Two Curses 2

When Ija and Gor got to the Princesses Quarters, Gor was asked to wait at the while Ija went in to speak with the Princess. Ija got inside and met them talking about the war, specially about Haniska the dragonborn. Like her best friend and comrade in arms Major Lara of the red fort, Ija had also participated in the war, but as a Scout. Although she didn't participate in the Battle of Drazdan, she still had the opportunity to encounter the Late Haniska during the war. The general had spared her life once and she had the memory of that bitter sweet experience engraved in her memory. After intruding on their conversation Ija finally spoke.

"I just went out for a minute and you're already teaching her about the horrors of war" Ija said with genuine worry. Although Thia was quite something, she was still a child nonetheless

"She asked me to" Princess Lena replied with innocence.

"I did, and I want to know more". Thia said

Ija ignored the fact that the princess only agreed because, the war was one of the things the princess loved researching about, and the opportunity to tell it to someone in her own view was something she wouldn't not do.

"Well that's enough for today, the Queen has called for you. She'll be leaving on a mission tomorrow so, she ask that you come for one last ass whooping. Her words not mine." Ija said to Thia before turning to the princess.

"You have a visitor princess. I met him on my way back here" Ija said as if she had not simply ambushed the boy.

"Who?" The princess asked

"Your Cousin Gor"

"Oh, and why is he here?" The princess asked

"I think your mom told him to pay you a visit" Ija speculated.

"Again, why?" Ija asked.

"How should I know, I'm neither your mom nor the boy and it's not good to keep your guest waiting" Ija said.

The princess could only sigh in defeat and ordered Ija to let Gor in.

Ija went out and few seconds later, she came back with a young boy, not more than ten years of age. He had black hair with dark eyes. He was quite tall for a boy his age and his muscles were developing, a result of countless training no doubt.

Gor looked around and his eyes fell on his cousin, an absurdly tall girl with red hair and an absolutely stunning face.

"Your Highness" Gor said and bowed.

The princess looked at him for a while and she could not help but take a step back.

"Why does it feel like I'm standing in front of something...."

Ija looked at the princess reaction and she could understand.

"It seems it's not just me then". Ija thought

She had infact sensed a menacing aura around Gor from the time she had passed by him earlier.

When the Queen had asked her, what she thought about him? she decided to check if it was just a weird feeling and speak to the boy.

Speaking to the boy again, confirmed her suspicions.

"This boy is a monster, even that Kid from Miaan didn't release this kind of aura when he transformed into what ever that was". "This boy is doing all that and more, without even trying" Ija thought.

Ija looked beside her and saw Thia was looking at Gor, with a fearful expression in her face. She thought Thia was feeling the same way, but she was wrong.

Gor, still bowed in front of the princess and few awkward seconds passed before the princess finally gained her composure.

"Hmm Hmm" she cleared her throat.

"Rise up cousin, there's no need for formalities between us. We're family after all." Princess Lena said with a wonderful smile. At Least the best she could muster.

Gor raised his head and looked at his cousin. He didn't really know what to say next and looked around only for his face to fall on someone he had not expected to see, or at least not here in the palace.

They had met again, in a most unpleasant manner again.

Thia was about to speak when her vision suddenly Got blurry and then turned totally black all of a sudden. A heavy feeling poured mightyly on her and she felt as if her body was no longer her own.

She suddenly found herself in another place entirely, a place that looked like a grave yard but at the same time it wasn't.

She tried to confirm what it was and saw that she was not in a graveyard, it was a battle field, a terrible one at that.

Bones were sprinkled on the floor like water and several weapons could be seen lying all over the place, all from the fallen.

She looked around to grasp what was going on and that was when she heard a sound behind her. She turned around and saw someone or something, clad in black amour from head to toe. The thing looked like a well seasoned warrior with years of experience Thia could not even begin to phantom.

The warriors had a blade in it's scabbard and Thia could hear billions of souls calling from within the sword. She couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if the deathly weapon was let loose. It wasn't something she wanted to be around. The more she was closer to the sword the clearer she could hear the voices calling from within.

"What is this madness and where I'm I" Thia thought.

She tried to speak and that was when she realized, she couldn't speak.


When Gor locked eyes with Thia, he didn't know what to do and was panicking greatly inside of him. He wanted to act like he had not recognized her, but he knew it was useless. As he was contemplating on what to do, his Vision suddenly died and he felt like he was no longer in his body.

Finding himself in a new place, Gor looked around and saw that he was surrounded by water. At first he thought he was going to drown but when he looked down and saw, he was standing on the dark but clear water. But that wasn't all, he saw something deep underneath the water and he didn't like what he saw. No even one tiny bit.

Beneath his feet was countless hands trying to reach for the surface of the water. But no matter how how hard they tried, they couldn't even move an inch. They were drowning but at the same time they were not, they desperate to get to the surface but at the same time, they couldn't. As Gor was looking at the horror show staring right at him in the dark waters, he sensed something menacing in front. He looked and saw someone sitting on a large arm, no, it wasn't just a large arm, it was a cluster of humans merged together to form something like a large hand, sitting on top of the palm was something Covered entirely in darkness. Something Gor would not want to see, even in his worse nightmare.

He was trying to decipher what it was or even who it was but, he couldn't make out a shape, or even a figure. But there was one thing he did see standing tall right beside this terror. It was a long and terrifying scythe. As Gor was staring and thinking about a way to escape, the monster spotted him. Looking right into the monsters face was too much for him and he tried to run but that was when he realized, he couldn't even move a muscle.