
Immediately He saw the runes he began to panic, "those damned gods are always spoiling things".

"I guess I'll have to visit the King" he said as he immediately left his domain and went to the King's palace.


Beel immediately appeared into the demon Kings palace and he asked the for an audience with the king and he was directed to the roof where the king was residing.

"What do you want Beel" Destros said immediately he sensed one of his demon Lords.

"I have a request my king, I found what you where looking for at the demon realm and even more but I need a quick help from Abaddon".

"So you want to make a deal with him, despite knowing I'm the one that sent him a mission, are you not supposed to carry on my will and fulfill my wishes without me asking you to.?" Destros inquired

"Yes, but this is all for my King, Abaddon needs help and I have found a perfect person to help him in the mortal world. But the person's life is currently at stake and he needs help or he'll die. If he dies then the information about the one carrying Kokou's curse dies with him".

"Hmmm, Kokou uhn, he had found traces of Ra's curse in the place he is and had began searching for him, and now it's Kokou." Destros said.

"Alright" Destros touched Beel's shoulder, you can talk to him now, and be quick I will only allow it for a minute.

Beel immediately felt the connection and began to speak with the son of hearts.


Wize's capital Pshen

King Jai was dealing with some things before he retired for the night, he might have been possessed by a demon, but he still needed his rest as much as anyone else, running a country had been tough, especially one that he took over with rebellion. It was no surprise to see his Nation facing threats at all sides both inside and outside threat. As he was working he felt a sudden connection, suddenly invade his mind and immediately his partner took over.

"What is going on and why are you here Beel?" Abaddon asked sensing his fellow demon Lord.

"There is no time for bickering Abaddon, I found out where the child carrying Kokou's curse is, a young man with my curse faced him a while ago, but his life is in danger."

"If it's really Kokou's curse won't your vessel be dead now?".

"Mine is a grown man while Kokou's vessel is just a child, the difference in strength was quite clear. He's facing a much more different foe, someone blessed by the god of wisdom. The person is using runes".

"Oh, that doesn't sound good for you vessel".

"That's why I need you to act quickly" Beel said

"Don't order me around Beel".

"Are you going to lose a possible trail over some stupid pettiness?" Beel asked.

Abaddon looked at Beel in anger and finally sighed

"Fine, where is your vessel?" Beel stretch his hand towards Abaddon and he felt the connection with Larry.

He saw the image of a young man riddled with several wound and a woman with her leg on his head and her sword pinned Larry to the ground.

"Alright then I'll get going" Abaddon said and cut the link.

He was back at the mortal world and Jai who had also heard the conversation was quite interested in knowing who it was the demons were looking for. He had made a deal with Abaddon and the son of hearts was keeping his own end, now it was time for him to hold his own. He opened the window of his room and left.


Ija who had finally subdued Larry and had him pinned down was now looking after Henry. The boy could not help but look at Ija with admiration,

"She dealt with him so easily." He thought in his head.

Larry was still alive and was trying to remove the sword that was pinning him down but it was futile.

"Let me go bitch!!" He screamed, but Ija paid him no attention.

The princess had also come out to see Ija along some other guests who were not injured. She looked at Ija and Henry and was thankful they were both still alive, before she left the party hall had ordered the arrest of all members of the Dew's house hold and even their workers as they could not have done so many atrocious without help. She was going to make sure they were punished accordingly for their crimes.

"Are you both alright?" Princess Lena asked Ija and Henry and received a nod.

Henry was being treated and like he had said earlier he would live.

As they were celebrating their victory Lena approached, Larry.

He was still trying to escape from his captivity but the more he seemed to struggle the more the blade seemed to be pinning him down.

"So you are they one responsible for all this chaos," Lena said as she stared at Larry.

She felt the aura coming from him and although Ija's blade was supressing his aura, she could tell it was quite different from the one she had sensed earlier.

"Were you the only one down there?" She asked Larry.

"Shut up princess, he growled, are you telling me you didn't see that brat? He was the one that destroy the floor and caused all this" Larry screamed.

"I will kill him, but before I do I will break all his bones first". Larry gritted his teeth as he remembered Gor's face.

"Tell me this boy what does he look like?" Princess Lena asked

Larry was about to reply when a huge bang rocked the entire place they were blowing the princess back away from Larry a bit.

"Princess!" Ija said as she immediately started running towards Lena but she stopped in he tracks immediately.

"What is going on here?" she said as a very trouble some player entered her field of vision

"Ohh, so this is the boy uhn" Abaddon said as he looked at Larry.

Larry looked at the man and a fear he had never felt in his entire life gripped his heart.

"W- who are you?" he stammered,

"I'm here to help you boy, he said as he grabbed the sword pinning Larry down and drew it out."

"He held my sword", Ija said in shock

Abaddon looked at the princess and he could not help but smile, there seems to be alot of interesting mortals here he said looking at Ija and Lena.

"Don't touch anyone, we have an alliance with this Nation, I would hate for it to crumble. It won't do us any good".

"Yea don't worry, but can I frighten them a little", Abaddon asked.

"They are already frightened" Jai said.

"Isn't that right Ija?" Jai said as he smiled at Ija.

She immediately blinked towards the princess and stood in front of her.

The princess although she was scared could not help but ask.

"Who is he, why is he speaking with two different voices".

"He's Jai Orun" Ija said and "it seems he had also summoned a curse...." Ija replied.

"It's King Jai now and this is not a curse" Jai said as he picked Larry up.

"Where are you taking him?" Ija asked

"That's none of your concern" Jai replied

"Do you think we'll allow you?" Henry asked

"Stay down!' Ija screamed at the boy.

"She's smart", Abaddon said

"No wonder Nik chose her."

"We can't fight him" Ija said regretfully

"Who exactly is he?" Henry asked.

"He's the god sword Jai... The King of Wize" Ija said.

"god sword, Jai." Henry said in shock.

"Well then since I have what I came for I'll leave. Bye Ija, princess..." Jai said as he leapt towards the sky, flying away to the distance.