Military weapon

Royal palace Litihn a week after Gors attack

Bale had come to visit the King after he had promised to keep Gor in line as a compromise for not executing the child. Although, there had been some tough issues that came with that compromise, Bale had handled them as they came. He was not the head of the Kindel's for nothing and his family's power was nothing to laugh about, after all his sister was the queen of Omi.

No one really dared to go after them as hard as they wanted without incurring the wrath of the red queen as she was famously called.

Bale entered the palace after passing through the various required checks and providing the required documents that justifies his visit to the palace.

After all the checks he was ushered into the Kings meeting room where the King was already sitted going through some documents.

"Oh you're here" the King said as he noticed Bale, "have your sit". He gestured as Bale bowed before sitting on one of the guest chairs.

The King stood up from his office seat and sat opposite Bale before asking If he wanted anything to drink at which Bale request for a glass of water, the King pressed a small red crystal which alerted the maids and he asked for a glass of water for his guest.

"Your highness-" Bale said but the King raised his hand for him to stop.

"You didn't come here to explain yourself, did you"? King Stefan asked

"No, your highness I believe what has happened has happened, the reason why it happened matters less as to what we do about what happened".

"You sent your kids to what could possibly be their deaths and you refuse to explain why? Bale, that's not like you.

"I'm sorry your highness for disappointing you". Bale replied.

"You never disappointed me Bale and just know, whatever you are hiding I will find out you are not the only stubborn one here" Bale

"I know that your highness, that's why I'll do everything in my power to make sure you don't find out".

Sigh, Stefan sighed

"So what were you saying before?".

"I wanted to ask for permission to allow Gor to join the military".

"You have started scheming something again haven't you?". Another voice said from the entrance.

The queen of wize had made an appearance as she walked in wearing a black pants and red top with red cape.

One look at Bale and the queen and apart from both of them having good looks one could argue if they were both cut from same cloth.

The red Queen who had just made an entrance Walked towards her husband and sat beside him.

Bale looked at Vivian and he could not help but click his tongue, "what is the stone hearted queen doing here he thought."

"My queen" He bowed not averting his gaze from the King.

This made Vivian angry and she wanted to teach her brother a quick lesson but she could only frown at Bale's action.

She remembered the King had threatened to ban Bale completely from the palace if both of the were to ever engage in any quarrel or Melee as they would usually do when ever they met. Thei fights always caused a lot of damage and sent a lot of maids to the hospital.

Their little skirmishes had cost the Kingdom a lot of gold and when the king was finally fed up he decided to put a lasting end to it.

The King recognized the presence of his wife before he signaled for Bale to continue.

"As I said earlier, I wish for Gor to join the military".

"And why would you want that"? Stefan asked

"Because I believe his powers will be useful in the coming future".

"In what way?" Vivian asked.

"Although I was not there when he attacked you, I heard he had problems using his powers and it takes too toll on his body".

"His body will improve if I help him train, but he needs to be in the military for him to have even better grooming".

"Better grooming? You are really scheming something." Vivian said again

"He's always doing that, I don't know why you are doing all this to your son but I'm not planning to be a part of this so unless you are able to convince him to join on his own, then he won't be allowed to join the military". King Stefan said

"I can do that" Bale said

"Well then, why don't you bring young Gor to the palace" Vivian said


"I don't need a reason to see my nephew, unless you want me to come over there and-"

"No I'll bring him here, I don't plan on building a new castle" Bale replied

"That's great Bale. How's Arrieta doing? Vivian asked

"She's doing great and recovering well". Bale replied

"She's just lost a child, don't be distant and Cold" King Stefan said to Bale

"Ump, that's like telling him not to be himself" Queen Vivian said.

Bale ignored her comments before bowing to the King as he made his way out of his office


Kindel's Mansion

Gor was sitting on the floor in a room that covered with holes and marks, the bed seems to have been over and the door was battered. Gor had given up on trying to escape his imprisonment for a week, but not after trying all he could to leave his prison. At first he had proven to be stubborn rejecting every food and attempt to calm him down, but after the third day, he had started eating and his constant banging on the door stopped on the fifth, that was also when his attempt to use his powers forcefully stopped. He decided to calm himself and look for another way to summon his curse, he thought previously of the other times he had summoned his powers and what had triggered his abilities to surface but he could only think of the pain that came with loosing Kor, he clenched his fist everytime he remembered and wished to not go through such an experience again, little did he know that this was just the beginning.

Gor looked at the door once again after failing to summon his black blade for the third day in a row.

"I wonder when he intends on letting me out".

"At least he should let me see mum, that scum is not allowing me to see the only person that means something to me".

Even though he had three older brothers, he had never been close to anyone of them in any way, infact he had a bit of relationship with his father more than anyone of his older brothers. As he was thinking about his family, the door clicked as it was unlocked and Bale came in.

The first instinct of Gor wanted to attack him but he could only see a crushing defeat no matter how hard he fought, he had summoned his curse only a while ago while his father had been blessed with his abilities for a long time.

They were world's apart in terms of battle strength.

"You are not attacking? Well, seems you have really come to your senses". Bale said as he looked at his son.

Their eyes met and even though they were not at each other's throats yet, the tension between them filled the room.

After a while of staring at each other Bale finally spoke.

"Follow me" he said as he turned around to lead the way. Gor stood up from the floor and followed his father, he was finally rid of his house arrest.

Bale and Gor made their way to the training grounds and they were greeted conspicuously by several staffs they met on their way to their destination. They both ignored all forms of whispering and gossiping and walked in silence.

After some minutes they got to their destination.

Bale stood with his back turned towards Gor and spoke.

"Are you able to summon your curse voluntarily"? Bale asked

"Are you my father?" Gor asked in return

"I've never seen you treat Jo and the others like you treated Kor and I so the only explanation is you are not our father." Gor said

"That's not what I asked.. but, as far as I know I'm your father, you can ask your mother if my words probably mean nothing to you".

"Then why did you leave us for dead"? Gor asked not ready for the answer

"Do you really want to know"? Bale asked as he turned around to look at his son who nodded his head.

"Because I wanted you to be strong. That could not happen if you were not pushed beyond your limits"

"Wh- what? Is that why you left him for dead"

"I didn't leave him for dead, Kor died trying to save you the weak one, I left you for dead, I knew Kor could survive and I was prepared for the outcome of you dying" Bale said making Gor swallow hard

"But who could have guessed that he'd be dead while you will still be here". Bale said.

Gor wanted to kill his father and his aura had started to change, the only thing holding him back was the knowledge that he was going to lose even if he put his life on the line like in the jut forest. He was still going to lose.

Bale on the other hand counted his growing aura as irrelevant

"I Know you want to kill me, that's why I want us to have a deal" Bale said making Gor drop the act to listen.

"I'll grant you a duel once a month, to the death and in return you'll join the military in seven years". Bale said

"Why do you want me to join the military?"

"Your powers can help make this nation stronger"

"When will the duels start and since I can't join the military until I'm sixteen, what do you want me to be doing until then".

"The duels can start whenever you want, but it'll only be when we are both at out peak you can't come barging after Ive just arrived from a battle injured to ask for a duel"

Gor clicked his tongue at his father's comment, he had never seen the man injured before even where he heard Bale was trapped in enemy territory for five days and eventually had to fight his way out with his men, though he had lost some of his men that day, Bale himself return like he had not been fighting at all.

"It seems he's scheming as usual". Gor thought.

"As for what you will be doing You'll be training on controlling your curse. Although it's a curse, it is similar to our family's blessings passed down from generations, the blessings given by the god of smithy himself, the abilities to summon his prized amours. He gifts them to the Kindel's and his best to the best of us like my-"

"Like Lightless". Gor interrupted

"Your amour Lightless is amour given to the strongest person in the family, who automatically becomes the head of the family".

"Yes Bale said but, having the strongest amour doesn't grant automatic strength, you need to have the skills to bring out the best from what you are given".

"How do I do that".

"Not so fast boy. Do we have a deal".

"How do I know you won't kill me in our first duel".

"If I wanted you dead you'd be dead Bale" replied.

Gor pondered for a while before giving his answer.

"We have a deal. But I also have a condition"

"What is it?" Bale asked

"The aktel, we got it back from jut, it's only fair that I keep it, I'm it's new master anyways"

"You're right, and while the royals are happy that a national treasure was returned, they are not happy with the fact that it has already chosen a new master.

They hold the aktel in high regard that's why it's always an honor to be bestowed upon such a weapon.

But you welding the weapon shows the royals never had a say in who wielded it in the first place as it was only a farce, they made as the beast in it chose it's own wielder".

"That's not my fault" Gor said

"Fault or not your actions put the royals in a bad light, so, if you plan on being the official wielder of the flamming blade, you have to come up with a way to convince the royals not me".

"Ok then I'll think of something".

"Good then rest for the day, we'll be visiting for the palace tomorrow, make sure you are prepared". Bale said as he left the training grounds.