this too?" the King asked.

"There was no such plan, and as for the mission, I only picked what was most suitable as their test, I never expected any of the outcomes my King".

"So you plan on turning your child into a weapon? Won't killing him be more merciful".

"It might be more merciful but, he's still my child and it will break his mother's heart to lose another child after already loosing one, please my king. Bale said let the child live and punish me instead".

The king looked at Bale for a while, he had known his best friend since they were children and he had always found it difficult to fully understand what was going on in his head.

"I'll take you up on that" the King finally said, "as for your child he'll live but he's your full responsibility, any problem he causes in the future will be counted as your fault and the punishment will be For both of you to share. As for the other matter, you still owe me an explanation The king said as he walked way, I look forward to the real reason behind your actions Bale" the King declared as he left the room.

"This meeting is adjourned" Boise said and he left with the King.

After the King left the others also took their leave leaving Bale and passed out handsome.


Hades Plutonia's realm

"Hello Thia" a voice rang in Thia's head.

Thia had a hard time registering the place where she was and the voice ringing in her head, she tried to recall the last thing she remembered but was unable to do so. she adjusted her eyes and saw clearly that she was in a grave yard, it was very cold and creepy.

"Where I'm I?" she asked herself as she once again tried to remember.

"I don't think that is a good Idea" a voice said again making Thia to quickly stand up and check her surrounding.

"Who's there" she asked

"I should be the one asking the questions as you are the intruder not me" the voice said.

"If you don't come out I'll..."

"You'll what, beat me up?" the voice said mockingly.

"You can barely keep your legs from shaking, what make you think you can do anything in my domain".

Thia looked at her legs and saw she was shaking profusely, she tried to make her legs stop but she failed.

"why I'm I shaking so much?' she thought before receiving an headache as a reply. Her memories immediately flooded her mind and she fell on the floor unable to breath well, with tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm I dead?, Is this the afterlife"? She asked as more tears pour out her eyes and she found it even more difficult to breath.

"Breath slowly Thia", the voice said as Thia felt a hand caress her cheek.

Thia looked up as saw the the person who was touching her, her hands felt warm and cold at same time, it felt comforting and so dangerous at the same time. She started breathing slowly and after a while she was able to catch her breath. She finally looked up to see the person responsible for relieving her fears and as she looked up she saw the most beautiful woman she had ever set her eyes upon. Even though her features were beyond human, her shape and figure could be likened to humans, but the colour of her eyes and skin were definitely not human.

"W-who are you? where I'm I? and how do you know my name"? Thia asked

"I'm Plutonia, my friends call me Tonia and my enemies call me Death". Plutonia answered with her regular child like tone. Even though she was a fully grown woman, she still sometimes spoke like and acted like a child.

"Death? Thia responded, so... I'm I dead"?

"Not really you're still alive". Plutonia responded

"So why I'm I.."

"Here? don't know? maybe because you summoned my curse into the world".

"Wait what"? Thia said in shock, she was familiar with the concept of blessings and curses as she had always been interested in the so called champion of the gods and even wished to be one. she had always wanted to be a chosen warrior for the gods but she had never thought that she would be one of those that summoned a curse.

"You heard me, you summoned my curse into the world and that's probably why you are here, although I've never had my curse summoned into the mortal realm I've never heard of a mortal essence slipping into the domain of a divine being either, it seems you are very special, Thia"

Plutonia said.

Thia looked at the goddess and she could see she was almost as confused as she was.

"So how do I get back"?,

"Get back where?" Plutonia asked

"Into the mortal world" Thia said obviously

"How should I know, you are the one who invaded my domain why don't you figure it out"?

"What? Are you not the divine, special goddess or whatever?" Thia said in outrage

"So? I'm only a divine being I don't go around checking if a mortal can slip into a divine domain or not, I actually like minding my business unlike some Others that I know". Plutonia said with the name of some goddess in mind.

"The only thing I can do is help you stare into the mortal realm to locate your body".

"Really, you can do that"? Thia asked with a hopefull tone.

"Yes of course" Plutonia said as she closed her eyes for some second before opening it again, "it seems you body is on a ship, you are probably being taken to an Island of some sort, oh.... I know this place" Tonia said, as she looked at Thia.

"Where is that? Is it a good place cos I Kinda lost my home and my family.

Maybe they are taking me to where they can care for me" Thia said with a sad tone.

"I think you Know deep down that's a lie, you are a naive child but I Know you are not that naive" Plutonia said looking at Thia.

After a while of contemplating Plutonia finally looked at Thia and asked

"are you really interested in going back?", she asked.

"Well I can't stay here with you" Thia responded.

"Perfect, Plutonia said, don't worry about your curse I know someone who doesn't mind her business, she can tell me why a girl that's supposed to be dead is busy summoning my curse, for some reason Thia, you are able to hold on to something that should be impossible to hold on to", Plutonia placed her forehead on Thia's fore head, and her eyes began to glow red,

"In other for me to send you back forcefully, you will not remembered what happened here but I want you to know this, the gods are not your friends, neither are the demons, but the only people you can trust are ashell and ares, find them, if I'm correct and Kadara is involved, then you'll meet them, those are the only people you can fully trust, when you awaken iku this words will awaken in you too". Plutonia said and as she was done Thia's eyes also began to glow red.

"Alright then let's send you back" Plutonia said changing to her child like voice.

She placed her hand on Thia's chest and forcefully dispatched her mortal essence back into her body where it belonged.

Thia immediately open her eyes in the mortal realm. As she opened her eyes she realized she was being carried and she could register some voice here and there but couldn't pick up exactly what they were saying, she opened her eyes and they finally fell on a sign that read the words "happyLand".