Play time

happLand island Eru Kingdom

Thia had been on happyLand for a month now and she was adjusting to life as a soldier in training. Her life had suddenly changed from running around with her friends, training with Zinesh, and making jest of Talia to waking up while the sun was still asleep, military drills and crazy military tactics she had problems understanding. She woke up in her room which she was sharing with four others, Miriam being one of them. They were all in different sections depending on what part of their assessment they passed the most. They had an assassin, Handler, Soldier, spy and a craft personnel in their group.

Instead of having a normal military training, they were all grouped into five containing each of the five categories. Although they all had different classes were they learnt their various specialization, they were all treated and assessed as a unit. The failure of one member meant the failure of the group which meant they had to work together. In Thia's group she was the Soldier, a boy named Hansi was the handler, Miriam was the craftsmaster, another girl Thena was the assassin, while a boy named Cage was the spy. They all stayed in the same room and were all in the same age group of 9 to 11 years with Hansi being the oldest and Thia the youngest, each group was placed under an instructor. After the Kids woke up in the morning, they went for their morning run as a group and after that they had their baths, in different bathroom of course, and they got ready for the day. Each of them went on to their various specialization class where they were thought various, ways to be effective in their fields. Thia and Miriam had become great friends after their first chat and had been even more delighted when they were put in the same group, but Miriam was happier when she found out she was specialized as an craftsmaster in their group, she couldn't imagine herself being in any of the other specialization. Thia was also quite happy with being an ordinary soldier, but after she had visited her first class and she saw the way they were training in her specialization she didn't think herself as lucky anymore. In her first class she sat in her appointed sit was ready for the class to begin. She looked around the class and noticed there were Five other Kids with her. They were all in the same age group and Thia was once again the youngest and the smallest. As she was looking around, she saw three boys approaching her, and she knew from the way they were looking at her, they wanted to pick on her.

Hey little one, are you lost one of them asked as he looked at Thia.

"No" she responded and the three of them bursted into laughter.

"How can this little girl be in the soldiers class when she looks like she can't even hold a knife and talk less a sword". The boy said.

"So, is there no one in your group that is more capable of being a soldier than this little ant?".

As Thia was about to respond. Hana, the other girl in the class came to Thia's aid.

"You three must be really tough guys since all you can do is to bully an ant". Hannah said making the boys face her

She had dark hair and dark skin and she was much taller than all three boys.

The boys looked at her and they were scared since Hana was not only taller, they knew her as Hana Wilde, One of the few who had come to happyLand of their own volition. She was part of a noble family in eru, one that raised great soldiers each in generation, and once they knew she was a Wilde, they had feared the fact that not only could she stomp on them like the ants they were, she could do it without any form of blowback on her. After all they were all no names.

"We are sorry your..." One of the boys struggled to speak

"I don't need your apologies, just keep your bullying to yourselves and we'll have no problem. Is that clear"? She said with a firm voice at which the boys nodded quickly.

Thia who was just observing how the boys unravel before a girl kept mute and wondered who she was. She had always been the only girl amongst her friends who stood up to bullies, she had never met someone who stood up for her like this, not that she needed it anyway.

"It seems happyLand is going to be quite interesting" Thia thought.

"Are you ok"? Hana asked Thia snapped out from her thought

"I'm fine". Thia responded

"Don't mind them, they are just a bunch of losers. Always looking for someone easy to pick on".

"I'm Hana by the way". She said as she stretched out her hand.

"I'm Thia".

Thia uhn? Nice name"


"Listen Thia I know you were not planning to be here so I'll be honest with you, happyLand is very tough on people like you who are weak, so just focus on surviving, I'll try as much as possible to help you out when you are on danger". Hana said trying to reassure Thia.

"Ok Thia responded trying not to be rude to her 'saviour"'.

"Good, now the instructor is going to-" she had yet to finish when the instructor came in.

The instructor was the same person who had conducted the physical test assessment for them when they were assessed. He still had a bandage in his hand.

Even though he was a very strong soldier, he had made the number one mistake in the soldiers rule book, 'never underestimate your opponent'. That, led to his bandaged arm after Thia kicked him with all her strength.

He looked around and his eyes fell on Thia, at which he nodded, then a young boy named Sin who had been sitted quietly, he was also part of the few who passed the physical test. And then the three boys which he glanced through and finally, Hana Wilde. The youngest child of the Wilde main family who personally asked to be trained in happyLand.

"They are indeed a weird and crazy family". Ryker thought.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ryker your soldier training instructor. I'll be guiding you through your journey to becoming a great soldier for our great Kingdom".

"As you know, happyLand has been tasked with raising the best of the best so you'll be receiving everything you need to become the best version of a soldier to ever exist. But make no mistakes, your use has been decided for you, but you have the chance to either make it as a great soldier or die trying. You may be kids, but I know, you are all part of the lost in the society, happyLand decides your use but whether you'll survive, that's up to you. Listen to these instructions as I won't repeat them, if you have any questions raise your hand.

Firstly, Your training will involve mostly physical training, but you also participate in soldier drills, and some technical works. You'll also be assessed in different ways every weekend. I believe you have all been grouped, your group will be given a day of the week to training together and the final days are for rest and what ever you wish to do within the Island. That's all for now, every other information will be passed across as time goes on.

Now let's begin today's lesson. Today well be talking drills....."

After some hours the classes finally ended and they made their way to the cafeteria for lunch. Thia met Mariam and the others in her group and they all sat together.

"Hey Thia, how was your class Miriam asked with excitement".

"Mine was fun, one of the students kept asking when she could go home, it was very funny as she disrupted the entire lessons. Pissing the instructor off. Miriam" said with excitement making Thia only smiled as her friend spoke.

"Hello" a voice called from behind as they were all eating.

Behind Thia stood Hana holding her lunch.

"It seems like this table looks more livelier than mine", Hana said pointing at four girls sitting on a table each looking lost, weird, cold and confused.

"Sure" Thia responded. Hana dropped her lunch and sat between Miriam and Thia, much to Miriam's displeasure.

"Hello Cage" Hana said to one of the boys in Thia's group.

"Shhhhh, I'm trying to be invisible". The boy wearing sunglasses responded responded.

"You two know each other"? Miriam asked

"Yes we are both from, the capital. We came voluntarily".

"Wow, that's...." Miriam said finding it weird

"What? Weird? I think you fail to understand the privilege of being trained in happyLand. Only those trained here go on to be the best".

"Privilege my ass". The last girl in the table said making everyone look her way.

"Do we have a problem"? Hana asked

"Yes, we do".

"You think this hell hole is a privilege? Training orphans to be killers seems nothing like a privilege, it's more like the card we've been deal with. We have no choice but to use it. Else we lose". Thena said.

"Then why did you chose to come here then." Hana asked

"She also came on her own"? Miriam asked suprised

"I'm using the card I've been dealt to get what I want. I'm not here for glory". Thena said.

"Whatever?" Hana replied.

"I heard you are a Wilde, tsk what a disappointment'. Thena mocked

"What do you mean?" Hana responded with a colder tone

"Your Family is said to be the most powerful and ruthless family in Eru, and your leader is said to be second to the great Hazel, yet you are here instead of with your family training to be an ordinary soldier, pathetic". Thena said.

"You probably ran away and thought of glory as an excuse. You are just a run away mutt".

Hana heard this and climbed the table ready to pounce on Thena but Thia held her hand down.

"There are instructors here, remember, no fighting in the cafeteria".

Hana looked around and snorted

"You know nothing about me, or my Family" she said as she stood up and walked back to her group.

Miriam who was beside Hana was shocked as she had noticed something when Hannah climbed the table.

"Is it just me or did anyone notice she had claws just a while ago".

"Don't you know of the Wilde family's curse?" Cage asked

"They were all cursed from birth in their family. That's one of the things that makes the Wilde's the strongest families in Eru". Cage concluded. Thia was listening but she was also wondering about something else.

"Where did I get the strength to stop her just now?". She thought.