
Kali looked at Mickey for a second and she was very amused. Not only was his soul quite powerful, he was just the very thing she needed, he was strong, smart and had a good head on his shoulders. It wasn't like the naive, pompous mortals who would try to get her blessings. Usually when people wanted to become a champion for the gods, they were usually made to meditate at the halls of the divine. It was a temple built for the people to have a direct audience with the gods. When people visited a temple, they would go to the hall assigned to the god they wished to offer themselves to and meditate using the divine totem that represents that particular god. That way, they would be privileged to get closer to the divine realm. Most of those she was used to seeing were young fools with weak soul wills. She had almost given up for years until she met her greatest mortal, Katherine Litinhn. Normally she was to be contacted with Sango, but, Kali made a deal and hijacked her from him. Humans with powerful soul wills were very hard to come by. She had high hopes for Katherine but before a contract could be fully made she was killed. Kali had never thought fate could be that cruel to her, since she was her daughter, but what could she have done. Now she has another human with a powerful soul will, how could she miss this opportunity. She would use him to quench he soul Deficiency and even further her plans Kali thought. I

"just hope you don't die soon she thought" looking at Mickey.

"So do we have a deal?" Mickey asked.

"Oh yes mortal, No killing or hurting anyone for that matter" Kali said.

"Then I also accept you great goddess Kali. Now send me back, I need to teach that foul beast a lesson". Mickey said.

"You don't even Know which of my blessings I'm going to release to you" Kali said.

"I already know the one I want" Mickey said.

"Oh really, and which one Might that be?" Kali asked.

"Let me ask you this goddess, which of these two is more powerful, someone who can reverse time for the whole world, not being able to control the range of the reversal or the person that can do it for a particular distance not affecting anything beyond that particular point he wants to reverse time?". Mickey asked.

"They are both very powerful Kali replied, but, being able to control the range at which you want your powers to affect is a more powerful and special ability". Kali said.

"Then that's what I want, I know I might not be able to do it like you do goddess, but I hate regrets".

"Regrets are part of life Michael, without regrets one would be reckless". Kali said

"Yes you're right, unlike what people think, a life without regrets is impossible to live, but also like most people, I want a do over" Mickey said.

Kali looked at him for a while and she laughed, she had not seen a human make her laugh like this in a long time.

"I like you Michael, I'll give you what you want, but every power comes at a price. You'll be able to rewind time in a particular range but only twice in 24 hours, the time frame will be up to you, but let me warn you, the longer you rewind, the shorter your life span, rewind a second, you lose a minute, rewind a minute you lose an hour and rewind a day you lose a week and not just you, both you and everyone in the range of your powers lose in same quantity. With great power Michael comes insane responsibilities, with time manipulation comes less regret for you." Kali said.

Mickey heard what she said and was shocked.

"Are you sure this is not a curse?" he asked.

"Of course it is, they all are, you humans are just cut up in your fantasy to think that everything given is a gift and everything taken is a stolen but it's a lie. You want power, fine, take it and bare the responsibility that comes with wielding it". Kali said

Mickey looked at Kali for a while before sighing. Immediately he closed his eyes and he felt something invade his body. At first he felt a sharp pain in his left eye followed by a soothing feeling, both coming almost as soon as the came. Few seconds later he was back looking at the beast as it was chewing on his arm.

He was sitting with his back resting on the wall and looking down he saw he was missing both hands.

"I guess being summoned to her domain stopped time" he thought. Seeing the beast will be done with his arm soon Mickey closed his eyes. He focused on himself wanting to used the rewind ability on only himself to bring his body back to the form it was before the explosion. The explosion had happened over an hour ago and Mickey knew what that meant but,at this time he was already on the brink of losing his life so, no pain no gain. He began to visualize himself going back to the moment before the explosion and just like that his left hand began to grow, following was his right and then each of his injuries began to go according to how they came. In just few seconds he reversed his body back to what it was two hours ago. Mickey stood up and grabbed his sword and Purposely making a sound to draw the beasts attention.

The Ferocious beast saw Mickey and it could not believe this was the same human it had just finished eating his second arm. The beast sniffed trying to see if it's nose won't fail him since its eyes obviously were failing. After confirming it was same person it stood up to challenge Mickey again.

"I beat him before I'll do it again" the beast probably thought.

"Now let's show you how it feels to have your limbs separated from your body" Mickey said taking a fighting stance.


Jane who was with the others in another part of the hideout was currently in a predicament. She was staring at more than ten ferocious beasts and she knew they were very powerful. She had never thought they kept this many ferocious beast alive and were doing gods knows what with them.

"What were they thinking?" Amelia thought as she saw the various beasts rampaging everywhere. She looked around and she could see the men around her were scares. Fighting this many ferocious beats was not something they could do, especially when their beat fighters were out of commission.

"Everyone we'll be retreating she finally gave the order. We can't fight them all we'll have to get out of here. This hideout is done for" Jane said