The Massacre 13

Cage looked at Bane thinking of how he was going to deal with the large man. As he was thinking this he felt a strong punch coming and he once again dodged. The Punch landed on the ground leaving a small crater on the ground and a large cut in Cage's heart.

"One hit, just one single hit and my fragile body will crumble under his might" he thought.

"C'mon man we spent the last few days planning to get and bonding. Is he just going kill me like that?" He thought.

From their hideout, two more people appeared and more fear gripped his heart. Zillah, who he thought was dead was now standing beside Rex making it three people they now have to face. Even if all three of them were in top shape, They couldn't face one of this three. Now they had to face all three while Hansi was injured. 

"Dammit, we're going to die". Cage thought.

Bane attacked Cage again but the young boy was very evasive. Cage stood on Banes large hand and sent a kick right in his face but the large man didn't budge. 

"What's he made of." Cage thought. 

Bane quickly grabbed Cage's foot, not allowing him to escape this time and threw him right beside Miriam and Hansi.

The young boy crashed beside his teammates and with him their hope of any form of escape crashed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Thena" Cage said

"And Thia too. Those two monster are the only kids I know who can defeat this guy". Hansi added

In the distance, Zillah stood beside Rex, with most of her injuries recovering and healing by themselves. 

Even though Rex looked better, he was breathing heavily, and was kneeling, feeling very weak and disoriented.

"Are you going to keep them in your shadow, or will you release the Princess so your body can have a much needed rest". Zillah said

Indeed Rex had used his Curse a bit more than usual. His curse was designed to hold non living things, not things with sentience. Putting humans in his shadow put a very powerful strain on his body. And the longer they stayed in his shadow, the weaker he got.

Although he had only two people in his shadow, it was still taking all he had to even stand. Seeing this, Rex decided to summon the princess from his shadow, alongside Henry. Both seems to have passed out in the abyss. 

Immediately he let both of them out, he breath a sigh of relief and the fatigue washed away from his body.

"I feel lighter" he said.

"Once Bane is done we leave, kill the guard. We only need the princess". Rex Ordered Zillah

"Yes my Lord" Zillah replied and bowed in mockery

Immediately Zillah too a step towards Henry, they heard the sound of wings flapping, and a horse neighing. Everyone was suddenly drawn to the sky, and they saw a mesmerizing creature soaring in the sky. The sound of it's wings created a massive storm and it was headed in their direction. The creature came closer, and closer and closer, until they could see it's two riders, riding without fear on the majestic beast. It would have been a lovely sight, if it wasn't for the identities of the riders. One was the dark skinned woman, they have tried to avoid throughout the entirety of this mission. The other was the child that was supposed to keep her away from their target. 

Iji the great Ferocious beast in the sky, came closer to the ground and one of it's rider jumped off the beast and stood between Bane and the three kids he was about to finish off. 

If everyone didn't know who Thia was, they would have laughed at the small and harmless kid standing in defiance against a tower of muscles like Bane. But fortunately, most of them knew better.

"Thia.." Miriam said in shock.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm sorry guys, but this is probably for the best" Thia replied.

She remembered two days ago after she had decided to carry out her own plans, and go against whatever it was they were sent here to do. 

Thia had made a request form Ija that she would love to see her place again, instead of the Palace. Since The Queen was not around and the princess was busy with the coming party. Ija decided to let Thia visit her.

That night as the two were talking, Thia decided to tell her the whole truth. At first, Ija found it amusing that a child was a spy, but when she listened to Thia's story more closely, everything began to add up. Her in human strength, her battle instinct and Her fearless attitude. Those were characteristic of someone who had been in a life and death situation before. Not a small orphan, she had led them to believe she was. Ija knew she had let her emotions cloud her judgement.

After hearing Thia's story, and the plan to kidnap the princess, Ija stood from her sit.

"I have to warn her" Ija said

"No you can't, if you do they'll know I told you something and kill my friends." Thia said in protest.

"I don't care about your friends, I only care for the princess and her safety. she's my priority."

"I know, and I don't want her to be taken that's why I'm telling you this, I don't want you to die that's why I'm not going to lure you to anywhere. And I also don't want my friends to die either" Thia said in tears.

"I've already lost my family. I can't lose the ones I have now" Thia said.

Ija looked at Thia and felt sorry for the child, she wished she could help Thia but she couldn't let any harm come to Lena. She had to protect her own.

"I'm sorry Thia, but I can't help you." Ija said

Thia looked at Ija, and streams of tears began to pour from her eyes, if you can't help me, then you'll have to die Thia said.

Suddenly the room grew dark and cold.

An indescribable stench filled the air, making Ija want to puke her guts out. An unknown figure stood beside Thia holding a deadly scythe, and before Ija knew what was happening, She felt a hand grab her. When sh tried to defend herself, her perception suddenly changed. 

Ija could hear everything more clearly than before, see more further than ever and feel every form of emotion all at once and her body felt a chill down to her bones. It was as if her soul had reached a higher level of enlightenment and In return, her body received a heavy burden. It was almost as if..., It was as if she was dead. Ija began panick when she suddenly heard the Voice she had not heard in a really really long time ring in her head like a bolt of thunder, 

"Use you gift you fool, or you'll really be dead" Nik her Patron God said

Feeling the urgency in the tone of the god of wisdom, Ija used the runes, imbedded in her soul and she was able to resist Thia's touch of death.

She suddenly found herself back in he room with the young girl lying peacefully on the floor, but Ija felt it was too soon to let her guard down - and she was right. The light in the room flickered and amist the resolution of light and dark, Ija saw a shadow stand behind the child. One didn't need a specialist to tell, that wasn't Thia's shadow. 

The.. - thing, was holding a scythe Ija could feel her entire being scream in fear of the weapon. 

Iku- Thia's curse, suddenly moved out of the shadow and charged towards the royal knight raising this weapon High and attacked Ija.

" Oh no you don't" Ija thought and drew her weapon and clashed the the strange abomination.

If it were just a mundane weapon, Ija would have died, but the Champion of wisdom had her divine runes written all over her weapon, giving it the strength to match the abomination's attack.

The clashing sounds of their weapon caused a massive boom breaking everything durable in Ija's home, almost bringing the house itself down.

The clash lasted for not more than a second, but it's effect were nothing short of intriguing for Ija. 

After the briefing scuffle with death itself, Ija looked at Thia who was still sleeping on the floor and she could not believe her eyes. This child is cursed.