The Massacre 11


The Massacre 11

Gor looked at the old woman lying lifeless on the ground, and he felt a bit shaken.

Not that he hadn't killed before; it was just knowing that he was responsible for cutting the life of someone short that left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Not wanting to linger around the dead woman for too long, Gor cleaned himself up, leaving the mess behind.

Something was up, and he wasn't sure yet, but it probably had to do with the princess.

He quickly went back to the party, and he was just in time to see the princess return from her short break. The man and woman who she had returned with both made their way out of the room, leaving the princess all alone.

Gor sighed in relief when he saw the princess. He was about to continue with his mission when he heard the voice of Ares in his head.

'Ahhh, it seems Loki has got himself a pet in the mortal world,' he said, his voice sounding deep and scary. Every time Gor heard the voice of his quiet but scary roommate, fear gripped his entire being.

Trying to ignore the effect Ares's voice had on him, Gor asked

"What are you trying to say?" He was wondering if Ares would reply or just ignore him again, but the abomination replied.

'That child is no longer the same as the one a few moments ago,' Ares said.

'It seems she has been replaced with a doll.' Ares explained

"What? How? What do you mean, Gor asked in confusion?".

"I mean exactly what I said, boy. That thing you're looking at is not your princess," Ares replied.

"Dammit" Gor cursed; he was about to make a move when Harry made his own. Seemingly sharing the same concerns with Gor, and a few seconds later, General Zira made an appearance. Gor wanted to speak to the general, but she seemed in a hurry, and everything was a bit of a rush, so he followed her outside.

He watched as the general called Harry and was listening in on their conversation.

He was a bit concerned for the Queen, but for now, he had to focus on saving her.

Hearing they both shared his concern, Gor decided to intervene.

He immediately grabbed the general, and she turned back to look at the person.

She wanted to lash out at the person but was shocked to see an unlikely face.

'How was he able to sneak up on me like that?' she thought.

"What are you doing here?" Zira asked the person who called her in shock.

"I heard what you two were talking about earlier, and I want you to leave the princess to me," Gor said.

Harry looked at the boy with surprise and wondered who he was and why a boy was talking to them in such a manner.

"Scram, kid," Harry said in anger.

"Calm down, Major. He's not a threat, I think." General Zira said.

The memories of her first encounter with Gor were still fresh in her mind.

Although Harry thought he was looking at a small, insignificant child, she knew what stood in front of them was a monster.

"What do you mean, leave the princess to you?" General Zira asked.

"There's no time to explain, General; all you just need to know is that the Queen ordered me to look after the princess in case anything happened, and I'm going to do just that. I also have a lead on the culprits." As he was explaining, Gor was suddenly interrupted by Harry Laxe, who wasn't buying what the strange kid was saying.

"What are you saying, and who are you?" Harry Laxe asked.

"General, I don't know what or who this kid is, but if the princess is in danger, then we need a full squad to hunt down the perpetrators," Harry said.

"They might kill her if they sense you coming," Gor said.

*If I go alone, they'll underestimate me, and I'll be able to at least get her out of danger; after that, I can send a signal, and you can come in."

"General, are we placing the life of the princess in the hands of a kid?" Harry said.

Zira thought of her options for a while and stared at the two people in front of her.

Feeling like she had no choice, she allowed Gor to go on with his plan.

"Major, I want you to deliver the doll to the king; we can't let him know that the princess is missing yet; it will cause more harm than good. But make sure your men are watching her closely in case she makes any moves.".

"It's not just the princess. One of her guards was replaced too," Gor said.

"Dammit, watch them all; any suspicious move should be dealt with immediately," General Zira said.

"Gor, you can go after the culprits, but only watch them; don't engage.".

"Here," General Zira said, and she handed Gor a small box. When you find them, press the small button on it, and Major Laxe here will be able to find you.

"But General-" Harry tried to protest, but the general cut him short.

"You have your orders, soldier; now move," General Zira said.

Harry was dissatisfied, but he had no choice for now. He followed the order he was given and went on to join the princess's escort.

General Zira faced Gor and smiled at him.

"I know you all are a family of crazies, so I know you won't die because if you do, your father won't let me hear the end of it."

"I'm not dying anytime soon, General," Gor said and took off.

He had his lead, and he was just in time to see her sneak out of the orphanage.

"Good thing the other one is not here; I'd have been dead," Gor thought as he followed Thena, who was going back to the rendezvous point.


Deep in the quiet mountains of Goze, the place mostly known as no man's land ever since the Hairless clan that lived there were all killed, the Queen and some of her men had hid themselves.

They had been ambushed on their way back from a mission, and they had to flee to the mountains to escape their pursuers. The ambush seemed to have been both well-planned and well-organized, as it took everything the Queen and her men had to escape the trap. Although not without cost, Of the thirty soldiers escorting her, ten had already lost their lives, and three more were separated from them. She didn't know if they were probably dead or alive; the latter was probably the case.

The attackers were a band of heavily equipped and powerful mercenaries, and they had attacked them close to the foot of the mountain. They had attacked both from above and below the slopes beside the road they had followed. Seeing that they were cornered, they decided to face their attackers above and push past them.

It was a tough and rough battle, but the queen wasn't called the red queen for nothing, and her men were strong.

Cain led the charger, covering for the others, and they were able to break through and escape their encirclement. That was the reason she had been separated from her personal guard and two others.

"Dammit," Queen Vivian thought.

"How did they know of my mission?"

"How did they know I'd be passing through here?"

"And most of all, who hired them?" Queen Vivian thought.

As the Queen was trying to figure out how the enemy knew of their movements, a voice called from behind her.

"Your Majesty"

"What, Vince, any report?" The Queen asked.

The former captain had been on suspension for a while now due to some events. Seeing the squad persevere even in the face of humiliation, the Queen decided to include them in her guard unit for this particular journey. She would have evaluated their performance based on this mission and reinstated them to the Royal Knights squad. But it seems she had led them to death.

Captain Vince responded with urgency.

"Your Majesty, some of my men that we sent to scout the area saw the enemy coming closer to our location. They would be upon us in a few minutes, Your Majesty. We have to leave."

"You do know that the further we move into the mountains, the harder it will be to find us, and at a point, even signals will be useless," Queen said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but if they find us here, we'll not be able to hold them off and..." Vince was a bit hesitant.

"Speak," Captain Queen Vivian said.

"Some of my men said they saw the insignia of one of the horsemen" amongst the pursers.

"Which of them is it?" Queen Vivian asked.

"Plague, and it seems he's leading the charge himself.".

"That's bad," the Queen said in shock.

"Very bad, your majesty; we need to leave."

Queen Vivian immediately got ready to leave and go deeper into the mountains.