
Bintan, wize Kingdom

Kin who had shown his discovery to one of the guards was lucky enough to be thrown into jail. The guard at first wanted to Kill Kin, but the child had screamed with joy what he had discovered, drawing a lot of attention the precious crystal. Even if he had tried to cover things up, information was bound to fly into the ears of his master, who was known to be ruthless to unfaithful servants.

The guard had no choice but to bring the crystal to Rashid, along with the boy that had discovered it. After assessing the crystal Lord Rashid ordered Kin to be imprisoned until he thought of a way to 'reward' the boy.

Kin who was now sitting in jail decided to pass time by talking to Ashell, his damsel from beyond.

"Do you still think you can get the Lord's daughter to help you"? Ashell asked

"I should, but even if I don't I'll have to think of another way to escape".

"Maybe you should reveal your true identity." Ashell suggested

"That's a definite no. Things might get ugly if I do".

"Are you worried your uncle might find out you are here, isn't he dead"? Ashell asked.

"He should be but..."

"What?" Ashell asked

"I have a weird feeling he isn't".

"That's impossible" Ashell said

"Maybe, but Uncle Jai is not an easy person to kill, he's the famous god sword Jai. Everyone fears his strength and abilities. That's why he was able to plan a successful coup in the first place".

"We can't possibly go around asking if he is without drawing suspicion anyways".

"He's dead" Ashell said discarding Kin's feeling

After a week in the cell, Kin was finally brought out, he looked weak and unhealthy given he had not been fed once in the past week. They had hoped he would die in prison but, it seems the child was tougher than expected.

Kin was dragged to where Rashid was staying and thrown to the floor under Rashid's feet.

"It seems you are a tough one child".

May I ask what your name is"?

"My name is Ashin my Lord" Kin replied weakly.

"Well Ashin since you have survived a week with food and water, don't you think it's time to give up and just die, why hang on and suffer".

"I'm sorry my Lord, but my mother said the same when she gave birth to me, but now I'm still here and she's dead, she always called me a stubborn bastard". Kin replied

"Hahaha! Rashid let out a loud laughter you are a strange one I must say.

Ashin right? Maybe I should"- as Rashid was talking his daughter Jamila entered the room.

Hello Dad she said as she ran to her father who welcomed her with Open arms.

Jamila was fourteen years old and the Last child of The Jasim family. Rashid always made sure she was given special care and attention since she was his only daughter and last born. There was nothing he could not do to make his baby girl happy.

Kin who saw Jamila could not help but smile inwardly "it seems she does not recognize me either, it's crazy but these changes are the perfect disguise. No one knows who I am".

As the father and daughter were speaking Kin began to laugh hard that he drew attention to himself.

Rashid looked at the child and could not help but wonder if hunger had driven him mad and not dead.

"How disappointing" Rashid said looking at Kin.

After catching his breath Kin spoke.

"You have a lovely daughter Lord Rashid, it would be a shame if something were to happen to her". Rashid looked at Kin with a twisted expression, he never thought the boy would threaten his child in front of him, he wanted to make Kin suffer for threatening his child, he signaled to one of his guards to pick Kin from the floor. Immediately the guard got to where Kin was sitting, he looked at the child and Kin had a creepy smile on his face which creeped the guard out. Kin used the opportunity to draw the guards sword and he used it to Kill the guard. The rest of the guards drew their weapons but Kin only had two targets in mind, he approached the two guards that accompanied Jamila into the room with great speed. The first one saw Kin coming and wanted to end the child in one attack but his attack was easily parried, he attacked again and this time Kin dodged leaving the guard open, Kin used the opportunity to stab the guard in the neck. Once the first guard dropped dead Kin faced the other, once saw the way Kin was looking at him, he knew he was next and bolted towards the door fearing for his life. He didn't even take more than four steps before his eyes saw his headless body.

"Pathetic" Kin said as he dropped the sword and sat on the floor. He was still quite weak.

Rashid looked at the two dead guards and he could not help but frown at first.

Jamila also saw her dead guards and she began to shiver and whimper.

"Hush my child" Rashid said as he ordered one of his men to take her away.

After his child left the room Rashid burst into laughter.

"Hahaha. I like your style Kid. Ramon, please get him something to eat immediately".

"And you, he said to Kin, you are hired, I thought this was going to be an execution but you turned it into an interview, I'm impressed, but let me let you in on something Rashid said as he bent down beside Kin if you do something like this in front of my daughter again, I'll have your head". Rashid took the sword Kin dropped and pierced his leg a little to make this statement sinking into the child's head.

"Is that clear"? Rashid asked and Kin nodded in reply.

"Good now once you are done eating, wash yourself, you stink". Rashid said as he left the room.

Kin after some weeks was finally able to eat a decent meal and have a nice bath. He was shown to his room which used to belong to the two guards he had killed to use when ever they needed. It was close to Jamila's room although not as big but given where he had been sleeping for a while, it was a better upgrade for him. After changing to some clothes that were his size. He left the room.

"Seriously, Ashin? Are you out of your mind"? Ashell said

"It was what I could come up with at the moment. A combination of you and me". Kin replied

"Urhgg! I feel like choking the light out of you, you are smarter than you look and a bit devious too". Ashell said

"Do you hate it"? Kin asked

"Not really, I think you need both if you want to survive".

"You're right. I'll also need a sword"

"Where did you keep the one I made"? Ashell asked

"I buried it with those two". Kin replied

"Well summon it then"

"Summon"? Kin asked

"Yes it bears your imprint and it can be summoned into the forge too".

"How to I do that, focus on it's name and call it forth using that".

"But I haven't named it yet" Kin said,

"then do that" Ashell urged Kin

Kin closed his eyes and focused, he thought of the time he used the sword at the first time, he felt the power flowing through the sword and he called "Come Ken" and immediately the red and blue blade came to his hand.

Kin felt happy as he held the blade in his hand.

"Ken uhn"? You named it after you father.

"Yes.... He reminds me of fire and ice".

Ash and frost.

After Kin was done, he made his way to the dining hall where he had been summoned to, there he met the whole Jasim family eating dinner.

The castle of the Lord of bintan waa quite big and Kin had to ask for some direction before he was able to find the dining hall. Once he found the hall he went in and saw his masters eating.

The Jasim family consists of six members, Rashid, his wife, three sons and a daughter. The latter was going to be his direct master and given the kind of person he knew her to be Kin knew his work would be difficult. Rashid who saw Kin entering the dining hall ignored the boy and continued the conversation he was having with his sons.

"So Jai has decided to enter a peace treaty with Omi uhn? I never took him a boot licker". Rashid said

"Well he needs allies and since half of the Kingdom is against him, he needs the backing of a strong force like Omi". Majeed , Rashid 's first son replied.

"Still, do you think Omi would back him just out of the kindness of their hearts?

I'm sure they are up to something".

"Eru has also done the same thing" Bassam the third son said.

" They are backing those who have chosen to go against Jai. And since Hadia is leading the charge, they have made Hadia like their main base. The number of region on Jai side is four and Hadia has only three allies, apart from that, 85 percent of the military is already under Jai. Very soon Amresh would pick a side and I'm certain it would be Jai's". "Then there would be more pressure on bintan on who to side with and against". Bassam concluded

"I'm also sure Amresh would side with Jai., Mahmoud is a dickless coward after all". Rashid said

"So what do plan on doing father Nasim the second child now spoke".

"For now nothing, we will continue to stay neutral, I believe something interesting is bound to happen soon enough. After then, I will choose who to side with".

In the corner of the room Kin who had heard the conversation could not help but frown, it seems Jai is still alive and well. But how did he survive that night. Was he also able to summon a curse at that moment that allowed him to survive like me.

"That is unlikely" Ashell said reading Kin's thought.

"It has to be something else"

Even though Ashell reassured Kin, he could not help but imagine Jai with a curse, it was a scary thought. Jai would be a lot more scarier with a curse. Little did he know, the situation was much worse.

Out of everyone in the room, Rashid had kept his eyes on Kin and he noticed the boys face when he heard what they were talking about. "He looks like a spy but, he's quite young. His skills with the sword are also amateurish. I'll have to keep a close eye on him".

Another person was looking at Kin since she was not interested in what her father and her brothers were saying.

"Who is the new boy and what's with his hair"? She thought.