Movement 1


Thena followed Zillah quitely, until they both got to the study, where Rex was already sitted waiting for them.

"Hello Lord Rex, or should I call you Dad?" Thena greeted mockingly.

"Don't call me any of that. This cover is already in it's last days. But it was fun while it lasted." Rex said.

"I bet it was" Zillah muttered underneath her breath.

Rex pretended as if he didn't hear what she said and faced Thena.

"Things are moving quickly and the mission seems to be going smoothly so far. I have received reports from our other members and everyone seems to have played their part.

The only thing that is left is Thia succeeding to lure Ija away."

"I heard she has been spending alot of time with her lately." Rex said.

"Well yes, she's always flying around with that Lady." Thena replied obviously jealous.

"Do you know what they do in the palace?" Rex asked.

"I have no Idea, Thena said. Don't you have spies in the palace?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, we don't. Around the capital is as close as we can get. Inside the Place is impossible. That Palace is a fortress and the checks carried out on anyone coming in or even out is too thorough."

"Your friend is the first spy to successfully enter the Palace and also come out alive." Rex replied.

"I'll be sending you to the orphanage tomorrow to take a report from her."

"But I just got here, why don't you tell your spy in the orphanage."

"First, you are not staying for long. Just a short visit to say high to your friend. Also, Thia is hot cake now, we can't approach her recklessly. Any mistake could prove fatal. We need to be very cautious. My contact should be the last person taking her report. You on the other hand, are someone she knows. Seeing you with her won't draw much suspicion". Rex replied.

"Now to the most important thing".

"The mission is going to take place three days from now at the orphanage. The princess will be having, a gathering with the noblility of the Kingdom, she'll be using this opportunity to show them the work her charity does, so she can gather more support from the noble class too. Normally such event would mean plenty security, but that would only scare the children. So, the security will be limited, but that doesn't mean it won't be tight." Rex said

"So how are we getting in?" Thena asked.

"That's where my cover comes in".

"As one of the major supporters of the, Princesses work. I've been given an invite with my wife and you two are also coming.

With the three of us and the extra pair of eyes we have inside the orphanage. We'll take the Princess quietly. Before anyone can knowno what is going on. We are gone."

"That sounds easy" Thena said.

"It's not, we're not kidnapping a lowly servant here, it's the princess. We can only pray things don't get too difficult". Rex said.

"What about Hansi and the others". Thena asked.

"They are not needed for this. They will be assisting the others to keep Ija busy."

Thena thought it was strange. According to their group, Thia and Thena were the strongest. She refused to accept that Thia was stronger, so, she just assumed they were on same level.

Cage and Hansi were great fighters, but, if anyone was suitable for the part they were playing it was Hansi and even Miriam. Cage was a different story. He could sneak into any place, but the boy could not help but always stand out foolishly.

Thena and Thia should be among those keeping Ija busy while the others took the princess. But now she was going alongside Zillah an assassin, Rex a handler and a spy in the orphanage. A lot of man power she thought

"The Soldier in your group, is he strong?" Thena asked.

"He's the strongest amongst us, and we have others that will be assisting them. I'm sure they can manage to keep her busy".

Thena still felt she should be with the others, but it doesn't matter.

"Tomorrow you'll go back to the Orphanage, although I told Diana she can spend some time with you tomorrow, but we'll just have to tell her you want to see your friend for a while and explain why you left the orphanage. That will be your excuse". Rex said.

"You are being quite careful" Thena commented.

"He's always like that, too careful" Zillah added.

"There's no such thing as being too careful, especially when lives are at stake" Rex replied and everyone retired back to their rooms.


Kindel Mansion the next day.

Since hee had failed massively in making his curse totally submit to his will, Gor walked around the Mansion aimlessly. He had been trying to fully understand Ares words, why does he need to be stronger. Why does anyone need strength? He needed to get stronger so he could kill Bale, but that was not what drove him that day. He hated losing to Larry at Miaan, his loss had caused him to make an impulsive decision, which lead to the deaths of three people. If he had been a bit stronger, maybe he would have been able to subdue Larry Dew that day. Lost in his thoughts, Gor didn't realize he was currently standing at the door in his mother's quarters.

"Do you need anything son?" His mom asked seeing Gor standing by the door.

Gor looked around and saw he was in a new location,

"When did I get here?" he asked

Arietta looked at her son and she could not help but smile.

"You really love over thinking things" She commented.

"You are really like your father".

"What? I'm nothing like that man".

"Maybe not in every way, but he's the only person I know that got lost because he was thinking". Arietta said thinking of the first time she had met Bale. She was just sixteen years and was going to one of her classes when she saw the young soldier. They were both in Military school, but while Bale was the pride and genius of the Warriors unit. Arietta was the center of attraction in the investigative and Management unit. As a young warrior, Bale had one day stumbled into the ground where the IM unit students, where having their classes and training. Seeing Bale that day, everyone could not believe he was so engrossed by his thoughts, he had walked from one side of the school to the other side without even realizing it.

When both of them started dating, their story spread far and wide among the students. It was supposed to be the most epic love story. At least that was until the war began few months later.

"Arietta looked at her son and held his face. You shouldn't think too much. You're just a little child. You should enjoy it. I'm sure it's difficult for you because you losing Kor was like losing a part of you. But you have to put it beside you and move on". Arietta said.

"Have you moved on mom?" Gor asked.

Arietta looked at her son and regrettably shook her head.

"Then how should I? I'm afraid of forgetting about him. I'm afraid if I don't do something to honor him, or for him. I won't remember him" Gor said.

"Grief is a horrible thing Gor.

Sometimes we don't recover. But, are we going to let it decide our future?" Arietta said.

Gor wanted to reply but a door interrupted him.

The door open and Mira. One of Arietta's personal maids entered.

"What's the matter Mira" Arietta asked.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion my Lady, The young master has been summoned to the palace. He's to leave immediately". Mira said.

"Who gave the summons?" Arietta asked.

"The Queen My Lady" Mira replied