
After they had all gotten up Ryker looked at all of them, they all were clearly frustrated that a child like them had beat them into submission. The frastration on their face was pretty evident. That was exactly what Ryker wanted to see, he wanted them to feel the kind of frustration that could either make them or tear them. Either way he was ready for the outcome.

Dirian looked at The kids before turning to Ryker, "are you sure you don't want me to kill them"?

"No you brat, now get lost".

"Ok, I would have charged extra anyways." Dirian said as he walked away.

"Wait Thena called as she saw Dirian going. Are you the strongest student in this facility"? she asked.

" You must be a soldier, an assassin or maybe a spy." Cage added

"What are you talking about"? Dirian asked.

"I'm just a craftsmaster like her" he said pointing at Miriam.

They were all surprised, if he was just a craftsmaster, then how come he was this strong.

"If you were to rank yourself amongst the others in your group what number would you be". Thia asked

"Generally I think I'll be number 7 of 15 and in my own group I'll definitely be number five."

"How is that even possible"? Thia thought, not only were we all beaten by a kid like us he is also the weakest in his group.

"If that will be all I'll leave now. Bye bye". Dirian said as he walked out.

"Now have you all learnt how irrelevant you are?. You made a mistake thinking only soldiers, spies and assassins are strong, but that's not the case, the strongest are meant to be Soldiers but not if the others can help it. The strongest student in happyLand currently is Alissa Wilde and she's a handler like you Hansi. You all need to be stronger physical, mentally and even emotionally". He said the last part looking at Thena and Miriam. I know you want show how you can be strong by yourself but until you are able to do things that make you stand out, even as a group you'll still be irrelevant". Ryker started walking out.

Thia was now even more frastrated, she thought of how irrelevant her presence was when her whole family was killed in front of her. She felt how weak and irrelevant her presence was when she saw he friends lying dead in front of her, she could not do anything to help them and was letting her newly found strength get in her head when she could not even use it very well. She knew something was missing in her but she found it difficult to find out what it was.

"I want to be relevant" Thia said making Ryker stop.

I want to have the strength to change things".

"We all do" Hansi added. He knew he was meant to be the leader of the group but he had always taken a back sit. He avoided giving orders and didn't want to seem pushy but now he began to see how his actions had cost them. Losing to a child their age was soo painful. Even if Dirian was the strongest, they should have atleast put on a better fight.

Thena knew they were right, but she still felt the need to grow on her own, but didn't see any disadvantage in growing with them once in a while. As long as they stayed out of her way she was ready for a little compromise.

"Good now let's see how we can make you all relevant, because as from now on, your lives would depend on how relevant you can be".

And so it began the road to strength, Thia knew she could become stronger, she had to she had this thing bugging her mind, that if she doesn't, her life would end.


Wize Kingdom at the same time.

Kin was in a secluded area looking to train. Since he didn't have any master or anything, he had no other choice but to follow the master he had when he was little, he had always trained with Farouk his father's personal guard. He recalled one of their lesson.

"A sword is a weapon meant to kill and destroy. But sometimes it can be more than just that, so even while killing and destroying one must not forget what made you pick up the sword in the first place Farouk explained. Just that little fact can make or destroy the wielder. If you want to get stronger, then you must strengthen your resolve, why are you weilding your sword?"

Kin thought of everything that had happened before then and he was ready to control his life from that moment on, no one would take anything from him again. He began to use training he had received and with Ashell's help he knew he was bound to get stronger.


Omi Kingdom

Since his visit to the palace Gor had started to train with Bale on how to control his curse. Bale had told his to think of a way to trigger his curse and control it at the same time and that was exactly what Gor was doing, he remembered all the time he had summoned his curse and tried to focus on what was his driving force, it took a while but he remembered. He started focusing on his rage and as he had thought he was able to summon his sword, but as he was rejoicing he heard a voice in his head.

"Why do you summon me when you have only rage but no control over your rage"? "Do you think a you need to control me in order to control your rage? Pathetic" the voice said. Immediately he heard this voice a dark aura covered him and he began to grow taller and his hair began to grow. Bale who was watching immediately summoned his sword, something about Gor's new appearance made him feel an uneasiness he always felt whenever he had faced Red Ed another God sword along side Hazel, Jai and Bale. Immediately Gor ran towards Bale and their battle began. Unlike before Bale knew if he didn't fight seriously he was in for a lot of trouble. The only thing he knew he didn't have to do was summon his whole amour. He wouldn't do that unless he was planning on killing a very strong foe.

Their sword collided and they were evenly matched, Gor attacked like a fierce Lion while Bale was on the defense .Despite this, Gor knew he would be getting nowhere with his attacks and switched to a long distance attack, he took the first sword stance and built a powerful energy around his weapon releasing it towards Bale. Bale stood unfazed and sliced through the attack like a piece of cake. He performed blink and appeared behind Gor but the boy was expecting Bale as he tried to attack Bale, he blinked again and Gor felt a strong kick to his side. The kick sent him flying a short distance but the kick was nothing short of painful.

"It seems you are able to put on a good fight". Bale said Gor was ready to attack again but his body was not as he fell again reverting back to his former appearance.

"It seems you are still unable to keep up or even control your ability". Bale said as he walked towards Gor. But still your curse is stronger than I imagined". Bale stretched his hand towards Gor any immediately Gor took it he felt a connection in his head with a boy with golden hair holding a sword and swinging it around trying to get some moves. His vision was swift and left as soon as it came.

"Who was that he thought as he stood up and more importantly what was that voice I heard earlier".


Six weeks later

"Thia-" Thia woke up with another dream of a woman calling her name. She had yet to remember what happened in Plutonia's realm since she was not in control of her curse. She didn't even know she had one. Her dreams were getting more real everytime and she was tired of the same dream almost every night for the past month.

"I need to focus Thia thought, it was finally time for the big assessment they have been told about for the past month, it was the reason why they had undergone the most insane training . They had been made into a better version of themselves, Hansi was getting the hang of being the leader, Thena was learning how to make use of those around her in her own way, Cage was learning to take things more seriously, Miriam was training to be a better fighter and Thia was trying to awaken what seems to be asleep inside of her. Although she was yet to fully awaken her curse or even know she possessed one she was still stronger than she was a month ago.

They woke up and they all got ready for their assessment, no one knew what form the assessment would take but they knew it was going to be very hard since their instructors had spent a lot of time and resources preparing them for the said assessment. They wore their training gears and made their way into the grounds the assessment was going to take place. Their age group had six groups each consisting of a member of each specialization. The Handlers were normally the leaders so they were trained on how to lead a group by making full use of each members strengths.

After they had begun their training they were all prevented from seeing the members of other groups as they were also going through their own training for the coming assessment.

"This assessment seems to be a big deal" Thia said as she went into the room at which they would be briefed on their test.

Immediately their group got into the room she saw Hana and her group already sitted and in their gears.