I smell death.

"Next up is your face Thia said as she cracked her fist ready to smack the mask off Gor's face, literally".

"I guess I have to use a bit of that curse Gor thought.

"Who knew I would finish the mission this soon?, these girls have to be the spies dad was talking about, I mean they have to be right?, that one's still looking at me like she wants to kill me he" thought staring at Thena.

Gor remembered one of his training sessions. He was training alone since his dad had gone away. He wanted to start controlling his curse aura for just few minutes before he lost control, although it was dangerous, Gor felt if he went deep into the forest close to his mansion, he would not have to worry about killing anything or destroying anything. Gor sat in a meditative state after going miles deep into the hunting grounds close to the Kindel's mansion and started focusing on his rage, immediately, his aura started to rise and as Gor wanted to stop he lost control and he woke up after some minutes with half of the trees in his surrounding. He had continued to train like this for few weeks until he had finally summoned it and he didn't lose control but he was only able to stay for ten seconds after that he'll lose control again.

Seeing the situation he was in Gor decided to use the curse Aura. Before Gor could gather himself he saw Thena coming again and he decided to run for awhile before he can compose himself. "Let's get him" Thena said as the chased after him destroying almost all the trees Gor had jumped on while running.

Coming out of the forest again Gor came into a rocky path with a river ahead, that was when Thia sensed something more sinister amiss. As Thena was busy attacking Gor again Thia was looking around checking where she was sensing. "Thia what are you doing?" Thena asked when Thia was no longer Fighting..

"Wait a minute..." Thia said as she raised her senses further to her surrounding.

"What's wrong"? Thena asked

"I- I smell death" Thia said making Thena wonder exactly what kind of creep Thia was. She's insanely fast, summons crazy strength, can sense someone from afar and now she smells death?. She has seen enough of Thia's ability to know that if the little devil is smelling death then death is probably nearby. Thia climbed one of the rock since it was quite high. When she got to the top she saw that the river flows through the small valley surrounded by rocks but as she looked closer she finally saw the reason why she smelled death.

"Uhm- you guys should come and see this" Thia said.

At first Gor wanted to use the opportunity to run away, but he had to see what Thia had smell. "Can she really smell death?" he thought.

Immediately they both got to the top they saw various barrels in the valley, and looking closer, they were several corpses in the barrels. They looked to one side and saw some of the barrels had been burnt, but most of them were not. They were basically staring at a valley of corpses.

What's this Thena said she she couldn't believe the number of bodies she was seeing. This had to be close to a hundred. Gor was looking around until his eyes fell on one of the barrels and he saw a hand sticking out of it. The hand was wearing a small bracelet which he recognized as the one the girl who had served him yesterday was wearing. Immediately he made his way into the valley.

"Wait-" Thia called and she immediately followed.

Gor got to the barrel and open it and his suspicions were confirmed. He saw the girl or what was left of her, which was half her face, no breast and both legs were gone..

"What could have done this?" Thena said.

"I think it's a who". Gor replied.

"Can a person really do this". Thia asked

"I don't know, but I know that no beast will place their kills in barrels like this. Only humans are this meticulous".

"Oh so you're a beast expert now". Thena said

"A bit.." Gor replied making Thena rage.

"You crazy spy!!"

"I wasn't spying on you".

"Then what were you doing, yesterday and today if not spying." Thena asked

"I was investigating something...."

"Ohh so you're a dictective then, what kind of a detective wears a freaking mask." Thena mocked

"The kind that wants to keep their identities secret. Now, what kind of refugee knows martial arts?" Gor asked making Thena flinch.

"The kind that comes from a warring country."

"O please, do you think I'm a fool, wize on started fighting some months ago, you want to tell me you guys have only few months of training yet you attack without even holding back in the slightest" Gor said making Thena flinch further

"You- you, you are just and suspicious as we are" Thena said as she left.

Gor who could now breath a sigh of relief continued to investigate the bodies. After a while, both girls were also able to confirm some bodies as the people that were missing in the refugee camp.

"I will report this, Gor said as they were leaving the valley, you girls can go back to the camp".

"Not so fast detective, why don't you show us your face if you really are just investigating and not spying on us.

It's not as of we are the culprits so you cam trust us". Thena said

"Yes, you're right but you know that the fact that you want me to show you my face as some kind of insurance makes you girls more suspicious, you might not be the killer but something tells me you are not just refugees either".

His word made Thia and Thena flinch and they glared at him with a brief killing intent.

"Wow! Now easy, I promise on my life I'm not going to mention you girls and if I do miss weird here can always find me. She can sense me from a mile away anyways".

I'm not weird. Thia complained.

"By the way my name is Gor".

What are your names.

"We're not telling" Thena replied.

"You are Thia right?" Gor asked Thia and she nodded.

"And she's Thena" Thia said.

"Hey! Don't give my name to weirdos" Thena said

As they were introducing each other a new voice spoke from behind them.

"Thena, Thia and Gor uhn? What lovely names for such lovely kids".

Immediately they all moved away.

All of them had one thought in their heads. How on earth did we not notice him.