The Massacre 17

Terror radiated from the monstrous werewolf towering beside Rex. Even the valiant Ija, her usually composed gaze locked on the beast, felt a sliver of fear pierce her resolve. This was Zillah, transformed, the horrifying form the Wilde Family were well known for.

The beast blurred, an instant movement of fangs and fur. Everyone except Ija missed the lightning-fast attack. Years of honed reflexes propelled Ija into action. Steel met claw in a deafening clang. Sparks flew as Ija's rune-etched rapier clashed against Zillah's thick hide. The blade, empowered by ancient magic, bit deep, but failed to pierce the werewolf's full defenses.

Ija wasn't fazed. She knew brute force wouldn't win this fight. Dodging another swipe, she launched a counter-offensive. Ija threw a barrage of slashes at the powerful beast but the beast was both strong and evasive. Dodging and sometimes blocking the attacks.

Zillah, a formidable martial artist even in her human form, wasn't easily deterred. Using her newfound agility, she lunged, aiming to overpower Ija with her superior size. Zillah, momentarily grabbed Ija's Rapier with her hand, holding firm on the blade. Seeing the royal knight was now defenseless, she opened her mouth wide and was attempting to bite down on Ija. Ija, ever the seasoned warrior also saw an opening. With a practiced flick of her wrist, she released the hilt of her rapier. 

In a heartbeat, Ija capitalized on Zillah's mistake. Abandoning the now useless weapon, she unleashed a devastating punch, her gauntlets crackling with divine energy from her runes. The blow connected squarely with Zillah's chest, the werewolf flying backward with a pained snarl.

But victory wasn't assured. Zillah, fueled by rage and primal instinct, raked her claws across Ija's face. A bloody gash erupted, testament to the werewolf's savage strength. Ija stumbled back, a hand flying to her wound.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, the tide of the battle hanging in the balance. Ija, her face marred by a large wound, glared at the enraged beast.

The werewolf tossed Ija's blade back with a sarcastic snarl, then licked the blood staining her hand. Ija met Zillah's mocking gaze with a grim smile. Although they were bearing the marks of a brutal exchange, they were both still brimming with energy.

Ija snatched her blade, channeling her very essence into the inscribed runes. They pulsed with blinding light, the rapier morphing in her grasp. The hilt reshaped into a cross guard, the thin blade thickening and sharpening into a fearsome longsword. With both hands gripping the hilt, she raised the weapon, her eyes mirroring the fierce glow emanating from the blade. It was an invitation – a silent challenge... Ija got into a fighting stance, she was ready for their next dance.

Zillah responded with a primal howl, a predator thrilled by the challenge. With lightning speed, the beast dropped onto all fours, charging at Ija with a maddening growl. Ija held her ground, meeting the werewolf's ferocity head-on. Zillah launched herself at Ija, claws slashing down. Ija met the attack head-on with a mighty swing of her transformed blade. Steel met claw in a shower of sparks. The force of the blow sent the werewolf skidding backward.


Seizing the opportunity, Ija lunged forward, the longsword singing through the air. The beast twisted in a desperate dodge, but not entirely in time. The blade sliced through its thick fur, drawing a crimson line across its side. Zillah roared in pain, but fueled by rage, ignored the wound and lunged back at Ija... The dance continued, a whirlwind of steel and fury. Ija, a whirlwind of calculated movements, danced around Zillah's frantic swipes. Every dodge was followed by a precise counterattack, inflicting a series of smaller wounds on the enraged beast.

Frustration clawed at Zillah. She let out a deafening roar that momentarily shook Ija's focus. The werewolf capitalized on the opening, a brutal swipe connecting with Ija's stomach. The knight grunted, doubling over in pain as a red stain bloomed on her armor.

Rex and the others stared at the battle in awe. The clash between Ija and Zillah was something that one mostly read in books and heard in stories. No one expected to witness something like this today but here they were. The dance of two maidens Ija the fierce and Zillah, a Wilde. 

"So this is the power of the Wildes" Thia thought. 

"I can't believe, Hana's family are this strong, Are they all this powerful? I mean she's going toe to toe with Ija". Thia thought. 

"Maybe I should…"

"Don't even Dear" Hansi said.

"If you intervene you'll die a miserable death" He said.

"But, she needs…." Thia tried to protest but Hansi didn't want to hear it.

"I know you are concerned for her but look closely", Hansi said.

"Does that look like the face of someone about to lose to you?" Hansi asked.

Thia stared closely at the fighting Ija. Moving gracefully, as she battled her fearful opponent. Despite the fact that Ija was covered in wounds, her expression was still brimming with life, in fact Thia was certain Ija was having the time of her life. If she intervened, not only would she die, Ija would also lose the fight. 

"You guys should go on. Thia said to the others. I'll stay incase Ija needs my help."

"Shouldn't we all leave together?" Miriam asked.

"No you guys go on first, I'll catch up with you" Thia said.

Miri Helped Hansi and they all began to leave .

"Where are you kids going" Rex Voice sang menacingly as he came out from the shadows

"Didn't I just say, no one is leaving this place alive?"

Rex lunged at Miriam who was Holding Hansi and wanted to take both of them out first

Thia was cut off guard and tried to help her friends but before she react, a silver haired girl blocked Rex's attack.

Thena stood between Rex and Miriam, she blocked his blade with a small knife she kept from the orphanage party. 

"Thena?" All the kids said together immediately they saw the final member of their team.

"What are you trying to do to them Dad?" Thena asked Rex, who was pissed at another intrusion.