The Massacre 16.

Ija and Thia took flight on Iji, bringing with them a mighty storm as the ferocious beast made its way to where Ija's rune tracked the princess to. They found the princess and the others close to the perpetrators. The kids were about to be killed by Bane, while Zillah had been ordered to kill Henry.

"I'll stop the big guy, you can help the Princess" Thia said as she saw the situation from above.

"Don't forget, take your friends and run" Ija said, reminding Thia of their previous discussion.

"Yes, I remember," Thia said.

Ija brought Iji closer to the ground so Thia could help her friends.

Bane was about to finish up the kids when a small girl stood between him and his prey. 

"You're that little brat, what did you do?" Bane asked.

"Are you guys alright?" Thia asked her friends

"We're fine" Hansi replied.

"Thia, what did you" Miriam asked.

"This is for the best Thia replied. We have to get out of here. Can you guys move?"

"Hansi and Cage are injured I'm fine".

"I can still move on my own, but I doubt Hansi can". 

"What happened to you guys" Thia asked.

"Nothing that we couldn't handle, at least up to this moment when we needed your help," Hansi said.

"Who's she Hansi?" asked seeing the woman who was flying on the ferocious beast.

"She's Ija the fierce" Thia said making all of them open their eyes wide in shock...

"Well, I guess we can call our first mission a massive failure" Cage stated.

"Ija also unmounted from Iji and stood facing Rex and Zillah".

She looked beside them and saw the Princess and Henry were still alive and well, causing her to breathe in relief. 

'That fool, I'll be sure to teach him a lesson never to let his guard down again. If I still have my job after today.' Ija thought

Rex stared at the knight he had tried so hard to avoid an encounter with, standing right in front of him. Weeks of planning and preparing of this mission had all gone up in flames by the action of one little brat. She just had one job, lure Ija to the ambush and die alongside the damned knight, but no, she had to play heroics. Rex thought in frustration.

"Oh Lord Rex, it seems your plan has failed miserably". Zillah stated, mocking Rex

"Do you still want me to kill the guard, or should we just run". Zillah asked

"Do you think she'll let us escape?" Rex asked.

"Maybe, if we give the Princess back and ask nicely she'll let us live," Zillah said nonchalantly.

"We'll have to take the princess hostage Rex said, as long as we have her she won't attack carelessly".

Ija kept on approaching the two of them with her sword drawn.

"Stand back for now Iji, when the time is right I'll summon you to take the princess away," Ija said. Iji neighed in response and spread her wings. The ferocious beast flew away leaving Ija on the ground.

Without uttering a single word Ija raised her sword. She pointed the blade toward the sky, holding tightly on the hilt. The runes inscribed in the rapier all began to glow. Covering the sword in a divine light. Ija's eyes also glowed syncing her spirit directly with her soul. 

Seeing Ija trying to pull off an attack Rex ordered Zillah to get the princess. As she got closer to the princess. A small glow similar to Ija suddenly came from the girl and a barrier covered the princess pushing Zillah back. 

"Oh no, There goes our hostage," Zillah said.

"Now it's just me and you," Ija said.

"Dammit, Dammit, Dammit. Why does everything have to go bad this quickly" Rex said in outrage. 

"That Damn, brat. She's the cause of all this, I'll make sure I end her, even if it's my last mission on earth" Rex said.

"Bane!! Rex called out and said. "Kill them all".

Bane looked at the kids and Held out his hand to throw a massive punch and end their lives in one swoop. 

"Sorry Kids, This is the end," Bane said. Before his punch could connect, a voice rang in his ears. "What are you still doing here?' Ija asked Thia and blocked Banes's attack with her bare hand.

"How did she get here?" Thia thought.

Thia knew Ija was strong, but she was yet to grasp how strong the royal guard was. 

Ija looked at Bane with disgust and anger. 

"A grown adult picking on kids, what a disgrace," Ija said. 

Before Bane could react Ija cut him in half. A feat both amazing and scary. 

Ija looked at the kids once more before speaking. Leave Ija said, her visage was covered in blood, making the once warm and kind knight look more harrowing than ever. 

"No one is leaving" Rex suddenly spoke.

"You seem to be underestimating us lady Ija, or maybe you've overestimated yourself. Truly, Bane was strong, in fact, I can say he's probably stronger than me, but He's not the only ace we've got."

"Lady Zillah, I'm sorry to bother you with a bothersome task, but, can you deal with this" Rex suddenly spoke in a passive tone to Zillah.

"Oh, Rex. Do you want me to blow my perfect cover here and now?" Zillah asked.

"I'm sorry if I've caused you any inconvenience, my Lady".

"Oh, no. Not at all, I came because Dante asked me to watch the child that Hazel showed interest in, and although I was quite disappointed in that aspect, I still had some fun. Being a maid was quite exhilarating and cleaning up after you was more fun than I could imagine. Now I know why all my maids stare back at me in envy. They wish, they had my life, what a pathetic bunch." 

"Oh look at me ranting when there's so much to do and so many to kill". Zillah said sounding excited.

"I wonder where to start and who to start with". Zillah said.

A maniacal laughter ripped from Zillah's throat, a sound that belonged not to a human, but to a beast clawing its way out. Her eyes glowed blue, shining bright in the visage of the night. A searing fire lanced through her bones, her muscles deforming and twisting as if being reshaped from clay.

Her fingers elongated, knuckles cracking like tiny explosions. Claws, tipped with a deadly gleam, erupted from the fleshy pads. A guttural growl, low and primal, rumbled from her chest, sending shivers down her spine.

Her clothes ripped and tore as each of her body undergoes a transformation that could not be kept at by her already tattered clothes, the fabric shredding with a satisfying rip.

Her spine hunched, vertebrae popping as they rearranged themselves. A wet crack echoed as her ribcage expanded, making room for the growing power within. Coarse fur, thick and ash, sprouted from her skin, a wave of prickling heat accompanying its growth.

As the transformation reached its peak, Zillah Howled into the night, the sound echoing through the silent trees. She was no longer a human, but a werewolf. The ash-furred beast looked around, as all