Two curses 1

Some moments ago, Ija was summoned by the Queen and she had passed by Gor who had just finished speaking with the Queen.

When Ija got to the garden she greeted the Queen.

"Ija, is Thia still with Lena?" Queen Vivian asked.

"Yes my Queen" Ija replied.

"Tell her to come to the usual spot. I'll meet her there" Queen Vivian said.

"Immediately my Queen" Ija replied.

"Before you go Ija. I have a mission for you. I want you to keep an eye on her while I'm gone for the next few days". Queen Vivian said.

"Ok my Queen I'll do just that" Ija said.

"I don't think you understand what I mean Ija. I want you to make sure that no matter what, nothing happens to that child. Which means I'm assigning you to her as her a special guard." Queen Vivian said.

"But what about the Princess?" Ija asked.

"Lena will be fine. You can get Percy from Vince's Squad to help you keep watch of her, alongside Henry".

Ija wondered why the Queen was taking her out from the Princesses detail and placing her in charge of a lowly commoner like Thia.

"But-" Ija tried to complained but was interrupted.

"You do know I hate it when, an order is questioned Ija. You have your orders, carry them out". Queen Vivian said.

"And let me make something clear, if you fail to protect that child, it won't go unpunished" Queen Vivian said.

"Yes my Queen" Ija said bitting her lip.

"What exactly is going on she thought".

"I believe you met my nephew on your way"

"Which of them?" Ija asked


"Oh, I did but I didn't recognize him." Ija replied.

"Good, that's good. He's on his way to meet Lena. I want you to also meet him and tell me what you think when you bring Thia". Queen Vivian said

"Yes, my Queen" Ija said.

"What's with the strange orders today she thought, she acting really strangely today."

"Are you still here?" Queen Vivian said to Ija and the royal knight disappeared like she was never there.


Gor who was being led by a maid followed closely behind as he was being led to the Princesses quarters.

"This Place is very huge" Gor thought since they had been walking around the palace grounds for a while.

"We're almost there Young Lord" the maid said sensing Gor's weariness.

"Ok..". Gor replied.

"Do I really have to see her?, If I do, what do I even say? Hey cousin I'm Gor, the cousin you've never met. By the way, have you ever seen someone with a curse? Well today's your lucky day". Gor thought.

As they walked a bit further the maid suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, are we there?" Gor asked.

"Lady Ija?" The maid asked in surprise.

She was sure they jad left the royal knight behind them and some how she was now in front of them.

"Good thing I caught up with Both of you". Ija said.

Gor looked at the person in front of him and he recognized her immediately. The dark skin, the small mark just under her lip and her domineering presence made the royal knight fearsome.

"She's the Princesses personal guard". Gor thought.

"You can go Ija said to the maid. I'll take him to the princess".

The maid immediately turned back and started walking away. Gor tried to say something but he didn't really know what to say in his current situation.

After the maid left Gor was left with Ija, both of them staring at each other.

"So you're Gor" Ija said staring at the child from head to toe.

"Yes, I believe I am" Gor replied pretending to be unfazed by Ija's domineering aura.

The royal guard approached Gor. He tried to move but his feet was glued to the floor. "What's she trying to do?" Gor thought as Ija stood few inches from him. The Royal guard brought her face closer to Gor's and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"What?" Gor thought as he wasn't expecting that.

"You, deserved that for taking down Vince and his band of misfits" Ija said with a smile.

"Uhn?" Gor thought still confused.

"Although I don't think you are much, still there's this fire in your eyes, and I've only seen it in few people." Ija said.

"Can you show me your curse?" Ija asked.

"Uhn? No, it's too dangerous" Gor replied.

"For who exactly. Me or you". Ija asked.

"Me, you and everyone around us. Believe me when I say, you don't want to see my curse. It's exactly what it sounds like, a curse" Gor said.

"Ok then. Maybe not today. But I've always wanted to fight someone with a very powerful curse. And I heard yours was even more menacing than that Kid from Miaan. Is it true you killed an Ekun immediately after summoning your curse?" Ija asked.

"Yes." Gor replied.

"You see, that's why you are special. Ekuns are sons of bitches, cunning, proud, strong and very difficult to kill. Killing one is a very great feat" Ija said.

"I didn't know" Gor said

"Well now you know". Ija replied

"You can follow me and I'll take you to the Princess. But, I want something from you" Ija said.

"What would that be?" Gor asked.

"A spar, I want to show some dumb muscle heads how to deal with Kids". She said.

"And what if I refuse?" Gor asked.

"There's a reward if your partake" Ija said

"Oh, really. What would that be?"

"Well, I'll help design an amour just for you if you can last a minute". Ija said.

"And if I last more than that?" Gor asked hating the way she was treating him like he already lost. She's strong but I'm not that weak either.

"Well, I'll convince General Zira to give you the aktel earlier than agreed." Ija said.

"How did you know I bonded with the aktel? I thought that was confidential" Gor said.

"Well, when you are the Princesses personal guard, you have access to alot of things.

So do we have a deal?" Ija asked.

Gor thought for a while and replied "Yes."

"Good. We'll meet tonight at this location" Ija said handing Gor a small note.

"We can go all out there. I'll also be inviting some guests to make things interesting".

"Don't be late"

"I'll try..." Gor replied.

"Ok let's go see the Princess" Ija said and led the way.