Crashing the party 2

The party had started for over an hour and although it seemed as if princess Lena was having a good time with the smile she currently had on her face as she Spoke with Lord Bron and Lady Orpah, both head of local cities in Miaan. She was really feeling suffocated and Ija's absence only made things worse. Beside her, was another one of her guards Henry Laxe, the third son of General Harvey Laxe. Since she turned sixteen, he had also come to request her hand in marriage and he also gave himself up to serve her as one of her personal guard. Although she found his attitude very annoying, she had no choice but to save him face and agree since his family was a very important family in Omi. If she had her way she would har kicked his pompous ass from the very day she met him.

As the Princess was speaking to the two Nobles she saw someone approach Lord Dew and he had a sudden change in expression. He immediately took permission and excused himself from the party.

"I wonder what that was about" the Princess thought as she continued to smile at the two people in front of her.


Gor who was now posing as a one of the waiters was clearing one of the tables and he could finally spot his suspects, the Dews. He had been given the names of everyone in the family and a good description by Sam and Ben who had seen them before. After a while of watching Gor had finally set his eyes on Lord Rickard Dew and his wife Blaire, they were both well dressed and where all smiles while dealing with the guests. He had also seen their daughter Lydia Dew as she was trying so hard to be the center of attraction with her friends. They would occasionally laugh louder than usual making some of the young men drawn to their side. Although the princess found it a bit shameful she didn't voice any complains. The only problem Gor faced was he couldn't find Larry Dew their son and he was trying to avoid his cousin. Although they were not really close, he wasn't ready to gamble maybe Lena would recognized him or not. After trying for a while to search for Larry Dew, he decided to ask around, since the rest of the family were not really looking suspicious . He spoke to one of the Mansions butlers and told them Lord Dew asked about Larry, at which the man had replied Lord Larry "was still on his business trip". Gor looked at the man and walked away knowing he might have blown his cover.

The man after seeing Gor had left had followed him and when he saw him enter the kitchen he entered with him but he didn't find Gor there.

He immediately went to find Rickard to tell him about the person asking for his son. Although not all the worker knew about the state Larry was in, Lord Dew had made sure to tell everyone that Larry was indisposed till After the princess will leave, so, asking for Larry was strange which made the man suspicious of Gor. After he found Rickard he told him about the boy asking for his son and he immediately left the party to attend to the matter. He got to his study and began questioning the manager,

"Where did you say you last see the boy?"

"In the Kitchen" the man replied.

"We can't order the guards to look for someone without arousing suspicions, and Kir is not back either, Where could he have gone at this type of time."

"Get few guards and ask them to search for the boy discreetly, and make sure no one knows where Larry is ok?"

" Yes Sir" The man replied and he left the room to carry out Rickard's orders

Rickard was now more distraught than ever, he couldn't be caught with such a scandal at this kind of time. He wished he could go back in time and just let nature take it's course over his son, but now, it was too late. Rickard left the room and decided to return to the party. Unknown to them as they had left the room a figure opened the window and left through the window.

Gor who had now ditched his waiter uniform, and he was now wearing a new suit, making him look like one of the children that came as a guest. His action had caused a woman in her mid thirties to be walking around looking for her son. Gor blended in and began to search for Larry, he knew it had to be him, given his absence and the way the manager had looked at him suspiciously. If he was committing such hideous crimes I think they would probably keep him in a secret room or so, but I don't have the time to search for that. Where could he be, as he was contemplating things he had a strange feeling, what if he has gone out to kill again Gor thought. There's not enough time to find him, I need to lure him out. As Gor was thinking something came to his mind and he had almost missed it. When he had entered the kitchen he saw some men carrying some barrels to a small store besides the kitchen, he saw them going in with the barrels but they were not taking them out...

The barrels were the same as the ones he had seen it the dump site earlier. He wasn't sure whether he would find anything but he decided to try. He went into the kitchen and saw some guards walking around possibly looking for a child waiter that looked exactly like him. Gor ignored them and walked to the area he had seen the men place the barrels, he walked into the store and he only saw some boxes but no barrels.

"How's that even possible, I saw them taking Barrels into this room earlier and suddenly they are not here again?" Gor opened the bexes and could not find anything tangible in them frustrated Gor stood beside a wall and rested on it, immediately the door moved.

"Hmmm? Gor looked at the wall confused... A moving wall?" He pushed the wall and found tht there was space behind it. He entered and he saw some stairs that went down, which he followed. Although it was quite dark Gor could see quite well. It was one of his newly found abilities, being able to navigate better than most in the dark. After walking for a while he finally got to the end of the stairs and found several hallways leading to different direction, which one should I follow he thought, as he was contemplating, he heard a woman screaming, Gor immediately followed the sound. After a while of navigating the halls following the wailing sounds, he finally got there and he saw a man that fit the description of Larry Dew Sam and Ben gave to him standing over a girl in maid uniform. The man was laughing as he stared at the scared looking girl and the girl was crying. Constantly pleading, Gor was about to intervene when he saw a frightening scene, immediately Larry grew more longer and larger fangs and he bit into the poor girl gnawing on her like it was his first meal in years. He began from the breasts and before Gor knew half of the girls face was gone. After Larry was done, he let out a large belch and smiled

"I know you are there rat, I can smell you. Come out" he said.


As the party was going on, The butler that had been tasked to search for Gor was walking down a hall, suddenly something pulled him to a corner. Some seconds later he found himself infront of a dark skinned woman with a devious smile on her face.

She stared at him like she was looking directly into his soul and asked a question, a question he knew if he didn't answer, he would suffer a fate similar or worse than death.