The blur and the fierce

A young boy was sitting close to the cage housing a tailed fox. The very magical beast Le'llda was planning to save before he passed out from exhaustion after using too much energy to take down Dylan. The boy named sin looked around for a while and noticed that things were not exactly going on well for their side. He saw Dylan lying on the floor seemingly dead, but he knew the bastard was not. Most of their men had been captured and now the beasts the had kept in the freezing area had somehow escaped. Even if Jane didn't say it, he also knew the hideout was doomed and they need to escape. He looked at the sleeping fox and he could not help but sigh, "he's probably going to kill me for leaving it behind but, what else can I do at this point" Sin whispered.

He ran towards the direction Dylan was lying down and he picked him up. As expected the wound in his chest had closed up but he was still not moving.

" Let's leave this place Master. We'll find another toy for you to play with" Sin said and started making his way out of the hideout. The chaos ensuing around them was a great camouflage.

Jane and ordered a retreat and everyone was doing as ordered. They began to move but the ferocious beasts all around them were not going to allow the retreat that easy. Jane heard another scream from beside her and it was a Caniris, a very fast ferocious beast making short work of some men in red amour. "We need something to keep them busy Jane thought. We can't escape with such a beast on our tail".

They needed a plan quickly if they were to escape with their lives intact.

"Were is Ameliia when you need her? Jane thought. We need to defend ourselves".

She saw the Caniris coming towards her direction and she got ready to battle. The beasts was like a cat but it was over five feet long and had short but sharp claws it uses to tear people's skin, slowly. It loved making those small cuts until its prey is weak and injured all over. Then it goes for a final pounce. The beast was extremely fast making it a troublesome customer in the battle field. The beast jumped at Jane with an insane speed and she bare managed to dodge with cuts on her chin. Few seconds later another attack came in but she reacted fast enough and dodged. She stood in front of the beasts who was now licking its paw. "You're one crazy bastard" Jane said and the beast let out it's own version of a meow. The Caniris moved again this time faster but Jane was still able to keep up, at least until the beast kept on increasing it's speed till it passing was like a blur. Before Jane knew what was happening she was covered with wounds all over. "Even now I can't fight a ferocious beast of this level" Jane said biting her lips. Her vision was becoming blur but when she saw clearly for a few seconds she saw that she was not the only one in a sticky situation. All over some of their men were fighting for their lives while some were done fighting.

"So this is how it's going to end uhn. I wished I had more time" she thought.

The Caniris was already ready for its final pounce but after a few seconds of waiting Jane still felt very much alive.

"What's happening?" she thought and opened her eyes. She saw the beasts was right in front of her but was not moving.

"What were you doing Lieutenant, who gave you permission to say your last prayer?" A Voice said.

Jane's vision finally cleared but it didn't matter, she recognized the voice.

Holding the beast was none other than Major Lara. The Redfort's commander.

"Commander? Jane said in shock, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Apparently, saving all your asses" Major Lara replied.

"Oh you didn't have to do that" another voice came closer. "I wanted to save her" Mickey said as he arrived beside Major Lara.

"If I waited for a slow poke like you, I'll be recovering her body" Major Lara said.

Jane looked around and saw the major brought an entire platoon. They were currently assisting the others to deal with the beasts.

She looked at Mickey who winked back at her and noticed some strange in his left eye.

"What's up with your eye?" she asked.

"Oh this? Mickey said, I'll explain later" he replied and went to stand beside Major Lara

"Now, it's been a while since I went Wild, that Caniris was too weak for my taste. where should I begin?" Major Lara said and before anyone could even comprehend what was going on, beasts began to die like flies. In the next five minutes all the beasts had been dealt with.


After they had dealt with everything, they began to gather evidence while waiting for Le'llda and Jo to wake up. Amelia was no where to be found at first but after a while, Mickey found her in a corner naked. He had laughed so hard seeing how she covered herself when he discovered her. When she was asked what happened she said she didn't want to talk about it and was asking if anyone saw a child. Major Lara saw her reaction and decided to call her privately to her quarters and take her report when they got back to the fort.

After over an hour, the Ont and Jo woke up. Immediately they were filled in with the updates and Major Lara gave Jo an earful for abandoning his job and letting her save his ass and those of his men.

When he was given a report, he found out three of his men had lost their lives during the brief scuffle with the beasts.

Le'llda on the other hand was only interested in freeing the tailed beast and stopping it from killing human in the area, after that he left with the Fox.

"She didn't even say thank you" Mickey complained as the two magical beasts left. His words made everyone glare at him since angering the two magical beasts could cause them their lives. The two beasts heard but chose to ignore Mickey's last comment and left.

"It seems you've gained more confidence after gaining a fancy eye" Amelia said.

"What are you talking about, I've always been one to speak my mind and you know that, blessing or no blessings I'll always be me Mickey replied. So, I will take your comment as you being jealous".

"Pfttt, Jealous? Amelia said, of what exactly, your eye have been replaced by a clock, why would I be jealous" Amelia said.

"You talk and act like you are" Mickey replied

"How exactly does it work, can you stop time, rewind, fast forward, see the future, predict the future..." Jo said trying to poke Mickey's left eye.

"Touch it and you'll lose your finger" Mickey said.

"I won't reveal it to you guys yet, it will be my trump card against you all" Mickey said and walked away.

As he was walking away he heard a voice that had began to scare him starting from an hour ago, and it was not just him.

"Captain Kindel, Lieutenant Tulley, Lieutenant Duis, Lieutenant Farrow. You all should prepare to write the longest reports of your lives, and you must submit it tomorrow. I want to hear your stories and how everything turned into this massive shit show we currently have here".

"This is barely a shit show" Jane thought.

"Do I have to include my encounter with that boy, girl or whatever he/she" is Amelia thought

"Report?!!!" Mickey and Jo thought

"She's a bit too energetic" Jo whispered to Mickey.

"I heard that Captain". Major Lara said.

Jo immediately saluted like his life depended on it.

"Why did you salute?" Mickey asked.

"I don't know why, but it felt right and she scares me" Jo replied.

"Me too" Mickey nearly hugged Jo so they could share the moment together.

"I'm sorry for her behavior" the officers beside Major Lara said after she walked away.

"It's been a while since she was in the battle field that's why she's so energetic. She spends most of her time behind the desk." The officer said.

"I think she should stick to the desk work. She's making me feel like I'm getting scolded by my mom". Jo said.

"I apologise Captain." The officer replied.

"I've been with her since she became a Major and I knew how hard it was for her to transition from constantly fighting to sitting quietly behind the desk and doing paperwork.

She used to be a Major force in the battle field" the officer said

"You don't have to tell me that, I was surprised when she dealt with most of the beasts quickly and neatly. I was barely able to keep up, even with my new ability". Mickey replied

"Now that you said it I think I've heard of someone who could even put my father to shame in terms of speed. At first when I saw her name, I thought it was maybe it was another Deanna. But, I remember someone mentioning the name 'Deanna the blur' back in boot camp". Jo said.

"Wait you mean she's that 'Deanna the blur'?" Mickey asked in astonishment.

"Yes she definitely is?" The officer replied.

"What are you, a fan boy?" Amelia asked since she had only seen Mickey react to a notable name once and that person was Ija the Princesses personal guard. She never knew he had another Idol.

"It seems you have another person you admire and it another woman, your perverted nature is beginning to come to light" Amelia mocked

"I only have respect for those whose accomplishment is due to their own strength and not those that strip themselves when others are fighting". Mickey said making Amelia want to smack him but she was stopped by Jo.

"Ija and Major Lara I've always been my Idol because even before Lady Ija was chosen as a champion of the god of wisdom. Her strength had always known no bounds. She was fierce and strong Mickey said in admiration. Major Lara's accomplishment in the battle of Drazdan speaks for itself. They are both my Idols because just like me they started from the streets and became what they are today by their own determination. Not luck, not privilege, it was earned". Mickey said and walked away.

"Is it just me or was there more to just than just admiration." Jane said.

Jo looked at Mickey and sighed.

"Don't tell him I told you this. Seven years ago do you remember the Incident at the slums of Riddy in Noak." Jo said.

"Oh yes, Jane replied according to some reports there was a scuffle between our forces and unknown enemy". Jane said.

"No just a scuffle, it was like a fully blown battle, and it wasn't an unknown enemy, although it's classified, but I was also there somewhat. It was a clash between a squad of seventeen men and a single god word. No one was expecting a god sword to be there. I don't really know the real reason behind the clash, but, the fight ended with the death of over fifty people, including fifteen members of the squad. Only two members of that squad survive, even the captain died. Those two that survived were Ija and Deanna".

"What does that have to do with Mickey" Jane asked.

"He was a member of a gang in the slums that used little children as pickpockets, beggers and alot of illegal activities" Jo replied.

"The battle wiped out the entire gang and alot of the kids that didn't die were liberated. Those two saved Mickey that day. Although their mission could hardly be called a success. But, against one of those four, surviving is a huge success."

Jane looked at Jo and he knew he was talking from experience. "It must be hard having a father like the mighty Bale Kindel".

"So 'Ija tbe fierce' and 'Deanna the blur' they both saved his life, and that's why he admires them." Jane said.

"You have an amazing Lieutenant Captain Kindel. Make sure you treat them both well" Jane said.

"I plan to do exactly that" Jo replied.