Mad mind.

After Gor and Bale had spoken and Bale had given Gor the opportunity to kill him without having to explain why. Gor prepared to visit the palace. As the son of one of the prominent Families in Omi, he was already given the pass he could show, all other documents justifying their visit would be provided by Bale. Gor wore a black pant and shirt and a small golden cape. His father wore his general uniform And a red cape. The two entered a garandular and flew to the palace. It was paddled by his father's personal guard Alex who was present during the jut incident. Although Bale was disappointed at the young soldier for trying to attack him and Alex was in turn disgusted by the way Bale treated his sons, they were not ready to get a new guard and Master respectively, and besides Alex felt he needed to protect Gor from Bale. After ten minutes of travel, they finally got to the palace and Alex landed on the landing spot before they all came down from the beast, Alex stayed back to take care of the beast while Bale and Gor made their way into the palace. After walking past the first security check, Bale told Gor to go on saying he would meet with the boy later. Bale left and Gor went on from one check to another, with the Palace guards making sure he was thoroughly check and assessed, the security in the royal palace was very strict and strong making the palace almost impregnable. As they were walking Gor noticed some of the guards whispering and looking at him with disdain. At first he ignored the, but as he got to the final check, the guard checking Gor was getting quite rough with the young lad. The guard walked to Gor and requested the necessary documents to allow him pass, after checking them he asked for Gor's pass and the young lad showed his pass.

After taking and unusual amount of time to check the pass he returned it and asked for Gor to stand back.

Gor looked at the guard at first before taking a step back, the guard ignored Gor and started attending to others, Gor saw this and spoke.

"May I know the reason why I'm being delayed?" he asked the guard who ignored the question.

Gor who was now starting to get pissed after being ignored for close to thirty minutes.

Gor walked to the guard and stood in front of him.

"Kid step back, you will be attended to soon".

"How soon is soon" Gor asked not believing the guard.

"When I say so".

"You are not checking anyone for now so attended to me and let me leave" Gor said.

"You think because you are Kindel's brat the I have to listen to you"?

"If you don't stand back I'll be forced to throw you out".

"I dare you Gor" said looking straight at the guard

The guard who was now pissed wanted to attack Gor but a voice stopped him.

"What's going on here"? Bale said as he walked towards Gor and the guard he was arguing with.

"Why are you still here?" Bale asked Gor

"Egg head here refused to let me pass"

The guard heard what called him and drew his sword to attack Gor.

Palace guards members of the Special military unit chosen to guard the palace, they were mostly consist of men with average fighting skills and good observation skills. Their coordination and organization skills were one of the best in the Kingdom. Russ the guard who had stopped Gor from passing had drawn his sword ready to attack the boy, his amour was made up of brown crystals one of the hardest crystals in the world, and with his sword he was sure a child was no match for him even one that was rumoured to have taken care of some royal guards in one attack. What he didn't know was that the guards had made a mistake by underestimating Gor, that was why they lost to him. Russ rushed to Gor and wanted to use his sword to take the child down, immediately his sword approached Gor's neck it stopped, Russ looked at the person who had stopped his sword and he was not that surprised by who it was as to how it was stopped.

In front of him was Bale who was holding his sword with his bare hand.

"What are you doing"? Bale asked Russ who was now panicking.

"He knew who Bale was and was now almost regretting his actions".

Bale grabbed the sword and broke it into pieces. He walked towards Russ and before he even got to the soldier, Russ fainted.

Bale looked at Gor and signaled for the boy to follow him.

Gor walked with Bale and when he got to were Russ was he was curious as to what exactly Bale had done to him.

Bale and Gor finally made their way to the throne room where they would meeting with the royals. Immediately they got to the throne room they were greeted by Zira, who was also there on other business, maybe.

"Lord Kindel" Zira greeted

"General Gale" Bale responded

Zira shifted her attention towards Gor who was beside Bale. She moved closer to the child and brought her face closer to Gor making him feel uncomfortable.

Gor frowned at her action and spoke.

"What do you want"?

Hmmmmm.... Zira said

"You have Arrieta's eyes, it's so uncanny".

"You look nothing like mister I'm a god sword over here though" Zira said pointing at Bale.

"god sword"? Gor asked in confusion.

"Yes, don't you know your father is one of the only four god swords in the world".

Gor was never interested in anything that involves battle and battle ranking, he didn't even know his father's military post until few days ago, he had never shown any interest until a few days ago.

"Four god swords"? Gor thought

"Ignore her", Bale said to Gor

"Don't you have anything else to do other than lecture a child".

"Ohh, but he's not just an ordinary child uhn, kid why don't you summon that curse of yours let me see".

"No one is allowed to summon anything" King Stefan said as he walked in with the Queen.

Immediately their entrance was noticed by those in the throne room, they all bowed.

"Why didn't they announce their presence" Zira thought as she bowed.

"If you break anything here you will have to buy or repair it". The King Concluded.

He sat on the royal throne and beside him was his wife and Queen.

"Rise" he spoke again making all present to raise their heads.

The Queen scanned through the room looking at those present until her eyes fell on her nephew.

"Come Gor, won't you say hello to your Aunt".

"Hello aunty Vivian" Gor said bowing slightly.

"Hope you are well"? Gor asked

"Yes I am dear, thanks for asking dear, unlike some people who never ask how I'm doing". She said shifting her eyes to Bale.

"Poor thing, she said to Gor again, I'm really sorry about Kor, I remembered you two were inseparable".

Gor could only clench his fist in reply.

His brothers death was still very fresh in his mind and he hated the feeling it let in his heart.

Vivian looked at Bale again while refusing the urge to attack him. Her brother annoyed her to no end, and she always failed to register what exactly is going on in that crazy brain of his.

"You father said he wants you to join the military" King Stefan said.

"I told him I would only allow it if you want to join the army. As you know we shouldn't be discussing this given you circumstances, but your case is a different case".

"Do you know why those who summon curses are executed" King Stefan asked the young child.

Gor shook his head in response.

"Because those who survive summoning a curse usually go mad if they don't die. They end up as mass murderers, terrorists or even worse. But I want to believe you are a different case even though you are yet to prove otherwise." King Stefan said

"I'm sorry for his pa-" Bale tried to explain but was stopped by the King.

I want to hear from the child himself.

Gor knew exactly what they were talking about, he had attack Bale carelessly during an important meeting with high ranking members of the country, and there was no real proof stating he was in a right state of mind.

"I'm sorry for my past actions your majesty, but the truth was I am still not in my right mind..." His words took everyone aback in shock.

"I just lost my brother and I still blame myself for it, so I don't think I'm in my right mind".

"But I Know I'm going to be, I just need time to grieve and grow. After that I know I'll be fine".

"You are right my child", Queen Vivian said,

"Anyone could easily be lost if they had gone through what you went through, young or old, they would find it difficult to move on".

"You are just a child, so are allowed a little display of madness, but as for your father he'll be the one we deal with, not you."

"As the Queen as said, you will be allowed this one time and your father will receive all the punishment that comes with your action, however this is the only time you get a free pass, if you pull any form of unpleasant act again in the future you and you alone will bear the consequences". The King said firmly

"Yes your majesty" Gor replied

"As for your request in joining the military, it is granted. Once you are sixteen you can enlist and join the army".

After they had finish discussing that, Gor spoke again.

"Your majesty, if I may ask, I wish for the aktel to be given to me since I was the one that brought it back from Jut forest"

"Technically you didn't, Bale did and I believe he told you about the spot you put us in bounding with the aktel" The king said.

"But on the other hand you did bring succeed where many others failed" The Queen interrupted.

"Let's give him the damn weapon Stefan, anyone who wants makes a fuss should come to me."

The King looked at the Queen with a serious look, but he knew his wife meant what she said. He could only sigh in defeat.

"You can have the aktel" King Stefan said

"But your majesty". Zira who had been quite for a while now spoke

"What now general". Stefan said

"The aktel is only given to someone who has achieved the status of general in the army, are we really going to give it to someone who is not yet even in the army"

"How many army personnel did you lose trying to recover the aktel?" the queen asked

General Zira bit her lips as she understood exactly what the Queen meant.

After Loid had gone missing in Jut, the army had spent little to no resources trying to track down the general and the national treasure that was lost with the general. They had deemed a recovery mission too risky and had not pursued it.

"Your silence would have been much appreciated a while ago, but, after challenging the King's decision you should be ready to see it through to the end not back out this early." The Queen's voice was filled with malice.

"How are you going to take responsibility for your actions general Zira?" The queen asked

"I'm sorry your majesty" Zira apologized

"Then you should show you really are with three months of your pay, that should show us how sorry you are."

"Three months!!" Zira thought

"Yes your majesty" she actually said

"As for your request young Gor we will give you the aktel, but only after you join the army, I think the military would agree with the decision" the queen asked Zira who was still thinking how she had just lost three months worth of pay in just few minutes

"Y-yes your majesty" Zira replied

After the discussion of other issues Gor left the Palace and went back home without Bale, he stayed back to finish some work.

On his way back Gor could not help but think about what the King said about curses. Those who summoned them always lost their minds due to the trauma that came with the curse. He knew he was in his right mind, but given how much he has changed in the past few weeks, he wondered if he was really in his right mind.