
Kin looked around and could only see the flames he walked around for a while wondering were he was after walking for a while he saw what looked like an altar, he approached and as he got closer he saw someone sleeping on the altar. As he got closer he could finally see the figure of the person sleeping but he only saw her back as she was facing the opposite direction. After a while the person felt his presence and stood up from the altar before stretching like someone who just woke up. She came down from the forge and looked at Kin and spoke,

"It seems you are awake, I was wondering when you would wake up sleepy head".

Kin could not believe his eyes, he had been seeing beauties but the person in front of him was nothing short of the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. From her horns to her toes, she was spotless in Kins eyes, Kin knew he was probably dead so in his mind he thought he had won the afterlife jackpot. Him and this beautiful creature alone in the flames was definitely not a fantasy of his, but at this point he would take it.

"Oh my goddess" Kin said as he tried to impress the creature in front of him.

He approached her as she was sitted on the altar and asked.

"What is your name and what is a beautiful goddess like yourself doing in such a place"?.

"Is this your prison?, oh, have I come to rescue your from your evil captor?".

"I'm I the chosen one you've been waiting for?".

Kin looked at her one more time and everything about her just made him drool in lust, he horn her golden hair and eyes her lips and shape were all mesmerizing to the perverted prince.

Ashell looked at Kin with a disgusted face before hitting his face with a massive punch

"I don't need rescuing from the likes of you. In fact if not for my master allowing me to be summoned into this world by a fool like you I'll be with him right now, but I'm stuck with you" she said in outrage.

"First, you fall asleep after summoning me. For weeks I had to see you walk around like a zombie covered in dirt and when you finally wake up you act like a daft piece of filth....." Ashell continued on and on and on not sparing Kin from any form of abuse.

"What are you talking about? I'm I not dead?"

Kin's question irritated Ashell even further.

"No you Idiot" she replied

"Then where I'm I?"

"In your curse you Idiot Ashell replied pointing at Kin's burning hair". Kin touched his hair unable to understand what she was talking about before Ashell conjured a mirror so Kin could see himself.

Kin saw himself in the mirror and could not believe what he was seeing.

"WHAT! Who is this?" he said as he touched his hair, which had turned from black to Gold and his eyes from brown to Gold. It was as if he was staring at his alter ego.

"Why are you surprised? You are the one who summoned a curse what were you expecting"?

"A curse what do you mean"? Kin asked

"I mean exactly what I said" Ashell responded. "But now is not the time for chit chat, if you don't go back to the world of the living you will be dead for real" Ashell said.

"What do you me- uhn!!" Kin screamed as he felt a sharp pain in his head as if he was hit with something.

"Go back and deal with that first, then later we can discuss the terms of our contract". Ashell said as she layed on the forge

"Contract? Are you not my curse"? Kin asked

"You are in a million ways unqualified to be my master" Ashell replied.

"But we can still come to an arrangement.

But you have to get out of this predicament first, or don't you want your kingdom back Kin Orun" Ashell whispered to his ears.

"No, I don't Kin" replied

"Then, you must be willing to give up on your harem then" Ashell said.

Kin looked at her before replying, "that's never going to happen".

"Remember your final promise before summoning me, you promised your parents to live right, but that can only be done if you survive".

"For my parents uhn" Kin thought.

"I'll do it for them, but my harem will always come first" he said as he Closed his eyes.

After some seconds he opened it hoping he was back in the real world, but he saw Ashell looking at him with eyes of disgust.

"How do I get back?" he finally asked.

"I'll only do this once" she replied as her hair glowed brighter resonating with his before he woke up in the real world with a crazy pain his head and a huge stone approaching his head.

Kin managed to dodge in a knick of time before looking at his attackers, he saw his fellow miners attacking him . He was able to recall bits and pieces of his life for a while but his memories were all jumbled up. One of the attackers saw that the zombie boy was finally awake, they were surprised at the new development but, were they ready to give up on a possible ticket to freedom?, not a chance, seeing that Kin was finally awake they attacked with even more fury, their first sloppy attack didn't really work well as it only served as a catalyst to awaken the zombie boy who was able to dodge their next attack, how that was possible they didn't Know but, they had to continue their assault. They approached him one more time hoping to finally subdue the boy and claim their prize, this time picking up a pick axe since a stone wasn't doing the trick. One of them swung his axe at Kin but he was barely able to dodge having not fully recovered from the splitting headache he received from the stone. Kin touched his head as could feel a cold liquid coming out from his head. He looked at his hands and saw it was blood.

"You're really trying to kill me" Kin said as he saw the look in the men's eyes. Their eyes spoke nothing but intense greed. "What did I do to deserve this? Kin asked looking down. Have I offended you in any way that you also seek my life? Or were you sent by Uncle Jai? Or do you just feel like I don't deserve to live"? The men looked at each other trying to see of the other understood what was coming out from Kin's mouth.

Since neither of them understood one of them finally spoke.

"Yes, You don't deserve to live. So give us the white crystal and we'll probably think about letting you keep your unwanted life. "

"We can even grant you a swift death if that's what you want"? The other man said.

Kin heard what the men said and looked at the cart he was pushing and saw a white crystal in his cart. So these are worth killing for he thought, since he had never really paid any attention to his lessons as a prince he had no idea how valuable white crystals were. Kin was trying to think of how to get out of his predicament when a thought came to his head.

"Ashell" he called in his mind

"What do you want"? she answered surprised at how Kin was able to communicate with her easily in his first try.

"Can you burn them with those hot flames in your garden"

"It's not a garden, it a forge and I'm not a pryromancer, I'm a forgemaster".

"What's that?" Kin asked in confusion.

"It means I can help you create a powerful weapon in the shortest time possible, look at those crystal beside you, touch them and send them to me, hurry, except for the white one, it will be a waste crafting something cringe out of such a powerful material".

Kin did as instructed and grabbed some red and blue crystal he had mined, before sending them to Ashell, who smiled.

"He's a different breed, he has somehow emptied his mind and he's able to concentrate on one thing at a time, I don't know if it's a good thing or not but Kin Orun, you have just peaked my interest in you".

Ashell took what she was given and placed it on her forge, she lifted her hand and her hammer was summoned, immediately she hit the crystals with all her might causing the whole place to burn even more fierce than before, the whole space shook as she hit the crystals, she hit it again and the flames even burned brighter and the crystals started taking a form, after Five hits she stopped and she was breathing quite heavily, I'm done she said to Kin who was struggling to stay alive. He had taken a shovel as his weapon to counter two fully grown men with pick axes. It didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed and on the brink of being killed but, as soon as he heard Ashell's voice, he stretched out his left hand, and summoned the weapon. A sword appeared in Kin's hand and he used it to immediately strike down one of his attacker who had him pinned down already. The sword was like a long blade but it wasn't that long, it edges had two different colors red and blue and it had an engraving written on it, frost and ash.

Kin looked at his weapon and he knew he was holding onto something powerful. "Cringe? how could this be cringe?" he thought to himself as all his sword training as a prince began to come back to him, although he was never any good, he had still received the basic training, he looked at his other attacker who was now shocked as the boy had just summoned a sword out of thin air and cut down his friends, though he was planning on killing him next after they killed the child. "Monster...." Was the only word in his mind

Kin gripped his sword tighter before looking at his prey, "how do you want to die? Switfly or slowly" he asked menacingly.

The man immediately turned around and ran but he couldn't out run Kin as his body had become more developed even than before. Kin blinked immediately, cutting down the man, confirming his first over two hundred kills in just few weeks.