The massacre 12

Rex, the culprit behind Princess Lena's Kidnap used the cover of night to move past the heightened security and navigate outside the capital, to the location of their hideout. Normally he won't be able to go outside, but he and his men had prepared alot of contingency plans incase they needed to make a quick escape.

Rex made his way out of the Capital, sneaking out through one the various tunnels they had across the place for easy movement. Rex gradually followed the tunnel until he got to the other side. He disappeared into the forest gradually navigating through the dark woods, till he reached the hideout.

Rex went inside and met eight people in the room waiting for his arrival.

"How did everything go?" Rex asked immediately he got inside. 

"We have a problem Rex" one of the people inside said.

"What problem?" Rex asked.

"The child never showed at the spot of ambush. We haven't dealt with the guard". The man replied.

"What!! But she wasn't at the orphanage either" Rex said.

"She wasn't?" The man asked.

"No, she wasn't. I have the princess with me" Rex said.

"Then if she wasn't at the Capital and she didn't show at the spot of the ambush. Then where is she and what did that brat do?" Rex asked in anger. 

He looked towards the direction of Hansi and the others and went to meet the young Handler.

"Where the hell is your soldier?" He asked

"I don't know, Thia does things her own way, she probably had a different and better plan." Hansi said.

Rex left the young boy and addressed another person in the room.

"Why is Nessa not back". Rex asked.

"The old hag is probably still lazying around in the orphanage" Zillah replied

"Well it doesn't matter. She can meet up with us some other time" Rex said.

""We have to leave now. There seems to be a problem, in the capital. We need to be far from here before they realize the princess is gone." Rex said and everyone urgently began to move. 

They had all prepared their departure before hand so they had little to do before they set out.

As everyone was preparing to leave, Miriam saw that another person was not there so she voice her concerns.

"Where's Then?". Miriam asked

"I left her at the orphanage" 

"Were you not meant to come here with her?" Miriam questioned

"Are you questioning my decision?" Rex said in outrage.

"The mission was to get the princess and I've already done that. If the brat wants she can make her way down here herself or hand herself over to the authorities, Either way I don't care about her but, the mission" Rex said.

Miriam, Cage and Hansi didn't like how everything was going. They had a feeling things were about to take a turn for the worse and their two best fighters were currently missing. 

Feeling Cornered, Hansi decided to be the first one to make a move

"Cage, on my signal I want you to use the Cloak, Miriam made". Hansi whispered.

"Are you sure it would work Cage asked.

I don't know, but we'll have to try it" Hansi replied

He scanned around the room, watching everyone's move until his eyes fell on Zillah who smiled deviously at the young boy. 

"Now! Cage Hansi called. In a blink of an eye four things happened".

Zillah moved from her position with great speed and tried to stab Hansi right in the heart but the young boy blocked with his hand.

Cage covered himself and Miriam with a mysterious cloak the girl had made for them a while ago. Before Zillah could stabbed Hansi, the boy let out an explosive in the middle of the room and lastly before the explosion blew up in his face, Rex summoned something from his shadow.

"You damned bra- Boom!!!"

A massive explosion suddenly rocked the place they were, destroying everything in it's path.

Hansi had known from the start that all three of them were hostages so that Thena and Thia would behave. 

Those two were the main deal, while three of them had been relegated to side characters. They were probably going to be killed after the whole mission so Hansi had come up with a plan incase such a thing happened.

Cage removed the cloak from himself and Miriam, and looked around the area. 

"I can't believe it worked" Cage said, looking at the pitiful state the Cloak Miriam made was. 

"Sorry" Cage said to Miriam

"No mind. I can always make a new one" Miriam said.

Cage looked around and saw that most people had been caught in the explosion. Hansi was lying injured with a lifeless Zillah on top of him. It seems she took the full explosion and shielded Hansi when she attacked. 

"Are you alright Hansi?" Miriam asked seeing the young boy in pain.

"I'll live, but we have to move Quickly, I don't think there all dead." As Hansi was speaking Cage noticed a strange corpse on the floor and asked.

"Who's she". He pointed at a young woman wearing a dress who was currently covered in burns from the explosion.

Suddenly Rex walked out from the place he was blown off to, with small cuts and bruises.

Before the explosion, he summoned Diana from his shadow and used her as a shield. He also absorbed the strongest member of their team into the shadow. Leaving the others.

"You brats are going to die today" Rex said.

Immediately, his shadow rose and a man came out from the darkness.

"You save me Rex the man said. I'm greatful" The man said

"I didn't save you because you were special Bane. Zillah won't die easily and Riko can be replaced. I saved you because you are the strongest amongst us. So get to it and deal with those brats". Rex ordered

"Gladly". He man turned to the kids who were currently running away.

"Oh no you don't". He said and went after them.

"You guys go on. I'll hold him off" Cage said as he faced their pursuer.

Bane was a very large man with a muscular build. His body was well toned and stong. He was a Martial arts specialist that used a special brass knuckles as his weapon of choice. 

The large man gave chase closing the distance between him and the kids. After gaining on the for a bit, he threw out a massive punch.

At first Cage was shocked at what he was doing since there was still a large distance between them, but suddenly, he saw a massive wave coming towards him from just a punch, and he immediately dodged. 

"Dammit", he looked behind him and saw that Miriam and Hansi had been caught by the attack.

"This guy is too strong" Cage thought