
Thena followed the maid closely as the young woman led the way. She looked around and still could not believe her eyes.

"Is this place just for Rex and his wife or do they share it with other people". Thena thought

"If that's the case then why is everywhere empty."

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when the maid in front of her stopped and she bumped into the young woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Thena said.

"No worries Young Miss. We've arrived at your quarters." The maid replied with a smile

"I'm Zillah, I'll be your personal attendant" The maid said

"Oh, Ok" Thena replied and they went on to the room.

She helped Thena to settle down and helped her to freshen up. Thena didn't really have anything to call her own from the orphanage. Her time there was very short and somehow, looked irrelevant. Now, looking at her room, she saw the biggest room she had ever seen assigned to a single person.

"I'm I going to be staying here alone?" Thena asked

"Yes, Young Miss", Zillah replied. "This room was chosen specifically for you."

"Wow," Thena could not helped but be amazed. But, she stopped herself immediately. Given the nature of her reason for coming here, she was definitely not going to be here for long. Getting attached would get her nowhere.

"Should I help you get a bath ready?" Zillah asked.

"Well that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it" Thena thought and nodded her head.

Zillah immediately went on to prepare the bath after which Thena took a soak.

The smell of the soap and the warmth of the water was something she won't mind getting used to. But her situation was a bit unfortunate.

After she had her nice bath, she changed her dress to one of the numerous and gorgeous looking clothes that had been prepared for her.

"I don't care what exactly is going on here but I'm really not hating it" Thena thought.

By the time she was done with everything, it was evening and time for dinner.

Led by Zillah, she made her way to the dinning hall where she would be having dinner with her adopted parents.

Immediately she got to the dinning hall, her mouth open wide. Seeing the set up in the dinning made her mouth almost drop.

"Do the rich need all this just to have food" she said. Seeing the nicely hung chandelier which was adorned with red crystals, lighting up the dinning room majestically. Various drawing were hung around in the slight large dinning hall.

As she was admiring her surrounding, Diana spoke.

"Thena, nice of you to join us" Diana said with a lovely smile.

Thena regained her senses immediately and tried to muster the best smile in her arsenal.

Zillah took Thena to her sit on one of the chairs and the young girl sat down still amazed by everything around her.

"So do you love your new home" Diana asked after Thena sat.

Thena looked down and she had not even noticed the delicious delicacies in front of her until now. Her mouth began to water immediately and she replied with something that that sounded like a groan.

"Yes, Lady Diana" she replied.

"Oh that's great, I'll love to show you more later" Diana said.

"Ok" Thena replied trying her best to hold back her hunger.

You should Let her eat first. Rex who was looking at Thena as she stared at the food said.

Thena heard the word eat and began to Mercilessly empty the plates in front of her. She didn't even mind her manners. All that mattered now was, her and the food. Everything else was not as important.

Rex watched her eat like a crazed animal and faced palmed in his mind.

"Where they not thought etiquette in happyLand? What exactly is Ryker and the Others doing?" he thought.

He didn't know that the Deaths Door team didn't complete their training.

Diana on the other had could not help but smile. She didn't mind Thena eating her food like that for now. She was certain in the future, she would learn how to behave appropriately in the dinning halls. She thought.

After they were done eating, the maids cleared the table. Diana wanted to talk more to Thena and try to start creating a bond between her and the child, but Rex told her to allow Thena rest and that she could do that the next day. Diana reluctantly agreed and she allowed Thena to go to bed as she retired to her bedroom with Rex.

Thena went beck to her room and threw herself into the soft bed. Immediately her head hit the pillow the young girl slept off.

The entire, mansion was now quite, everyone was in their room sleeping. At least, that was what was expected.

In the middle of the night, as Thena was asleep. The door to her room quite opened as someone walked up to the bed. The person looked at the bed and she was not surprised the young child had not yet noticed her. She quietly drew out her knife and opened the blanket covering the girl, only to be met by pillows arranged in a way that will trick anyone into believing she was still asleep on the bed.

"That little brat" Zillah thought as he suddenly felt a small sharp metal close to her throat.

Thena had armed herself earlier after dinner. Who knows when one might need it the young girl thought in her head

"You are a sharp one I must say" Zillah said.

"I not sure I can say the same about you" Thena replied.

"So you're 'deaths door's' assassin" Zillah said.

"I believe I am" Thena replied.

"Well that's great I'm also an assassin for my team. Do you know what they call us?" Zillah asked.

"I don't know and don't care, What do you want?" Thena asked.

"They call us Defiance. Our team has always defied the odds, and come out gracefully in every mission. That's why I decided to test if you little brats will not change that" Zillah said.

"But I must say, I'm not impressed" she added.

She swiftly grabbed the blade turning the child down and brought her blade dangerously close to Thena's eye.

"You still have alot to learn" Zillah said.

"And so do you" Thena replied as she brought Zillah's attention to the blade pointing to her stomach.

"I picked two knives up at the dinning table, not one" Thena said.

Zillah was clearly impressed by the child, but her pride could not let her admit it. She withdrew her knife and began to walk outside.

"Let's go, Rex is waiting" she said and began to walk out of the room.

"When did you realize I was with Rex?" she asked as she was curious of what gave her away.

"Your smile, Thena replied. It's almost as fake as mine

write something...