Ten seconds

The kids were now looking at the man infront of them and they knew he was not ordinary. All three of them had seen their fair share of warriors and although they could not exactly gauge, their strength correctly yet? They could at least tell when someone stronger than they were appeared.

"Now tell me, what are you kids doing here in the middle of nowhere? Didn't your parents teach you not to wander around without supervision?" The man asked.

"Well... it doesn't matter now, unfortunately bad things happen to kids who don't listen to their parents, kids like you". The man said staring at the children.

Immediately, he appeared beside Gor ready to cut him down but he hit only air.

"Oooh.... you are not ordinary kids unh?" Kir said as he looked at the tip of his sword dripping blood.

"I can't believe you dodged that." Kor said in surprise

"He almost took my head off "Gor said as blood dripped from his face.

As Kir was about to attack Gor again he felt something coming towards his face causing him to dodge.

"You're open" he said wanting to cut his attacker down but once again Thena Kicked a massive rock towards him catching him off guard. The rock hit his sword but he was sent back a bit.

Gor looked at Thena with surprise, she can kick rocks how's she able to do that without breaking her leg.

Kir looked at Thena with surprise and asked "Are you able to use Spirit attacks".

"Spirit attacks?" Thena asked in confusion.

"Oh so you don't know what that is?

You know I thought I would just come here and just double check everything just like he asked me to, but, I didn't think I'll be meeting a bunch of very interesting kids here. One was able to dodge my attack another was able to sneak an attack on me causing me to let my guard down and you are able to use Spirit attacks at such young age. It makes me wonder if it is right to kill you given the potential you carry so, here a deal."

"You will let me cut off you tongues so you can't say to anyone what you have seen here and I will also take you eyes too for further insurance. That way you can keep your lives and live the way you can. So what do you say"? Kir asked the kids.

They all looked at Kir with disgust and hate. Each of them had survived near death experiences despite being just kids and everytime they felt like life had cheated them, why did they have to go through those things they would sometimes wonder. They could chose to live like he said, a miserable life an unwanted existence, but as far as each of them was concerned, living like that was never an option, they'll rather die that live a miserable life. Thinking about this Gor finally spoke.

"Ten seconds, I'll finish this in just ten seconds, all I need from you is to buy me some time to catch my breath"

Thia and Thena looked at him like he was crazy and Thena wanted to smack the hero complex out of Gor. How was he going to beat someone they had no chance against together in just ten seconds after just catching his breath. But before she could retort Thia replied

"Ok then..." For some reason she felt Gor was telling the truth and she believed he would be able to do exactly what he said.

"What do you mean ok..."

"Let's buy him sometime, it not as if we have anything to lose, or will you rather take his offer?"

"Dammit Thena cursed, this is the last time I'm buying time for anyone, next time

you'll be the one buying me time."

"Ok.... I guess" Thia responded

"Times up, so what have you decided."

"You're going down, fish eyes.. "Thena said as she attacked with the greatest speed she could muster. Since the girls weren't armed and their opponent was, they had to be very careful while attacking since blocking his attacks meant death.

"What a shame" Kir said as he got ready to deal with the nuisance. Immediately Thena got into Kir's range she stopped causing Kir's attack to hit air, since his sword was out of the way, Thia used the opportunity to target the arm holding the sword, but they were dealing with a veteran here . Kir, performed blink and got behind Thena.

"You kids are indeed special, but you're nothing, in front of me" he said as he raised his sword towards Thena, immediately, he felt a massive threat approaching. He didn't realize what was going on until Thia's leg hit his face.

The kick was powerful but no enough to take him down.

"How is this possible, she's able to keep up with my blink with a blink of her own, how is a girl this young able to even use blink especially one matching that of a captain".

"This girls...." Kir took a breath and this time he was going to end things quickly, just like he should have done from the start.

"He's coming" Thia said as she felt Kir was going to probably kill them before Gor was done with whatever he was doing.

Kir attack with speed again and he was infront of Thena, the girl this time was unable to react fully on time giving Kir the opportunity to injure her badly.

"Thena!!" Thia screamed as she tried to rescue her partner but Kir sent her flying with a kick.

"Oh, I can't believe I'm trying this hard just fighting a bunch of Kids". Kir said.

"This is beneath me, it's soooooo beneath me, and it's all their fault, they just had to experiment on their child and turn him into a psycho, those nobles are scum, they caused all this but I'm the one cleaning up their mess" Kir roared in anger

"It's a good thing you guy are here, I'll let everything out on you", he said as he pointed at the girls, "oh I completely forgot about that boy, where did he go?"

He looked around and spotted Gor in a meditative pose,

"What is he trying to do, summon his avatar?" Kir mocked.

"Stand up you fool!" Kir Screamed as he performed blink and thrust his sword towards Gor and for the second time that morning his sword hit nothing.

"Where did he- "his word died in his mouth as everyone present felt their hair standing and it felt as if they were in the nest of evil itself.


Gor looked at Kir and spoke, "I'd have loved to break you slowly but I don't have enough time and I don't know how to hold back in this state yet."


Kir tried to look towards the direction were Gor was speaking from but he felt a punch connecting with his face.





Kir was sent flying a short distance, but before he could catch his breath Gor held his throat.

"When did he get here." Kir thought in his mind. Gor broke Kir's hand causing him to scream and drop his sword.



Gor Punch Kir's chest and his bones could be heard cracking from the attack.

Kir knew he had to have several internal injuries since he knew this monster way toying with him in it's own way.



Gor dropped Kir and picked up his sword.

"You monster, you think I'm the real culprit"?

"I know you're not Gor spoke with a deep and ominous voice, if you were , we'll be dead."

Gor let down the sword separating Kir's head from his body.


"I'll be damned" Thena said as she just witnessed something she had never witnessed before.

In just ten seconds, a nine year old boy killed a strong soldier, a soldier stronger than all the children in their group put together.

Although Kir was not as strong as Hazel, obviously, or even Ryker, still he was stronger than Dirian who had whooped their assess shamefully at happyLand.

Gor had downed someone she could never dream of killing. As she was contemplating this things she heard Thia spoke

"He has a curse" Thia said underneath her breath.