
Wize Kingdom.

After Jai's rebellion, Wize was thrown into a state of chaos, and following the events of the falling star that saw a whole caravan wiped from the surface of the earth, alot of people thought the gods were against the rebellion and were showing their anger towards the rebels, some thought it marked the beginning of a new Wize and thought Jai was the person that could usher this new beginning. After the fall of Pshen the capital of Wize six out of 12 states pledge their allegiance while the rest chose to remain loyal to the royal family, though some didn't do it out of real loyalty. Despite rumors of the royal family being wiped out, they still refused to recognize the person responsible for this to rule them, these sparked a conflict in Wize and thus began a civil unrest.

At the early stages of the unrest several nobel families were conflicted as to which side to choose.

In the city of Bintan a city known for it's investment into it's abundance in mineral resources and slave trade, things were not as bad as it was ment to be. The people continued in their day to day lives and slave trade was going on as any other day in the city. Although Wize had a strict rule under the reign of King Ken, the kingdom that was now thorn began, doing things the way their leaders saw fit. King Ken had tried to totally abolish the slave system in his Kingdom as he saw it as both barbaric and inhumane, but the noble class in his Kingdom had their hands deep into the business of slavery making it difficult for the King to totally abolish it. He had even made sure the royal family and palace had no hand in any form of slavery but still he only got a few support from his subjects. Now that Ken Orun is dead the slave trade was now being done without the watchful eyes of the King making what was already terrible, turn into a nightmare for those that had been enslaved or bought as slaves.

In the Mansion of Rami noble house, the governor over the city of Bintan, Lord Rashid was out side his mansion looking at some people that were bought in front of him, Rashid a fat and short man in his late forties, looked at the slaves and spoke to one of the slavers that had brought them to him and he selected a few of them. Rashid had an understanding with the slavers that brought slaves to sell in his City, one that favoured both parties one way or the other. After selecting a few slaves Samir ordered his men to take them to a place to rest before some are sent to the mine.

The slaves who looked tired already took the initiative to rest and get their stamina back. One of the things wize was known for was its resources, the Kingdom was very rich in different crystal and precious stones and even minerals, and each of the twelve states had different resources they were Known for. Bintan was no different as it was known for it precious black and red crystal which are used in jewelry making, construction and the black crystal was used by the military to craft various weapons and even the white crystal one of the most rearrest and expensive crystal could sometimes be found. So Bintan was a hotspot for the Wize Kingdom and Rashid knew this, that was why he had not chosen a place to put his allegiance in the civil unrest. After they rested some slaves were selected they were taken to the mine where they would work as miners. Among them was a boy with golden hair as he was lead to various locations he just followed looking dead in the eyes and walking like a zombie.

The slavers picked him up in the desert weeks ago, he was naked and was just wandering in the desert, they tried to ask him some questions but he seemed like he was half dead, he ignored them and continued walking even after they threatened to kill him. Since he wasn't exactly resisting, they binded him and took him to Bintan to sell, talk about easy money. The boy got to the mine and was given some tools and without protest Kin took the tools he was given and got to work without protest. Looking at the child alot of people had never seen someone with such distinct features before, some even thought he was a foreigner from abroad who had somehow fallen into the hands of slavers, but whatever the case maybe, he was just another enslaved child. Although Kin was covered in dirt one could still see his golden hair that made him stick out like a sore thumb, apart from the fact that he was just a child. Days had gone by and Kin, continued his routine as usual, he woke up eat the little he was given as food and worked until it was time for a break and lunch after which he worked again till his next break and dinner, no matter who tried to communicate with the boy, they were unable to bring any form of response from him, it was almost as if they were talking to a wall, the guards were pissed at first but when they realized, he was doing his job and not particularly lagging behind, they reduced their taunts and ignored the freak.

Two weeks after Kin's arrival at the mine, he was mining as usual when he discovered a white crystal, although it was really Kins discovery, the boy showed little interest and was about to just put the crystal away and continued his minig, two other men that were with him saw this and they were surprised at the level of foolishness Kin had just displayed.

"How can he just do that one of the thought?. Does he not know the worth of what he had just discovered?", those who were able to discover white crystal were always rewarded by their owners and even given some special treatment. Since white crystals were very rare, they were worth almost half of a city.

The men saw Kin put the crystal in his cart and move on to mine some more. This action angered them and they both planned to take the crystal away from the child even if it meant killing him. The child was like a dead man any ways, no one would miss him if they took his life.

They ambushed Kin in a lonely part of the mine and attacked the child with a stone to the head. Immediately the stone came in contact with Kin's head. The sleep walking fool was immediately jolted awake. His mind had been asleep all this while replaying the events of the night he was supposed to die. He was caught in an endless mind loop but his body was still functional. His brain was able to function in the real world but his mind was somewhere else, the rock that was meant to end his life had brought his mind back into his body but before he came back fully in to the world of the living he found himself inside a place filled with flames and he was at the middle of the flames, but despite this, he was not even fazed by the flames in the slightest.