Son of hearts

After Kin buried the bodies of the two men, he looked at his weapon and he knew if he kept it on him it would only cause more harm than good so he decided to keep it buried with the two men he had just killed.

Even though he was sad to part quickly with the sword, he had no other choice but to keep it away from people so they won't ask him questions.

After all was done he called on Ashell again but she was still asleep, "it seems even forging a cringe weapon takes alot from her, I wonder how her power works" Kin thought.

"What I'm I going to do now? Kin asked himself I can't go back to mining, cos I don't want to die here, but if I take the crystal to the guards I'm sure they would also try to kill me like this two did so they can get the rewards for themselves. What should I do now...." Kin thought.

" You can always make it into a weapon" a voice said in his head.

"Ashell you are awake Kin said with joy.

I really missed you".

"We just met a while ago you imbecile." Ashell replied

"But it felt like we've known each other since forever".

Tsk Ashell clicked her tongue in disgust.

"As for what you said earlier I don't think it's a good idea to turn it into a weapon. White crystals seem quite rear and valuable so it's my ticket out of the mines all I just need is to show the Lord of the mines and convince him not to kill me for my hard work".

"Why would he kill you for finding a valuable crystal"

"To avoid paying a reward, he can't send me back to the mines it would only mean hard work will never pay bringing down the morale of the miners and with it their mining rate. So he has no other choice but to kill me and make it look like he rewarded me".

"Seems like the Lord of the mine is a scum" Ashell replied.

"You have no idea how much scum nobles are" Kin said.

"I'm surprised you are not thinking of fighting your way out of here, after all you have a powerful weapon". Ashell said

"I'm surprised myself but, I already know that's impossible, and I don't think the guards lack the necessary weapons to kill me if I prove too difficult to capture alive. I tried searching my memories and I discovered we are in Bintan. I know Lord Rashid he's a sly fox and a really big dick, he's only weakness is his daughter Jamila, she's his only daughter of four children so he gives her all she wants. Anyways if we can somehow get her on my side, I can get out of this alive".

"How do you plan on doing that"? Ashell asked

"I don't know yet, but one thing is for certain, I can't stay here". Kin said as he took the white crystal and approached one of the guards to show them his discovery. No risk no reward.


Pshen Capital of Wize

It has been a month since the night of the fallen sun. Jai who was present at the moment something fell on him and a whole bunch of people who were present to witness the death of the former dynasty. It was suppose to be the final act of his revenge against Ken, his half brother but it turned out to be a night marked with burnt flesh and ashes. It was a disappointment for him to say the least.

"I should have died that night, but somehow I was spared" Jai thought as he remembered that night.

Something extremely powerful had landed on the place where they were meant to have been having fun as they all torchured the former prince of the kingdom. The powerful flames had scorched the very sand the were standing on turning everything into ash, Jai include. But at the very end he found himself in a trance. In the trance he saw himself suspended in the air in a dark plane floating around. With him was a lamp that was red in colour.

He looked at the lamp and he could not help but be drawn to it. He stretched his hand towards the lamp and immediately his hand touched it a smoke came out of it causing Jai to withdraw his hand.

"Oh cough cough cough" a voice called from with the smoke.

"It seems I'm finally out" Abbadon said

"Oh and it seems I have you to thank for my freedom". He said looking at Jai who was confused.

"I'm Abbadon son of hearts and who might you be"

"I'm Jai Orun King of wize"

Hahahaha! Abbadon let out a loud laughter.

"You mean former King, you are dead now you can't possibly the King of anything" Abbadon said.

"Dead"? Jai asked confused

"Then where are we? The after life?"

"No, you're in the veil. The barrier that separate you world from the divine and demon realm."

"Is this were the dead come to"?

"No, not really, you are a special case. You see, my essence has been stuck here for a while and I've been trying to leave, so I decided to do a soul call if anyone would be strong enough to get to this place, and here we are I've got myself a King to the rescue".

"What are you and how are you stuck her, what do you mean-"

"I know you have a lot of questions but, I will only answer a few of them now, the rest can come later".

"I'm a demon and I have been sent to the mortal world on a mission. I can't tell you more than that".

"As for how we are stuck here it's because I not supposed to try and leave the demon realm by force that's why, the viel is fighting me. As for you, you possess a powerful soul will that's why your soul is able to respond to my call".

"Can we leave this Place"? Jai asked keeping the question "what the heck is a soul will"

"Yes and No".

"The viel holds me down while the world reject's people that are dead".

"As for the 'yes' part, we can both go back, but if we can help each other".

"How?" Jai asked.

"Glad you asked"

"You want to go back to the mortal realm and I also have a assignment there. I'll help you return with my powers but you'll have to lend me your body too".

"What"? Jai said

"Calm down, I'm not saying I want to take over your body, I'll only use your body as a vessel to carry my essence since my essence alone cannot exist without a body. Think of it as giving me a ride"

"How will you possess my body and what do I get from allowing you to possess me?".

"Then let me ask you this King Jai.

What is it that you desire?" Abaddon asked

Jai pondered for a while as he looked at the speaking smoke in front of him. He didn't have to trust it since it was a demon and allowing it into the world would probably spell doom, but apart from that, he was not convinced that the demon won't just take over his body once he gives himself up. Although he wanted to take the deal he needed more assurance than just the demons word.

"I desire alot of things" Jai finally responded.

"But before we get to that, what is the assurance that after I allow you to use my body as a vessel you won't just take it over completely?". Jai said

"There is no such assurance" Abaddon replied.

"We just have to trust each other".

"If you don't agree you can leave into the after life if you want, but I can see it in your heart King Jai. You really really want to get back to the world of the living. I can do that, and I really really want to complete my mission you can help with that.

We help each other That's all the assurance I can give you".

"It seems you can't exert you full powers when you are in that form". Jai said

"What?" Abaddon asked

"If you can really give me what I want you would have proven it already, but somehow you seem more eager to possess my body than to show me that you are really who you are. So, it's either you are not who you say you are, or, that won't matter after you've taken over my body".

"Oooh, you are really smart your highness but none of your deduction is correct, the reason I haven't proven my self to be a demon is because I can't use my curse in the veil. And in this form I'm only alive because of my link to this lamp, if the link is shattered the veil will recognize fully who and what I am, dealing with me instantly".

"Same will happen if I go into the world without a vessel. And I don't just mean any vessel a vessel with a strong soul. So you see I can only do very few things to you in this form and if you agree to be my vessel I can only do what you allow me to do to your body, people like you are hard to control after all".

"Jai thought of what Abaddon said for a while before making his decision. He wasn't ready to die yet, not after just taking control of the Kingdom.

He had yet to enjoy the fruits of his Labour".

"Ok I'll be your vessel Abaddon son of hearts, but, you'll help me in all my endeavors".

"You don't need to tell me that, ofcourse I'll help you, you are the only one that can help me with my mission after all" Abaddon said as his demon essence began to seep into Jai from his eyes, ears , nose, and mouth. After a minute Jai fully absorbed the demon and Abaddon dispatched Jai's mortal essence back into the mortal realm.

After the demon possessed him, Jai found himself in the mist of the ashes. It looks as if only a day had passed.

He looked around if he could see Kin. But he decided not to since the bodies were in the same state, it was difficult to recognize anyone here.

"It seems we are in the desert" a voice rang in Jai's head.

"What happened here Abaddon" said as he saw the chaos through Jai's eyes.

Jai explain what happened and Abaddon could not believe his ears. "It seems like a powerful curse was summoned here". He thought when he heard Jai's story.

"That child you mentioned must have summoned a curse".

"Really?" Jai asked surprised.

"Yes, there's no doubt, this is the work of a curse".

"Well he's probably dead now". Jai said

"I won't be so sure" Abaddon said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he might not be dead", .

How could he possibly survive this

"Well the same could be asked about you.

Do you remember what the boy looks like?".

"Ofcourse". Jai replied

"Then keep an eye out for him".


"His curse seems familiar, I don't know the demon's curse it is, but I think he can help me with my mission".

"And do you plan on sharing this mission with me".

"Not yet King Jai. But in due time I will".

"So how do we get out of here?" Jai said as he began to leave burnt camp.

"Leave that to me" Abaddon said.