
In an office on happyLand. Three people were having some kind of meeting.

The situation in Wize is getting tougher to deal with.

"We need more people to infiltrate wize and omi. We need to keep track of some of the things going on there". Helen one of the commander of Eru secret military said

"You are right... but we don't have any group that is ready to carry on that Kind of task yet". Baji happyLand commander said

"Can't we send some in the oldest age groups?". Ryker asked

"We could but it reduces the chances of success by a lot and we need this mission to go on, with as little hiccups as possible". Helen replied

"We need those kids to be ready soon". Helen said

"How long do we have?". Baji asked

"Two months tops". Helen replied

"Two months?"! How can I train them properly in just three months. Ryker said

"You have to try, we have no other choice.

We have to train them double time and make sure they are ready within two months". Helen replied

"What if we cut the weekly assessment and, at the end of the second month, we have small tournament to decide which group will go". Baji said

"How many groups do we have in that age group"?. Helen asked

"We have six groups". Ryker replied.

"Then how about a real life and death assessment instead of the dumb regular assessment you usually do, their mission would be one that would require them to think with their life on the line". Helen Said

"So you mean we should put their lives at risk unnecessarily". Ryker retorted

"Please their lives are not worth much compared to the Kingdom and their lives were practically over when they came here. They will only live to serve this Kingdom". Helen said

"You have six weeks to train them make sure you use it well". Helen said

"What do you plan on doing" Baji asked

Helen shared her plan and even Baji could not help but frown. He had never thought they would get desperate enough to send kids to their deaths but here they were, doing it. Helen's plan would give the the results they needed but it might come at a very great cost. The cost of the lives of all of the kids that's would take part in the assessment was just too much a price to pay. After all they were going to be the next generation of soldier to protect their kingdom.

"What if they all die? Ryker had already began to rage. are you crazy?"

"Calm down Ryker or I'll have you thrown in jail" Baji scolded his friend and partner who would have been arrested for insurbodination. Helen was by far their superior officer.

"So how do you intend to make that work, we are trying to assess capable soldiers not cut down potential talents".

"I agree but we can make it work we just have to make sure they hold back as much as they can, they don't have to kill anyone"

Ryker immediately snorted receiving a glare from Baji

"Ok, I agree but we have to make sure they don't end up killing all the kids they are too young to be fighting those monsters".

"That's why you have to play your part and train them well enough to survive the test". Helen replied.

"I'll be back after six weeks make sure to have them prepared before then" Helen said as she walked out


Few weeks in happyLand and something had been bothering Thia, she found out she had become stronger than she was before. Not that she was weak before, but her physical abilities have become more prominent than before. In her soldiers training she found herself in the top three spot sharing the spotlight with Hannah and Mr. Silence, who had refused to speak to anyone since he came to happyLand. No one knew his name so they called him Sin. Since he had it tattooed on his neck. Not even all the instructors knew where he had come from.

They had undergone their regular training until the day when Ryker had called them. He told them about the upcoming assessment and that from the coming weeks they would be training with their respective groups. Since they would be assessed as a group. They were told their groups instructor would help them to achieve their goals and pass the assessment.

Thia went to her room where she met her group members waiting for her. She had no trouble bonding with all of them except for Thena, who wanted to be a loner and. She had gotten into fights with Hannah, her instructors and once with Miriam. Cage was the spy in their group and since he was another weird kid Thia never really paid much attention to, She kept thinking why he came to happyLand on his own. Hansi on the other hand was their handler and their leader since he was older and was mich more smarter than most of them. They were all weird kids and with the assessment coming up, Thia wondered if their group had any chance of passing.

The following week their group training for the week started and their group instructor who also happened to be Ryker stepped into one of the training grounds that had been assigned to them to begin their training.

"Good morning brats, hope you had a terrific night"? Ryker said to the kids. Most of them didn't mind Ryker's insult but Thena and Thia were not loving it one bit.

"I believe you guys have been giving it your best in your respective specialization classes. I would expect nothing less than the best from those I'm in charge of". Ryker didn't wait for their reply and continued

" Now for today's lesson I'm going to be teaching you a little thing called you can't do it by yourself you need teamwork". His words made Thena frown as he said it looking at her.

'Now let me ask you this how strong do you think you are Hansi"? He asked the groups handler.

"Physically I'm a bit below average".

"Wrong Ryker said Miriam"? He asked again

"Very weak" sir. Miriam replied

"Wrong again Cage"?

"Invincible and strong sir".

"Nothing could be more further from the truth. Thena"?

"If we are neither weak nor strong then what are we? Thena thought.

"I don't know what you mean sir but I know I'm stronger than anyone in this facility". Thena replied

"Your overconfidence is more appalling than appealing". Ryker replied pissing Thena off. Thia?

"Strong enough to break your arm sir" Thia replied.

"Wrong". Ryker replied again but not before looking at Thia. This brat....

"Now I'll tell you how strong you are. You all are irrelevantly strong and weak. Tell me what have you all achieved with your strength. The worst thing one can be in this world is what you all are, irrelevant.

Now I ask you do you want to keep living in the fantasy world that you are strong, average or weak. Or do you want to be relevant. If you are strong and irrelevant, then you might as well be weak". Ryker said looking at Thia

" Now, What I'm going to show you today is how irrelevant you all are after today if you feel like you want to be relevant you can come to me and we'll continue the class but if you want to keep being the way you are then there is no need for more of this training to hold. This would be our last training".

"You can come inside" Ryker said and a nerdy looking boy came into the training grounds. He looked a like he was their age and a bit rough.

"This is Dirian, he's twelve years old and in the 12 to 15 age group training program. He's here to help me prove how irrelevant you all are. Dirian..."

"Mr. Ryker don't forget what you promised me". Dirian said looking at Ryker.

"Of course I won't Ryker replied with an irritated voice."

"Now Kid's you assisngment is simple land a punch on me and you will be given an apology from Mr. Ryker here for calling you names and also your living quarters would be equipped with better facilities for you to enjoy. But if you lose.... Well I don't see any other outcome apart a bunch of short brats losing I'm I right Mr. Ryker".

"His words were met by a punch few inches to his face, he immediately dodged".

Tsk I missed Thia said as Dirian got ready to face all five of them. Even Miriam was prepared to beat Dirian up for calling them brats, he was just few years older! She thought.

"That was close". Dirian said receiving a death glare from Ryker.

"Now let's start Dirian" said.

Thena was the first to attack. She used her speed to get close to Dirian going straight for a punch but Dirian blocked it. Thia used the chance to try to kick him in the face but Dirian used Thena to block the kick. Hansi tried to get in behind Dirian but his face received a hard kick he wasn't expecting. Dirian had somehow predicted his move.

Thena was even more pissed seeing as Dirian used her as a meat shield.

"Stay out of the way shorty". She said to Thia

"Call me that again and I'll align your face with my fist". Thia replied.

"You should really pay attention Kids" Dirian said as he took both their faces and hit it on each other. Cage who had been observing the fight was looking for an opportunity to attack Dirian but so far, he had not seen any. He was confident he could sneak behind Dirian but he needed to do it when an opening presented itself he looked at Miriam and saw she was not moving. In her eyes, the way Dirian moved was inhuman and the way his eyes were moving around, he looked like a demon. Cage ignored Miriam and looked at the place he last saw Dirian only to discover his new location was right in front of him.

Boo Dirian said as Cage panicked falling on his butt. This little action was enough to take the invincible boy out of the whole fight. Miriam on the other hand was out immediately he entered the room. He knew she was not only the weakest physically but also mentally.she had already succumbed to fear immediately she saw him fight.

Dirian stood in the middle of all of them Hansi was down with just one Kick, Miriam was too scared to attack, Cage was feeling not so invincible, all that was left was Thena and Thia but they had no chance even if they could both work together. Dirian was a monster.

"He must be the most powerful soldier in the entire island" Thia thought as she clenched her fist.

"It seems like you have a bunch of mere babies here Mr. Ryker, how unlucky. You must be sad they left you with a bunch of nobodies, these guys are going to die soon, maybe I should kill them now" Dirian said ready to pounce on them but he was held back by Ryker.

"That's enough Dirian" Ryker said.