Crimes against humanity.

In the Mansion of The Lord over the Miaan province, a man was looking out the window of his study, he had grey hair very neat and well kept and was dressed in a blue suit. As the man was looking out the window a woman came in haste without knocking and quickly approached the man.

"I heard he went out again last night" she said to the man.

"Where are your manners Blaire, can't you knock?" the man asked with an irritated tone.

"I heard there are more people missing, tell me you have sent someone to clean it up."

"Calm down woman I've sent Kir to deal with things already, although he said he followed him last night and cleared everything, I told him to double check and make sure nothing goes wrong.

If the princess finds out what is going on..." Blaire said

"No one would find out Blaire now go on and continue with the preparations for tonight's feast, or better still, go and rest for a while, I'll tell Lisa, to make sure everything is in order. As for the princess I'll follow her to the refugee camp and make sure she's not suspicious of us.

So calm down, ok?" The man said calming his wife down.

Their lives had taken a turn for the worst three months ago after their son had fallen I'll and had seemingly died.

Lord Rickard Dew was the Lord in charge of Miaan province, his family had been in charge of the province for over many years and just like he had inherited it from his father, it's was always what he wished to do for his son too. Larry was his only Son, amongst two children. Lydia his second child was a girl and it was obvious she couldn't inherit their family legacy since she was bound to leave the house hold after she got married.

Few months ago, Larry a strong young man had suddenly began to fall ill, his body began to break down and deteriorate. They tried all means to fix the young man but, it was futile.

After over four months they heard of a doctor who had been said to create some medicine through questionable means to cure certain Illnesses. Desperate, The Dew family secretly summoned the doctor and he began treating their son.

Night after night the doctor poked into the young man and although he pleaded to his parents to just let him die, their love for him had somehow twisted their judgement. Few nights before the killings started, the doctor was once again performing his experiment on his subject, he had hoped to finally catch a breakthrough after getting a mix of a gyrexia's ( a jelly fish like magical beast) skin, one of the beast know for it's potent self healing properties. Although it took a while to get it, the doctor was finally ready to test his new remedy. He began working on Young Larry, and after administering, the first dose of the potion, it seemed to start working until the boy began to shake immensely and convulse, he couldn't speak but one could see the pleading in his eyes as he stared at his parents,

"How can they stand and watch me suffer?". Tears dropped from his eyes and the doctor kept on injecting his with his crazy magic potion. After the fifth dose the boy suddenly stopped moving, everyone thought he was dead but they were unaware what was going on behind the scenes.

Larry suddenly found himself in a dinning hall, the hall was very big with so many chairs places according near the very long dinning table. The table was adorned with various plates that were covered and at the apex of the table was a Red haired man. He was busy with his food, eating as if he had not noticed the person that had just entered his room.

After a while the man finally spoke.

"Are you going to stand there or will you take a sit?"

Larry couldn't understand what was going on but he didn't have any other thing to do other than sit. He sat on one of the chairs. Although he was quite far from the man he could still hear the man munching down what ever was in his plate.

"Please who are you and where I'm I?" Larry asked.

"I'm Beel, some people call me gluttony and you are in my domain".

"Beel..? Gluttony...? Domain...?" Larry said not understanding what Beel meant.

"It means I'm a demon and you have just summoned my curse". The man said with a smile.

"I'm one of the twelve great demons, well eleven given Abaddon was sent faaaar away, and I'm one of the deadly sins. I'm the sin of gluttony" the man further explained. Making Larry feel more confused and even scared.

"How could he, summon a curse?" He thought.

"I know you are thinking how can a man with this kind of body be gluttony? I mean people always think the sin of gluttony can only be carried by fat chubby dirty and ugly people. But, as you can see I'm none of those".

"No, that's not what I'm thinking" Larry thought but he didn't dare say it out loud

He didn't Know that since he was in Beel's domain, the demon could read his mind.

Ignoring all the gibberish going on the Larry's mind Beel spoke again

"Now, let's get to business".

"Wait-" Larry tried to speak but Beel had appeared in front of him touching his lips with his hand.

"Now I'm going to explain why you are here. You see, despite the facet that you had summoned my curse, that doesn't mean you'll be able to eat anything like me, but you'll be granted the ability to have an insatiable hunger for one thing, in exchange you'll have strength, elegance beauty and even power, as long as you eat what you have chosen".

"What?" Larry asked

"I don't want a curse I just want to die in peace."

"Well, we both know you are not going to die in peace now that you have summoned my curse. What was done to you by your parents and that quack was nothing short of a crime against humanity, even as a demon I feel they had done a bit much". Beel said.

"And you are forgetting something, I didn't choose to curse you, you chose to summon my curse, so it means you'll rather live in power and trouble than die in peace".

"Let me ask you this, if you had not fallen I'll and all what I've said was offered to you would you still accept it?" Beel asked.

Larry thought for a while and deep down he knew he had always looked forward to the time he would take over from his father, he has tasted power as the Lord over a whole province and he knew it was quite appealing. Being powerful was a good feeling he couldn't deny it.

Larry nodded his head and he knew he really wanted what Beel was offering.

"Now, I Know you've heard about curses and how most people die after summoning a curse but it's not always true, they just go crazy and end up getting their self killed, so make sure you don't go totally crazy on me ok. I'll hate for your journey to end too soon".

"Now, for my favourite part", Beel snapped his fingers and a large hall and table was replaced with a small, table and various plates, that were covered in front of Larry.

"Now, like I said you cant possess the full essence my curse to eat everything and anything but you can only pick one, so, take a look at these plates, in them are various things in your world one can crave for, from, beasts, to plants, to crystals and even humans, whatever is in the plate you choose will be what you'll continue to crave for, and the more you eat the more you crave and the more you eat the stronger you grow. And also the less you eat the crazier you go, so make sure to eat ok. Now go ahead and O.P.E.N" Beel said with a tone of excitement.

Larry understood what he was aked to do and could not help but gulp.

Infront of him ware twelve different options to pick from and he would be lying if he said he was not worried. What if I pick stones, or garbage, or feaces. He hesitated but Beel looked at him with an assuring look. Larry finally opened one of the dishes and what he saw brought him back to the human world.

"He's opening his eyes" a voice said

Larry could only register some voices as he was still out of it,

"Get him some water...."

Blaire was looking at her son and she could not believe her eyes, all his scars were gone, he had retained his colour and was even looking more better than before he fell sick. After she examined him, she move away to get something to cover him and a maid bought water for the boy.

As the maid came close she heard a growl and Larry suddenly grabbed onto the girl gnawing on her like a wild animal, his mother could not believe what her eyes was seeing and the doctor had began to shake, Within few Minutes Larry had eaten both the maids breasts and half her head. After that he looked at his mother, he didn't want to eat her, at least not yet so he turned to the doctor that had torchured him for months and killed him.

Since that night, Larry had become the dark Lord over Miaan. Sometimes his parents would buy slaves secretly and feed them to him, but Larry had developed a love for hunting his prey himself so he would go out and kill for himself. As Beel had told him, the more he ate, the stronger he got.

So he ate, and ate and ate. When he heard of the princess coming to Miaan his parents told him to keep a low profile, at least until the princess went but, Larry loved the feeling he got from,what he did so he went out to hunt again. He wasn't planning on stopping.