Strange boy

After Jai had left, Ija was finally able to breath in relief, she couldn't even begin to imagine what could happen if Jai had decided to fight or do even worse. Although she wondered why Jai took Larry away and she was not sure how the higher up would react, she decided not to think about things too much and focus on cleaning up here.

The party was ofcourse over and various guests that had been cleared, where allowed to go home. The Dews, where placed under house arrest and where immediately locked up in a room in their mansion until the arrival of a level one Royal Investigator. They are the ones charged with investigating highest level cases, such as the misuse of power by a noble house. The princess on the other hand could not leave as scheduled and had to wait for a while longer, she had Placed Lord Bron who was a regional Lord in Miaan to be the new provincial Lord, in acting capacity. Eugene Bron was very happy and could barely contain his excitement when she had told him the news.

"I'm really honoured your highness" Eugene said to the princess with a smile.

After a day, an investigator arrived to take over the issue. Immediately, Ija saw the person that came she was amazed.

"I thought she was still on leave sfter she had lost her son" she thought.

"Princess Lena" Arietta Kindel, Gor's mother said immediately she came down from the official flying carriage given to the Only Five Royal investigators

"Aunt Arietta?" Princess Lena blurted out in surprise.

"It's Primis Officer Arietta, Princess" Arietta corrected.

"We are in public" she whispered making Princess Lena, recompose herself.

"I'm sorry Primis Arietta" Lena said.

"No worries your highness, now where are my suspect" Arietta said as she got down to business immediately.

Things eased up immediately the investigator had come around, with the proof already on ground it would be very easy to fish out everyone involved in the killings, the only problem was that the real culprit had escaped and was also under the protection of a known psychopath, and one with a whole army to boot. It was safe to say, arresting Larry was going to be harder than trying to brush the teeth of a Lion. Another problem they had also faced was that after the whole show, two officers had approached Ija and had told them about a boy who had come to tell them, he was investigating the killings under the princess instructions. At first, Ija thought they were both looking for a little credit, but when they narrated their story, it ended up filling some of the blanks they had in theirs. After they had told the officers that Gor had nothing to do with them, the officers Decided to give them everything they could about Gor including his name and description. When they heard the name, they could both swear they had heard that name before but even the princess was unable to trace it back to her cousin, since she had only met him one when he was a baby.

They also gave them the location of the dump site Gor had told them, where they discovered alot of bodies as more proof.

When everything was explained to Primis Arietta, she was also given everything about the mysterious boy who infact was also wanted for murder and some other crimes. She took the file and after a glance she thanked the officers who had been investigating everything before her arrival and Ija too. She immediately went to work.

"It seems you messed this time son" Arietta thought as she looked at the description they had drawn about the mysterious boy.


Gor who was now at his hideout in some part of the forest was remembering what had happened two nights ago. After the roof had collapsed, he was barely able to move out of the way before everything came crumbling on him. Afterwhile Gor had woken up and saw that he was trapped. He tried moving but he had injured his legs badly. He began to crawl looking for a way out, after hours of crawling, he was finally able to find a way out. The tunnels had somehow connected to the dump site he had found the bodies.

"So they connected the Mansion to this place," he said as the smell of the corpses got to him.

He began to try to crawl out of the valley but it was futile, he needed to get out of there immediately. If things went according to plan this place would be swarming with officers soon. After trying and failing for the umpteenth time, he heard a voice he least expected,

Do you need help? Thia asked as she saw Gor struggling.

"W- why are you here and how did you know I was here?" Gor asked.

"My weird senses told me again", she replied as she helped Gor and brought him out. She took him to a secluded area and she helped with his wounds.

"It seems things did not really go as you had planned" Thia said.

"Not really, but the plan was a stupid plan anyways."

"So did you get him?" Thia asked

"Yes, but he was too strong for me so I just, exposed him".


"Thanks" Gor said as Thia helped with his wounds.

"Where did you learn this?" He asked.

"My mom was a nurse" Thia said

"Oh... Is she still ali.."

"She's gone" Thia replied.

"I'm sorry" Gor said

"Don't be..."

"Now tell me, are you really a detective?" Thia asked.

"Why are you curious if I'm a detective or not? Are you hiding something?" Gor asked.

"No, I'm just surprised how a detective has a curse?".

"Oh, so you know about that..", Gor said

"Well, I'm not really a detective, someone I knew got missing in town and when I heard someone was also missing in the camp I decided to investigate"

"You mean spy" Thia asked.

"I swear I wasn't spying".

"How did you get your curse?" Thia asked curiously