Crashing the party 3

Gor looked at Larry who was covered with the blood of the young girl he had just killed with disgust.

"What exactly is he?" He asked himself.

"What is a little mouse like you doing here larry asked as be cleaned himself with a small handkerchief, are you lost...?" He asked Gor.

"It doesn't matter, you'll soon be lost forever."

"So you're the one that has been killing all those people. It's crazy but, what happened to you?" Gor asked.

"Well, it was all mummy and Daddy's fault Larry said mockingly , they just couldn't let their precious Larry go, they had to turn him into this."

"You know it is a good thing I was Cursed, now I will be their curse, this is their punishment for not letting me die peacefully". Larry said as if he had seen a comforter to finally share his burdens with.

"Cursed, did you say you were cursed?" Gor asked Larry.

"Yes kid, I was cursed by a demon". This news made Gor head begin to spin, is this what the king meant by people losing their minds after being cursed, is this also going to be him in a short while.

"How long have you been Cursed?" Gor asked again

" Five months" Larry replied surprised by Gor barrage of questions and the lack of fear in the boys eyes.

"It's a bit longer than mine, although I have things mostly under control but still I still lose it and attack everything in sight". Gor looked at Larry and it was as if he was staring at his future self.

"What do I do now, I can't end up like him...."

"Why are you asking me all these questions?" Larry asked.

"Well, food that talks are sure weird" he said as his fangs began to grow again and he attacked Gor

Since he had not fully recovered from using the cursed aura in the morning he was quite slow causing Larry to almost bite his left leg off.

"He's trying to stop me from running away" Gor said as he got out of the way

"Ohh you're quite jumpy.."

"It seems you are a fighter.... Larry" said.

Well this should be exciting.

Gor knew he couldn't deal with Larry the way he was now and even though it was dangerous, he had to use his cursed abilities if he wanted to get out of this alive.

Gor began to focus on his rage and a burning feeling began to ignite inside him and his aura began to build. Larry looked at Gor and he could feel a strange aura surrounding the boy. Immediately Gor summoned his cursed sword? Larry jumped away subconsciously,

"what is he?" he thought as the aura Gor was currently emitting was somehow similar to his.


In a hallway, Ija was walking away from where she had just interrogate someone who happened to know the exact location of the hole Larry dew was hiding, as she was on her way to pay him a visit, she felt a feeling that made her grab the hilt of her blade, even though there was nothing remotely threatening close to her, she felt the menacing presence of Gor's curse making her skin crawl.

"I have to hurry" she said as she made her way towards the location she was given.


In the party hall, Princess Lena was busy talking to a Noble when she suddenly felt the immense pressure, she had only felt the pressure from a curse once and she could tell the difference that this curse was on another level, she looked at her side and Henry nodded his head.

"He might be a pompous ass, but he has the skills to back it up." Lena thought

"It seems things are about to get interesting" Princess Lena mused


Larry looked at the boy in front of him and could not help but laugh,

"Hahaha, it seems you are like me, a curse, an abomination a crime against humanity" he screamed

"I'm nothing like you Gor said in an ominous voice. I'm going to kill you" he added as heblinked, his curse wasn't going to last too long and after that he would be left defenseless. That was why he would want to finish Larry as fast as possible. Gor got behind Larry but as he sent his blade towards, his head but Larry caught the blade and kicked Gor in the stomach. Gor flew into a wall and as was recovering A fist made contact with his face bashing his head into the Wall.

"You think just because you are like me that means you are strong?". Larry asked as he held Gor down

"Let go.. "Gor struggled to speak

I can't hear you properly, Larry said

"Let go!!!" Gor screamed as an amour covered half his body and he grew taller.

"What kind of shabby curse is that?" Larry asked with amusement.

Gor attacked again but this time their speeds were evenly matched, while Gor was swinging the dark blade Larry would dodge making Gor hit the wall. The narrow hall made it difficult to fight putting him in a serious disadvantage.

Larry on the other hand was like some kind of spider climbing the wall and using them to get the edge over his opponent.

"You have a strong curse, I can tell through the ominous aura, but it's useless if you don't know how to use it properly". Larry said

Gor realized he was getting dizzy, which meant his curse was probably running out and Larry would kill him once that happened.

"He's too strong for me. I have to end this". He thought as he took the first sword stance and his blade ignited with black flames. He didn't know if he could kill Larry with this attack but he knew he needed to both escape and at the same time bring Larry in for his crime. He looked at Larry who was not panicking despite the powerful attack that would be coming his way very soon.

Gor decided to gamble on something else, given he had only one chance.

"I hope no one gets hurt"

"First sword, Great slash" he said as a massive energy was released from his sword towards the roof. The roof gave way and out it came right where the party was going on.