The Massacre 10

Few days ago when Gor had gone to see the Queen, who was also his aunt, she gave him an order. One that was both strange and uncalled for. The Queen had ordered Gor to keep watch of the princess from the shadows. He was not to get too close or make his presence Known, unless the princess was in danger.

He knew the princess didn't lack enough guards to keep her safe and wondered why the Queen would give him such a mission.

Her reply was one that shocked even Gor. 

Seeing the Queen act the way she acted, Gor decided to help keep an eye on the Princess from the shadows. Ofcourse, he didn't need to do much in the Palace since there was no where safer, but he wouldn't have been given such a mission if the Princess only stayed in the Palace. He received her schedule with the help of one of Princesses Lena's attendants, who was also placed around the princess by the Queen. With that he was able to shadow her when she left the Palace, and today had not been an exception.

Gor followed the Princess quitely, just like he had done from the Capital to Miaan, he followed quietly and discreetly.

When he got to the Orphanage, he snuck in with his mother's help, -she didn't know what he was up to. Her carriage had a secret compartment for extra goods, so he snuck himself in as one.

He would have attended as a guest but that would restrain his movement too much. 

Amongst the living sons of Bale Kindel, he was the one who was yet to well known in public. His sudden announcement in the party would draw attention, preventing him from doing his job properly, so he disguised as one of the orphans. Gor stole one of the suits the children where made to wear off a young boy he had knocked out and joined the other kids.

"Sam, Gor said the name of the boy whose name was written boldly on a tag placed on the suit" 

'I guess this will do for tonight' he thought

Gor joined the other kids in the party and was trying to blend in and not draw too much attention, but he was surrounded by other kids who didn't car about his mission.

So of them found it supicious that sam had suddenly become different and tried reporting him, but nothing he couldn't handle. anytime a child went to complain to a staff in the orphanage, Gor was simply not there when they pointed their hand in his direction.

As the Party was going on Gor watched as each drama unfolded one by one and was a bit shocked how the noble classes did their things. The gossiping, sabotaging, insults and hate that was enclosed in their smiling faces was enough to traumatized Gor. 

'Good thing I'm already scared for life, I guess' Gor thought

Gor gradually kept on watching the princess and In doing so he observed three things.

One was that, he wasn't the only one watching, two, the princess scary guard was absent today which was unusual, third was that, he saw someone who he never thought he would see again.

'It seems something is going to happen today' Got thought after seeing Thena

He ignored Thena for the moment and kept on with his mission and at the same time he avoided Thena. Although she didn't see his face at Miaan, he still didn't want to take any chances.

Gor Kept on watching the Princess until she went into Irene's office where ofcourse he couldn't follow.

Since he couldn't follow, Gor decided to join the other children, until the princess came back.

Gor joined the other children and was trying as much as possible to blend in, he wondered why the children where here in the first place. It's not as if they are doing anything. 

Few seconds later, the children were called to the stage to display some kind of rehearsed speech about themselves and the orphanage. 

Gor tried to dodge it, but he had already joined the others before he realized what was going on.

Gradually the kids were going on the stage with different level of applauds accompanying them whenever they left.

"What should I even say Gor, thought. So much for staying out of people's radar. If mom, Tuk and Tanith see me, they'll panick."

Just before his turn came, a teacher called Gor. 

"Sam can you help me with some things in the store" an old woman said.

"Yes ma'am" Gor gladly replied and left with the nice old lady.

He followed the woman as she led the way to the store to carry whatever it was she wanted to take. 

Gor followed her for a while until they finally Gor to dark corner where no eyes could see them and no ears could hear them either.

"So who are you Kid, or are going to keep pretending to be who you're not"? The woman asked with a cold tone.

"Oh, I was about to ask you the same question" Gor asked.

He knew the woman didn't call him to get something from the stall in the first place. He knew she was trying to lure him to a place and probably kill him. He knew because he had marked her as one of the people who were watching the princess when he arrived.

"Who are you kid and why are you here?" The old woman asked

"I can also ask the same of you ma'am" Gor replied again.

The old woman stared at Gor pitifully. "It's a shame you're going to die at such a young age."

"And it's a shame you've exhausted all your extra lives old fossil" Gor replied.

"You damn whelp!!" the woman screamed and brought out a short dagger and tried to cut Gor but the boy was quick to dodge.

"It seems you're one twisted granny, I can't believe you tried to kill a nine year old" Gor said.

"That slash wouldn't have killed you" the woman said.

"Maybe not, but the poison in that dagger probably would" Gor said.

"Oh, you're a sharp one, aren't you. I guess I'm not the only twisted one here" The woman said.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I've face death a couple of time this past few months that I'm beginning to feel like I'm not even Nine anymore" Gor said

"Well it a good thing you met me, after today, you'll not have to face death anymore. Isn't that great?" the woman said.

Gor looked at the woman with a pitiful look and asked a question.

"I believe you brought me here so no one could hear me scream or see us right" Gor asked.

"Like I said you're quite sharp."

"Unfortunately you're not so sharp granny" Gor said.

Gor immediately blinked towards the old lady, but his opponent was not a push over. Immediately he entered her attack range, a dagger was already waiting to cut him down, Gor was only able to dodge at a nick of time. A second later would have spelt his doom. 

The Old lady had not given up though, she tried holding Gor in Place, so Gor won't be able to get away, but the boy could not allow that so he jumped back immediately.

"I must say I'm impressed young one, you're very sharp, smart , calm and most of all you can use blink. It's like I'm starting at a young Hazel" she said while opening her left hand to display a small needle that would have pierced Gor of she had held him down.

"I'm guessing that's also poisoned?" Gor asked.

"I don't know, why don't you let me knick you and we'll find out" The old woman said.

"Should I use that damned curse?" Gor thought.

"I can't allow her to touch me or else I'll be dead."

"I doubt she would even give me time to use that crazy attack I used on Ija some days back" Gor thought 

"Thinking of how to give this old woman a beating?" The woman asked.

"That's not going to happen" she said and blinked towards Gor. He thought she would attack with her hands, but he suddenly felt an heavy kick connect with his chest sending him flying away.

"You're naive boy, you can't defeat me, so just give up" The Old woman said.

"She's strong" Gor said as he wiped out the blood from his mouth.

"I can't let her attack hit me again or I'll be dead" he thought. Thinking of using his curse Gor came up with an idea, something that would ensure him a win.

"I wonder if it will work" he thought.

"Any last words kid?" the old woman asked

"Nice last words old fossil" Gor said and the woman replied with a maniacal laughter.

She moved towards Gor with great speed and trying to use her dagger to impale Gor. He knew he could dodge the dagger but that would mean falling for her misdirection and getting grabbed by her other hand which also meant death. So, he did something the old woman didn't even know he could do.

He dodged the dagger and instead of stepping away from danger Gor went in for an attack.

The old woman continued laughing and was about to grab Gor when she suddenly stopped.

"It seems I was right Old fossil, you've exhausted your extra lives" Gor said as he held on to the dark blade. 

He had summoned the sword in the last second before she could grab him and stabbed her right in the middle of the eyes. It was a close call, but, it's his victory.

Seconds later, The old woman fell down on the floor lifeless, Gor could finally breath a sigh of relief. Gor didn't know, no one knew, this was just the first of the many victims the night would claim.